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Hime Themis

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Everything posted by Hime Themis

  1. Runaway Alliance Seniority: 12/8/2016 9:36:03 PM (339 Days) Where did you go big boy??? Dame Hime Themis
  2. Joshua A little slow there boy. Do not worry eventually you might get the hang of it before the game ends. Will you continue to require outside help for this?? Dame Hime Themis 11/11/2017 12:45:25 AM Devon Ruler: Jesse End New Pacific Order Dulra Ruler: Hime Themis The Order Of The Black Rose Target Weapons of Mass Destruction Success But Caught 11/11/2017 12:45:00 AM Devon Ruler: Jesse End New Pacific Order Dulra Ruler: Hime Themis The Order Of The Black Rose Target Weapons of Mass Destruction Complete Failure
  3. Gentle Persons Poor Umbrella the mighty alliance needs outside help already.Of course it is sad to see NPO continue to slip so low. 11/11/2017 12:45:25 AM Devon Ruler: Jesse End New Pacific Order Dulra Ruler: Hime Themis The Order Of The Black Rose Target Weapons of Mass Destruction Success But Caught 11/11/2017 12:45:00 AM Devon Ruler: Jesse End New Pacific Order Dulra Ruler: Hime Themis The Order Of The Black Rose Target Weapons of Mass Destruction Complete Failure
  4. Typical Thrawn All mouth no action Dame Hime Themis
  5. Thrawn Perhaps with your deep insight you can tell us all the secret tactic of your leader who anarchied himself by deleting all his troops and disabling xp when he declared on me. May be Lady red can get you some of his training manuals. I care little if you goofs think it will not hurt. Really care to point out a whine? Surely your intellect is up to actually finding a single quote doing that after the announcement. Dame Hime Themis
  6. lady red I am sure i do not care. Dame Hime Themis
  7. Neo Uruk What is so difficult for you people to understand. We are not fighting a war we are taking revenge. Some of us have been waiting for someone stupid enough to step on the mine so we could leave with a bang. Thanks to Umbrella we have. A few rogues here and there So to repeat for the slow learners if this was a war it would have been fought differently, since this is a revenge run it was not. Sigh It has been such a pleasure listening to all your deep insights. Think I will check out. Dame Hime Themis
  8. Neo Uruk So you guys would pay for improvements and wonders you cannot use? Brilliant. Wow you guys really have no clue how to do this do you. Dame hime Themis
  9. Lady Red I have fought successfully far more than you so spare me your deep insight. The vote was not for war but vengeance. Some of us will then be exiting I can assure you after your brilliant review of what was deleted and waht was not you have absolutely nothing to offer of value. Dame Hime Themis
  10. Lady Red As usual you are clueless, I have no intention of turning it around. I will be leaving and taking a few pounds of flesh from our gutless attackers. They will receive as reward nothing but losses.Maybe you should look at what was dropped and try rubbing two brain cells together to get a clue. Suicide means death not return I do not think they were suicide rounds. Learn what a term means. Dame Hime Themis
  11. Lady red In fairness You have no clue what I am doing and why. Dame Hime Themis
  12. Good Devialance Sorry no lesson a choice on our part, we preferred not to have to support someone doing what we did not believe in. Once again not my call, I actually tried to get a group of neutrals into a mutual defense pact, but neutrals will be neutral. Respectfully Dame Hime Themis
  13. Actually your policies and mouth caused you alliance to get rolled. By the way Umbrella claims this was no raid, are you calling them liars??
