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Posts posted by Triyun

  1. The Tianxia East China Sea fleet moved into position towards the North of the Sea as the entire nation went on high alert with the sudden thrusts down into Japan.  The aim of the operation was focused on protecting the Ryukyu's from a further expansionism of the Uriankhai.  While the Yuan was a mongol horde itself, the less than friendly disposition and opaque goals of the Uriankhai had provoked a deep suspicion as rapid reaction forces were quickly routed to the Northern border of the Empire.  The goal would be to forestall and if necessary, use limited action to prevent a complete overrun in the North.  


    At the same time U-2s and Global Hawks coupled with satellite ISR capabilities provided images deep into Japan of what was happening.


    Behind that advance, Tianxia marines would be sent in to the Ryukyus to reoccupy he historic province of the Empire, and provide support agains he forces as they advanced as far south as Kyushu.  Key elements of the operation would include reoccupying Okinawa air field and securing it from Raptor operations.


    At the same time a olive branch of diplomacy would be sent to the Uriankhai.  It was in the form of a letter, written in both Mongol the language of both people, and in classical Chinese, the lingua franca of the Eastern World, by the brush of the Emperor himself.


    O' Khans of the North:


    Be aware, for the Yuan has arisen anew.  We urge you to turn back your fool hardy thrust and embrace the Way.  It is true that we in Asia share blood, and are like Brothers.  We are all descendants of Heaven, of Tengri.  Is it not true that a son must obey his father.  And that a father must want his family to live in harmony?  Such violent behavior against those who are your brothers can only bring discord and the wrath of heaven.  Turn back now and let us settle these things in peaceful harmony and return to the Way.  


    Come to Nanjing so that we may feast and drink in peace.


    Yuan Shizi, Khagan and Emperor of Tianxia

  2. Professor  Hugo X, a secret Nordic Scientist smuggled into Tianxia after the last Great War, stood at the gateway as it rumbled with power.  The lines between the worlds had begun to shake as scientists from the Perfectly Rationally World Committee on Multiple Earths and SCIENCE!!!!  Watched on.  At two points in the same spot in Nanjing two identical devices were being constructed.  Now all they needed was a host to tear open the gateway.




    Now all they needed was a host to run, 10 Kiljillion Volts of Dark Matter through, to reverse the chronoton flow and cover near the entire Empire in a unified time stream.  The plan was hatched.  They were to kidnap the leader of Bear Island.

  3. [center]Wolf_Symbol2.jpg[/center]


    From the ruins of the Dragon Rebellion, and the ashes of Japanese Fascists, a song has been heard.  From the Yellow to the Pearl River.  From the Tianshan Mountains, to the East China Sea.  The banner of Yuan flowed again.  Red as people demanded restoration.  


    In Nanjing the people arose, WAN SUI, WAN SUI!!! WAN WAN SUI!!! They cried.


    In Taipei ten thousand paper lanterns were lit in the sky.


    In Beijing, dances were held in the street.


    In Hong Kong, fire works shot off in Victoria Bay.  


    Thousands gathered banners of the People's Liberation Army.  They flocked to hear a new ruler had been crowned.  A man, stood at the Palace in Nanjing.  Crowds roared to see him.  


    The Emperor had returned.


    Yuan Shizi stood waving as they cheered breathlessly, this was the man they had been waiting for.  For too long he had been held captive, for too long he had been denied.  


    Now it was time to change:


    "Comrades, Countrymen, Brothers in Arms.  For too long we have been spoon fed lies.  We have been told that we must hide our light, that we must hide our glory.  No longer.  Zhonguo Qi Lai Le.  To our friends, to those who have kept the faith, to those who have stood for the values we stood for.  To our comrades in Carthage, and other brothers in our eternal friendship, to our brothers in Asia, you have nothing to fear.


    BUT!  No longer shall we hide, or deny who we are.  Today, the Horde of Tianxia reenters the World Community.  Let those who oppose us howl in despair.  We're back!



