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Posts posted by Chimaera

  1. Us and MI6 is a funny one. No one in cng gives a flying $%&@ if MI6 burn to a crisp. This is all self deserving. With my point on STA it still stands. Instead of actually coming back with half asset theories come back with something actually substantial.


    You know, for someone who never does anything but talk a whole lot of s*&^, you do a surprisingly small amount of backing it up.

  2. If it's a last good fight you want, then we'll give you one that will let you be remembered as heroes.

    For heroes always need those of us who live forever to immortalise their tale.

    You might not have had what you deserved from us in the halls of public oratory, but you will have it in the battlefield.

    Best of luck TPF.


    I may not know much.


    But I know that one day, you'll rue those words.


    I am exceptionally proud to fight and die alongside my brothers in TPF.  

  3. Those are completely trash stats.  No s*&^ they've gained NS - they've had well over a thousand nations do military bulking while only a couple hundred are at war.


    You should be comparing actual damage dealt to actual damage dealt, but that wouldn't paint nearly such a rosy picture so let's avoid it at all costs, eh?


    Edit: Noticed you can see that, buried at the very bottom.  Clever.

  4. Rather than blaming your problems on former allies, and external parties, you should consider what you all have done to get yourselves here. It is true, you are unfortunate victims, but victims of unfit candidates calling themselves your leaders. You know who I'm talking about, the sort of people that impress others with the notion that your alliance is composed entirely of tactless reprobates. Fix that problem, and change your approach.

    When founded, you guys presented yourselves as a bold experiment, well it pains me to say it, but so far it's a failed one- do something about it.


    Edit: You know what, that's too mean.


    Sorry you feel that way, IAT.

    Overkill is best kill. It's swift and gets back to rebuilding faster.

    More like MI6 is. Trying to use it as a meat shield for our sympathies. The "Great wall of endlessly recited good deeds."


    Hold the actual f*&^ on.  We're trying to use TPF as a meatshield?  TPF, the alliance we explicitly told not to defend us in this conflict and whom you pre-emptively attacked?


    I'm done with this.  


    Hahahahaha! Thanks man, I needed good laugh to start the day.




    We're giving them an honorable fight. It'd be dishonorable to treat them as if they could not chart their own path or endure their own consequences. Are you implying that TPF are sheep who cannot endure the consequences of their own actions? They are on the side of the front as our enemy, That is how they rightly shall be treated until it is not so. That is where they want to be, that is how it shall happen.


    We're going to throw all of our might and glory at them because they deserve no less. They shall be treated as the proud fighters we know them to be.


    I say your pleading for them like bleating lamb does more to belittle them than us simply staying the course of our long known geopolitical intentions and direction.


    Someone find this man a [OOC]Republican candidate for President[/OOC] - they could use spin doctors this good.


    Good lord, you simply can't believe such patent drivel.


    The term ally dropped out a month or so back. You should keep pace with the times. They're also your ally now.. that technically makes them collateral damage. Don't like fighting TPF, but they joined up with a threat, aka, you.


    I mean, if you really cared for TPF you shouldn't have allied with them so they wouldn't have been rolled because of you. Where was your sense of preserving them then?


    I'm not referring to TPF - I'm referring to Non Grata.  TPF knew what they were doing when they signed us, and while I'm furious to see them pre-empted in a war we'd expressed our intention to keep them out of, I couldn't possibly be less surprised by NPO's actions.

  8. This is likely the move that will be the beginning of the end for Oculus. Seriously, whoever the Einsteins were that though this up, are complete amateurs who have suddenly found themselves in a position of relevance. Cannot believe NPO gov actually allowed this. It is probably a really good thing I am not in gov. My advice to the rest of ODN, if I run for office, it would be in  your best interest not to vote for me.


    Dear God, Rush and I agree on something.  It really is the end.


    Yes.  Despite multiple mi6 gov all agreeing its true, backed by logs, you respond to say it is !@#$%^&*?


    You are universally disliked because of actions like that.  I feel nothing but disgust towards your cowardice.


    I'd wear your disgust like a badge of honor, if you were worth that much.  MI6 has answered your two-year-old allegations a thousand times and will not do so again.  


    Oh Chim, you have time to post this, but when you were confronted with your outright lies about your shady foreign affairs conduct, you suddenly abandoned the other thread to 1000 !@#$ comments from Myth?


    Why no honesty about your lack of integrity?  


    Honestly Hart, your arguments are so utterly full of bulls*&^ and this game so disinterested in the truth that why should I do anything but mock the hilarity of it all?


    It's good that the sarcastic hart is back. I was afraid we were all going to have to be forced to watch you attempt to justify outright bellicosity and attempting to instigate a war.


    I'm glad that after reading the DoW you all collectively decided that arguing about whether you weren't full of !@#$ didn't really matter to you that much, and that after several months of such behavior finally did the math and went took a roll of the dice on warring for nothing.




    But Myth!  The whisper campaign!  What about all the whispering?



    Let's pretend there is any truth behind this statement for a second. Would you rather your enemy just lie down and not even attempt to put up a fight? Isn't the entire point of war on Bob at this point to provide us with our yearly entertainment to remind us why we don't hate this world?


    Truth ceased to be relevant where MI6 is concerned years ago.


    Three heroes, have been foretold
    A Pen, a Myth,  and lannister Gold.
    The world shall tremble one more time
    Before the war that dims the light
    And from the darkness the spies shall rise
    To claim the promised land they're owed
    The final seal was broken. Let the OWF tremble.



    It has begun.

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