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Hime Themis

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Everything posted by Hime Themis

  1. Yo dumb#ss you cannot rogue someone who attacked you. Let DeathAder explain the mechanics to your feeble mind.:)
  2. I find your presence the most pompous next to Thrawn. Are we going to exchange Christmas cards now. You cannot fathom how little I care what you think.LOL
  3. Really what was your maximum rating?? Yup I knew nothing of the game mechanics your nation proves how much better you were at it.
  4. Nope moron as usual you never willget it. We do not believe in the mindles destruction of other as to pretend you are important. We swore we would not attack others if they did not attack us or our allies we leave having kept that romise. Thank you for attacking us and giving us some fun on the way out to lessen your pompous alliance for no gain, it is kind of you. Stupid but kind.
  5. Ah grub you giant fat@ss. Another pompous twit I shall not miss reading. Enjoy watching a decade go up in flames Another moron too stupid to understand i simply do not care. This is a game and unlike some of you I am not what I am in game, never has been, You self importance has always puzzled me, is your real life really that pathetic?
  6. What I think is happening is our alliance has achieved apathy and we are saying goodbye on our own terms.
  7. You still do not know how to read. One thing I will not miss. I could care less what you think is happening. What I think is happening is our alliance has achieved apathy and we are saying goodbye on our own terms.
  8. You never have understood. I could care less what you think is happening. You will always be clueless.
  9. Wow the gutless tactical genius rides again.LOL
  10. Wow you really are thick. Because I do not care, my nation was their to help my alliance period. Now no alliance no need for my nation
  11. Tharwn Brilliant as always. We do not care. But you will find no reward. But hey think you are a tactical genius it is your normal pompous idiocy. Dame Hime Themis
  12. Death Adder We go out on our own terms because we can. Not that deep even for you. Dame HIme Themis
  13. Death Adder No you are being obtuse, I told Cuba three years ago how easy it was for a larger alliance. You need to work on your skills. Dame Hime Themis
  14. Lady Red No victim we had previously warned people that if they went this route we would punish them Simple clean and we always keep our word. Difficult concept for some. Nope you clearly do NOT understand.LOL Dame Hime Themis
  15. Says the Gutless guy who hid behind rogues and needed a tactical plan to take down an alliance 1/3 the size.LOL
  16. Lady Red I am sorry, we decide that we would not reward deceit, we would not bow to blackmail and not suck up to save our skins. You wish to go another way I respect that. We decide as an alliance, we do not have someone dictate what we do. It is our way. Dame Hime Themis
  17. Once again you clearly do not understand. A war is for survival. We look to punish. We have had a good run and now wish toenjoy our goodbye punish the fool who tested our willingness to do so.
  18. Yup,all mouth as usual, Joshua at least had the balls you lack to declare on me. You should learn from him
  19. Lady Red Not sure how your alliance works but in ours we decide together a course of action. Is that a new concept to you?? Dame Hime Themis
  20. Yup only 4 million more casualties than you gutless.
  21. Thrawn Come on down gutless. Dame Hime Themis
  22. Tharwn Nope you have always been a coward, we all know you are all mouth and you continue to prove it. Dame Hime Themis
  23. Good Lady Red The fight in me is for my alliance. My own position is meaningless, pity others could not see that. No alliance no interest in holding a nation for stats. By the way warchest no real bills means weeks of nukes for the lucky. Respectfully Dame Hime Themis
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