  4. Iceland + Jan Mayen

    Britain would move what was judged the mostly obsolete Northlands Navy to bases in Iceland where it would be decertified for combat, though kept in active status.  Instead the vessels there would have simulated armaments instead of live ones and would be used for drilling operations in young recruits from the navy the sole exception would be the assault ships and its escorts which would move to the Azores for island capture drilling.  Additionally many specialist officers were given options to transfer over to the Royal Navy once they completed their training time.





    Low Countries


    The British Air Special Warfare School would open a branch in the Netherlands repurposing much of the Northlands air force that wasn't kept in reserves for parts and quick replacement of units.  Three squadrons of simulated adversarial F-22s would be stood up for near constant drilling.  Pilot squadrons from Britain would take turns on rotational drilling, giving them twice the flight hours under hostile conditions of their peer adversaries while using economies of scale to drive down per hour costs.






    Meanwhile the old Northlands B-1 forces would be moved over to Bermuda where they were to drill between there and the azore anti-maritime operations and air space penetration.  The planes would act as live action test grounds for various pilot wings as they rotated through for live training including some live fire exercise simulating over the horizon attacks on a well defended air space.



    Falkland Islands


    With the rise of a state next door there was a mix of consternation and opportunity.  Many of the eyes in the Falklands fell on London, as plans were made hopefully to have a profitable trading relationship with the new argentine state.




    St. Helena


    St. Helena would have several missile defense batteries moved from the Northlands and British arsenals moved over quietly to a labratory setup there.  Comparing the code for commonalities inherent in the basic architecture, a highly classified program began.  At the center of it was zero day exploits all similar weapons would have.  The primary purpose of the program was of course to quietly patch the British systems.




    The elections were coming up, the British Electoral Commission had set up a temporary commission to certify the fairness of the election.  So far polling had the Maltese Independence party favoring maximum devolution ahead by 40%, the Christian Democrats favoring a right leaning government with greater integration in exchange for greater money at 35%, and the Socialist Party favoring well they weren't quite sure at 25%.




    Balaeric Islands


    The Naval Irregular Forces would begin purchasing more land on the Islands, paying fishing villages an annual stipend.  In it they would build sophisticated sensor monitoring, while their fast boats would practice insertions into heavily contested hostile territory, and then rapid penetration in shore to destroy missile batteries, radars, and air bases early into a conflict.




    Azores + Madeira


    The arrival of the amphibious ship allowed the Royal Marines to open a full time maritime assault training operation, while not compromising the fleets ability to patrol.  Several advanced anti-ship and anti-air systems along with a contingent of strike fighters was committed to oppose landings, as the marine force simulated highly contested environment landings.  Rotating through ship based forces to give them real drilling conditions at a much higher rate than their potential adversaries.






    The San Antonio class ship had now become the temporary command center for a corps of engineers.  A barge would be moved in to build a naval station at Ascension, while orders were filled to place both defensive batteries for sea and air based threats onto the island.




    Pacific Territories


    Elections were pouring in as things were looking good for many of the traditional parties.  Of the main stream UK parties the one which did the best was labor.


  5. The British Government had rolled out the red carpet for the foreign minister of the GOS in London, having arranged for a trio of rolls royces to bring him and his delegates to 10 Downing, were they were prepared a special lunch by some of the top chefs in London.  Prime Minister Urquehart would great them there, "Hello everyone, thank you for coming to London on this most auspicious day, we hope your long flight was a good one?" he said shaking hands before sitting down at the table.

  6. Iceland + Jan Mayen



    Open borders between the Northern territories and the rest of the British Empire had begun.  Professionals were now free to travel and better integrate the economies.


    Low Countries

    Construction to rebuild several key international institutions in Brussels had begun.  The Continental territories were abuzz with activity, in hope that a sanctuary of democracy would finally arise on the continent.