  14. Hello Franz Ferdinand We had 32 declarations on our people when I posted so kindly jam that idea where the sun does not shine. No it is not the case as Your own leader posted. Keep on message boys. You still cannot conceive this can you, my work was to have a nations that could be an aid to our alliance. Since our leadership chose to pursue revenge not supplication, there is no longer a need for it. Unlike you people I have no great emotional attachment to a pixel fake nation, I do not need to remember for posterity its achievements, never did I post any of those on a public forum or on my nation. You poor saps never understood my motivation. Your little egos are so tied to your imaginary status in a fake world you cannot see that my nation was simply a tool. My achievements in RL I guess are more than most of yours will ever be so I do not need to cling to my fake status in game as some monument. Even you ridiculous Occulus we are many, show how your egos are so tied to a fantasy world. You and Zigur or what ever he calls himself next are brothers in that. Thanks to you and yours that Paragon was beaten down with perpetual threats and insults and I smply have no reason to afford you anymore the courtesy never accored me. So do spare me. I will leave you one. A wise man does not suffer fools gladly. Dame HIme Themis
  15. My resignation was my own idea LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL I suppose it was your own leadership idea to get your alliance rolled?
  16. Franz Ferdinand Care to show the link to the DOW from Umbrella, now you are going full hypocrite. There was nothing gentlemanly about fusing fake rogues and no DOW. Frankly we have no desire to survive after being told what are place is so we can be harvested again if you truly do not understand then further prattle with you is useless. Though I am always amused how the large alliance always want the smaller one to lay open their breast so they can be harvested and then be grateful they were allowed to live to be harvested again. The talk of honour form Umbrella is about as hilarious as it gets. Since you seem incapable of reading. Our "Leader" is Sir Winslow and we run with a Knights Council and ring of nobles this choice was not mine, it was the whole leadership who chose this course of action. It is always amusing that those doing a curbstomp throw insults about outbursts of emotion when they try to destroy others. It is really ripe. Thank you for your deep psychological review. What was given to me by my alliance is a release from the responsibility to be there to protect my alliance as THEY chose this path. So I no longer had to accept the views of morons without returning the rebuke. Quite liberating. So thank you for your great concern but I will Chivalrously suggest we are quite content if you save your council for someone who cares what you think. Still pals?? Dame Hime Themis
  17. Zigur You figured out to get your alliance rolled and your self booted out as leader. So yes we are all impressed with your model. Dame HIme Themis
  18. The you are free to declare on me on my way down gutless.
  19. Franz Ferdinand Oddly your old-school approach has no problem with Umbrella using fake rogues, no Dow and no actual reason. Blow for blow with an alliance three times our size to gain what exactly, more loot for Umbrella? So yes I am sure you would like us to just attack back and fill your coffers we decided that that was not going to be the way to go. Show no honour receive none in return Fighting shape thus the use of fake rogues, yes one of our rogues has already applied again to Umbrella and no DOW?? What a crock. We got exactly the same reaction we have always gotten by the same jerks as before. Lack of Chivalry??LOLOLOLOLOL Chivalry is not bending over and asking may I have another, sir. Dame Hime Themis
  20. You are a pay-to-win individual on a World that can never have winners. See if you can conceive just how stupid that statement is. And no, we didn't need to make a DoW You are now Umbrella dimwit??
  21. DeathAdder See? No I like to tell it like it is. It is pleasing to see that very thin skin of yours is still rough. Oh no, the people who have always dealt honourably, do not cheat, support the game through the rules by donating to keep the game running, do not backstab an ally, nor raid smaller nation for blackmail and always keep their word are not loved. I can live with that, I could not live with being what you are.Seriously Because you were such a friend before . Dame HIme Themis
  22. Good Franz Ferdinand Once again I feel you people clearly have no idea what our discussed intent is. We are not looking for reconciliation, negotiation, boot licking and could care less about the moral high ground compared to an alliance that sent fake rogues, declared on a number of our nations and our alliance with no DOW and was even too lazy to come up with fake reason other than we "want to bring you down". We are quite comfortable that when a gutless alliance three times our size comes "to take us down" that all gloves are off. Though I do thank you for your concern. Respectfully Dame Hime Themis
  23. DeathAdder While we do enjoy your never ending blither, it always amuses me the thin skin of those who throw insults and abuse about having it come back when they make stupid comments. Dame Hime Themis
  24. Chaoshawk Nice try donut hole. gave you by electing you as a Black Team Senator Your precious donations won't save you now. Dame Hime Themis
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