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Everything posted by SkonesMickLoud

  1. It's also a great way to get kicked out and denied benefits. Don't lie to your recruiters kids. They'll find out.
  2. You guys, apparently. Don't tell me you haven't seen all of the NPO videos on YouTube, the buying of the NPO flags, even folks getting NPO tattoos... Pixels...
  3. Which represents an entire month's growth...
  4. So you would defy your emperor? That's not a very good lapdog...
  5. You have seen your alliances war screen, right?
  6. Point #2 was moot, as the granting of terms relied on NPO's acceptance of term #1. I don't know how quick you are with a calculator, but I find it hard to believe that a specific, or even close-to-ballpark figure could have been calculated in such a short time. Alternatively, had NPO so desired, they could have calculated the ballpark themselves. As you later state however, NPO has a massive amount of income and can more than afford the reps of damage done to a 50 some-odd member alliance. You're assuming A LOT with these calculations. Comparing your "estimate" of the tech economy within NPO with their current amount of tech (I'm going by what the alliance info screen shows as of this post, not at the time of the negotiations, as I don't have that info), which by the way is roughly 1,029,678, shows that the NPO as an alliance has only been purchasing tech internally, with no external deals, and no tech recieved as part of reps, for about 13.75 months. So it would seem that your calculations aren't even close to correct, and NPO would stand to "lose" much much less than you have estimated as a result of not being able to deal tech. I should also point out that, as requested by NPO, the moratorium on tech deals would not last the entire 60 days, but only as long as the reps due to OV were outstanding. As I mentioned before, the reps due would be a paltry sum for an alliance with an economy the size of NPO. Odds are very good that they could knock the reps out with one 10-day aid cycle.
  7. <-- US Marine trying to go back in. I miss blowing s**t up.
  8. coughcoughcough174guestsmeansthereareonly492membersonlinecoughcoughcough
  9. We're also good at war and stuff. Join MK. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
  11. How is it that Nation A, while viewing Nation B's screen, can see that Nation B has a Hidden Nuke Silo, and 25 nukes? Shouldn't this wonder, and the 5 extra nukes, show up only when the nations owner looks at his own page?
  12. The game tells me that in order to avoid Anarchy, I need to leave 20% of my soldiers at home. Then it helpfully gives me the maximum number of soldiers I can deploy while avoiding anarchy. The problem is that the max number of deployable soldiers is 4013 more soldiers than I have. The number the game gives should always be lower than the number of total troops my nation has.
  13. Having just sent off a batch of 50 tech, I find myself without any. When trying to decommission tanks, I get this message: You have received an error trying to view a page. Here is the detailed error code: You do not have enough technology to purchase tanks at this time. Yes, I remembered to make it a negative number, and no, I'm not even eligible to purchase tanks anyway.
  14. Not all IRL cruise missiles are thermonuclear, and the ones that are still produce radiation...
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