    The Royal Navy made its first port call here with a squadron of littoral combat ships.  The ships made great progress in showing the British Commitment to the security of the Western Atlantic.



    Falkland Islands would recieve its first air contingent with a refueler plane, a E-3, four P-8s, a global hawk and four F-15s arriving at the Island.  Locals would put on an approving nod at a subsequent air show.



    St. Helena

    St. Helena was increasingly becoming a popular tourist spot for British Citizens.  Meanwhile many of its citizens were enjoying the opportunities to now return to the Mother Country.




    New British Sensor stations were now complete on the island including signals intelligence, radar, and sonar.  Elections were now beginning for members of parliament as well as a ballot on whether Malta wished to be separate or included with the other Med territories.


    Balaeric Islands

    With Carthage's presence on the Island, British focused in large measure on security matters, new radar and sonar systems were on track being built. 

    The Naval Special Irregular Forces would also establish training camps and recruit local fisherman in special information gathering missions.


    Azores + Madeira

    The Azores and Madeira were benefiting from massive economic booms between the Azores, Madeiras tourism and government influxes.  Government facilities were receiving overhauls and communication infrastructures would soon be used to facilitate increased trade with Carthage, while factories were built as part of project Tricent.



    Geological surveys were made of the Island for its suitability for greater settlement.  The Navy also sent a San Antonio Class to the Island to determine how the British Royal Navy can best make use of it.


    Pacific Territories

    The British would begin setting up local government structures for self rule.  Candidates would be seated in a decentralized local parliament, who could pass budgets and largely conduct their own affairs.



  7. We would propose the following with revisions to the original document of a revitalized NATO.


    The Parties to this Treaty reaffirm their faith in the purposes and principles of the Just War and International Customary Law and their desire to live in peace with all peoples and all governments.


    They are determined to safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilisation of their peoples, founded on the principles of democratic values, individual liberty and the rule of law. They seek to promote stability and well-being in the North Atlantic area.

    They are resolved to unite their efforts for collective defence and for the preservation of peace and security. They therefore agree to this North Atlantic Treaty :


    Article 1


    The Parties undertake, as set forth in the the Atlantic Charter, to settle any international dispute in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered, and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of Just War.


    Article 2


    The Parties will contribute toward the further development of peaceful and friendly international relations by strengthening their free institutions, by bringing about a better understanding of the principles upon which these institutions are founded, and by promoting conditions of stability and well-being. They will seek to eliminate conflict in their international economic policies and will encourage economic collaboration between any or all of them.


    Article 3


    In order more effectively to achieve the objectives of this Treaty, the Parties, separately and jointly, by means of continuous and effective self-help and mutual aid, will maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack.


    Article 4

    The Parties will consult together whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the Parties is threatened.


    Article 5


    The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by international customary law and Just War, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

    Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the International Community.  


    Article 6 (1)
    For the purpose of Article 5, an armed attack on one or more of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack:

    on the territory of any of the Parties in Europe, Africa, or North the Americas, and islands in the Atlantic and its adjacent Seas to include transit points to other oceans;


    Article 7


    Each Party declares that none of the international engagements now in force between it and any other of the Parties or any third State is in conflict with the provisions of this Treaty, and undertakes not to enter into any international engagement in conflict with this Treaty.


    Article 9

    The Parties hereby establish a Council, on which each of them shall be represented, to consider matters concerning the implementation of this Treaty. The Council shall be so organised as to be able to meet promptly at any time. The Council shall set up such subsidiary bodies as may be necessary; in particular it shall establish immediately a defence committee which shall recommend measures for the implementation of Articles 3 and 5.


    Article 10


    The Parties may, by unanimous agreement, invite any other  State in a position to further the principles of this Treaty and to contribute to the security of the North Atlantic area to accede to this Treaty. Any State so invited may become a Party to the Treaty by depositing its instrument of accession with the Governments of the signatory states.


    Article 11


    This Treaty shall be ratified and its provisions carried out by the Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional processes. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited as soon as possible with the Government of the United Kingdom, Government of United States of North America, and the Government of the United Caribbean States which will notify all the other signatories of each deposit. The Treaty shall enter into force between the States which have ratified it as soon as the ratifications of the majority of the signatories.


    Article 12


    After 10 years time should a part wish to renounce this treaty, they shall do it privately before being released from obligations after one years time.


    In regards to the TTIP, I would propose that we negotiate that with all three ready to begin, certainly Britain would be looking for reducing taxes on investment, trade etc and open the markets to the fullest extent possible as early as possible.

  8. "That's of course a perfectly reasonable concern, which is why there should be membership requirements such as a stable government which respects human rights, placing restrictions on the others outside the North Atlantic Community to introduce spoilers or manipulate the alliance, etc.  I would say all new members require unanimous consent.  I have in mind the Carthaginians as possible treaty members from our side of the pond, maybe Hesse, but that's it at least without political reform, and they would each need to apply and have unanimous confirmation."

  9. Unproductive notes aside, the question remains do you wish to do diplomacy or not.  We've repeatedly said a political solution, to which you've been flippant.  Its especially troubling because going back, your treaty with Northlands says absolutely nothing about you getting Schwlesig-Holstein or Hamburg as you originally claimed, but [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/122171-sverige-northlands-diplomacycnrp2/?p=3299883]only specifically references the 2 kilometer canal territory in the transcripts from the archives of the Northland side of the negotiation.[/url]


    The face is is that you simply aren't on any firm legal ground.  In the interest of peace in Europe we're willing to have both our military forces exit the region for peace keepers from some neutral country, probably Prussia due to its proximity, and Carthage and Russia one ally of each of us administer the zone while we sit down with a political settlement either by negotiation or by tribunal from mutually agreed upon sources.  This conduct is not how mature states behave.

  10. KK as unrealistic as it is does get to have his way as he's the only one claiming the protectorate, and was first to do so, and thus gets to RP the citizens.  Its not a rule I agree with but has been enforced against others in the past.

  11. Iceland + Jan Mayen

    British construction of a large bunker facility began on the islands.  Personnel quickly settled in.  In domestic news a new fishing agreement was signed creating amnity and an end to the fable cod wars.


    Low Countries

    A ceremony for William and Mary was held, celebrating the two nations strong bonds.  The British Government has authorized increased investment in the Low Countries, particularly their arms industry in adding to Britain's own significant capabilities.



    The Listening station on the island was now under construction.  A radar facility would soon be constructed.  Interest was also surveyed for Bermuda being a link for a new fiber optic cable to the Americas.



    Falkland Island

    With the listening posts complete, now was security of the island.  Facilities were made to build locations for the British contingent to defend the island.  Additionally naval monitoring was beginning construction.


    St. Helena

    After festivities were included it was to business.  A cable was looked at between africa and south america.  Additionally spending was made on upgading listening facilities on the island and space track.




    The British Government had begun restoration of historical sites.  The Island would be face tracked to become an autonomous region of the Empire.


    Balaeric Islands

    The British Delegation on the islands sent a formal offer to Carthage offering joint administration.  Meanwhile, facilities were quickly upgraded to handle new missile and special naval irregular forces.


    Azores + Madeira

    Significant investment was made in building search and track.  Lines would be run to Carthage to coordinate defense on the gates of the med.



    Ascension would receive a new airport.  Several offices would be setup on the Island with little information provided abut them.


    Pacific Territories

    Space Track Facilities were a major improvement, however, even more fun was a ban on bluefin tuna fishing.  These bands would be strictly enforced as Toro prices climbed...



  12. British Defense Review has retired the Harrier and F-23 force, replacing them with the B-52 and F-22 each respectively, featuring fully upgraded sensor and software packages.  Capabilities are estimated to improve raptor strike time on ground based targets, and give B-52s the ability to fully engage and destroy targets at sea and land from safe distances.  


    The British Parliament in an unprecedented move, has authorized defense spending to top 10% of GDP for the next fiscal year, nearly doubling its current levels.  The British Government has decided that the illiberal world in which we leave is simply to dangerous to not prepare.  Defense Minister Churchill said, “This time, they will not utter those damning words, ‘Too Late’ The British people are prepared to spend whatever it takes to defend the Empire and its friends from the threats which arise.  Further, we will defend our values.  This Government has noted with alarm, both on the Continent and the wider world a lack of respect for the sacredness of human life and human rights, and a fascination with arms.  Well, if there cannot be arms control, this Government will show these chaps what a arms build up looks like I guarantee you of that!”


    BBC reports that the biggest change will be the creation of the Strategic Rocketry Forces, a whole new branch of the Royal Armed Forces, which will be arming with what are called anti-access area denial capabilities, space forces, theatre range strategic forces, global strategic forces, and forces necessary to achieve national missions through non-kinetic means.  The British Government is estimated to continue increasing the strategic rocketry forces along with the British Naval Irregular Littoral Operations Forces into perpetuity until agents of global instability agree to discuss arms control.


    [Classified Top Secret- Code Word Only]

    New British Defense Posture Rates:


    Air Superiority Aircraft:


    200 F/A-22 E Raptor


    Multi-Role Fighter:


    144 F-15 Slam Eagles

    183 Rafales

    143 E/A-18 G Advanced Growlers

    240 F/A-18 E/F Advanced Super Hornets


    Strategic Bomber Forces:


    24 B-2 Bombers w/o START II armament restrictions

    36 B-52 H Full Modernization

    36 B-1 B w/ F-119 Engines, forward installed AESA radar, Sniper Pod, A2A mod capable pylons


    Additional Aircraft:


    100 E-2 Hawkeye

    120 E-3 Sentry

    200 P-8 Poseidon

    50 RC-135

    40 EC-130 H

    25 EC-130 J

    30 E-8 JSTAR

    30 U-2

    16 SR-71

    100 MC-130 (Production ongoing)

    80 Global Hawks Block 40 B

    80 RQ-170 Sentinals 

    500 RQ-9 Reapers (production ongoing)

    50 KC-10

    600 Agusta Westland Apache (Production ongoing)

    120 MH-60 (Production ongoing)


    various airlift, intelligence, small drones, and smaller aircraft/ helicopters


    10 Nimitz Class Super Carriers

    16 Zumwalt Class Battleships

    14 Ticonderoga Class Cruiser

    22 King Sejong the Great Destroyer w/ U.S. software installed for systems (expands compliant launchers to carry all weapons)

    20 20 Fridtjof Nansen-class Frigate w/ U.S. software installed for systems (expands compliant launchers to carry all weapons)

    24 Alvaro de Basan-class Frigate w/ U.S. software installed for systems (expands compliant launchers to carry all weapons)
    18 Independence Class Littoral Combat Ships (Modified to include the advanced naval strike missile)

    18 Freedom Class Combat Ships

    10 San Antonio Class Landing Ship
    8 Wasp Class Assault Ships

    2 Ohio Class SSGN

    8 Virginia Class SSN

    40 Cyclone Class Patrol Boats

    50 (No Planned Limit) Type-22 Missile Boats

    150 (No Planned Limit) Seraj Fast Boats 

    100 (No Planned Limit) Joshan Class Fast boats

    60 (No Planned Limit)Tir II Torpedo Boats

    100 (No Planned Limit) Yono Class Mini Sub

    200 (No Planned Limit) Mk V SOC

    Various Support Craft including replenishment ships, mine layers/sweepers, roll-on roll off, command ships, naval tankers, etc


    420, 000 Combat Troops

    Below Build Ups Ongoing

    5500 Challenger II

    1200 (ARCHER FH 77 BW L52 Howitzer

    1300 M270 Launchers

    1000 Flakpanzer Gepard

    3000 Bradley Fighting Vehicles (various configurations)

    2500 Stryker Vehicles (various configurations)

    1000 AAVs

    600 S-400 Systems (designed to interoperate with western hardware) (production ongoing)

    600 PAC-3 Systems (production ongoing)

    1000 Aster-30 Systems (designed for full datalink) (production ongoing)

    Large quantities of Humvees and MRAPs

    Classified THAAD System

    Classified Harpoon (production ongoing) and 

    Various other support vehicles and combat arms

    Large numbers of Brahmos anti-shipping launchers/missils (production ongoing)

    Large numbers of  ground launchedTomahawk-B anti-shippling launchers/missiles (production ongoing)

    Large Quantities of naval strike missile launchers/missiles (production ongoing)


    Strategic Rocketry Forces:


    Quantities Classified Fractional Orbital Bombardment System

    Quantities Classified SS-27

    1000 CSS-5 Variants (Designed A-D Class) (Production ongoing)

    1000 DF-16 Variants (Production ongoing)

    1600 Iskander-M (Production ongoing)

    3000 Tomahawk Block IV G.L. (Production ongoing)

    1500 LACM Variant Brahmos G.L. (Production ongoing)

    1200 Special Mission Tomahawk Block IV G.L (production ongoing)

    700 Klub-K Container Missiles (Production ongoing)

    10000 MGM-140A Block IV Tactical Missiles (production ongoing) (additional 400 launchers in Strategic Rocketry Forces arsenal, army has launchers too)

    ASAT Lasers

    Aegis Ashore


    Ground Based Interceptors

    Sea Based X-Band Radars

    Land Based OTH and tactical radars, nation wide passive radar detection grid, VHF detection grid

    Space Productions ongoing:

    SBIRS Space Based Detection

    DSP Space Based Detection

    Classified Numbers SAR, MASINT, ELINT, SIGINT, IMINT Sats

    PNT Constellation (Pairing with Tricent Partners for extra resistance to jamming)

    Manned Space Capabilities (Classified)

    UHF, VHF, EHF Sat Comm Capabilities, currently expanding for signal security and broadband protections

  13. Churchill shook President Hayes hand as he entered the Oval Office sitting down across from the man, "Mr. President, thank you for having me in this most historic and wonderful house." he began, "It is good to see friends from far away." 


    "The British People have entrusted me with bringing a message of friendship to these United States, and hope of restoring our historic ties of fraternity and friendship.  It is our wish that the British and Americans can once again stand for core values that have defined Atlanticism, these values being the ones reflected in our liberal values: freedom of speech and religion, free trade, rule of law, and freedom from fear.... oh and uh a bottle of scotch single malt if you have it. Hahaha."




    Marbury lighting his cigar puffed for a while listening through President Marcos response smiling, holding it in his hand, "Mmm... yes.  Well I think there has to be a dual track you see, one being security focused, one being economic and culturally focused.  What I believe is that we need to offer a positive vision to both sides of the Atlantic Community.  One that addresses security, but one that recognizes security is not just about a strong military but about strong and confident people, and for that you need institutions.


    What I would like to propose is a dual track which would negotiate a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with the United Carribean States, Mr. Churchill is in the USNA proposing the same, which would create a free trade and investment zone as well as seek to harmonize our regulations and legal systems to facilitate easy trade, immigration, property rights etc.  At the same time we would create a defensive partnership based on the old NATO model, which I think works you see because of the strong governance and interoperability requirements.  This positive vision I hope would encourage others in the Atlantic to see the value in and embrace democratic values, and norms which promote a civilized way of conducting international relations based on building prosperity instead of sowing chaos."

  14. "You are not sovereign in the territory and have never been, you've merely asserted a claim to it.  If you're going to attempt to merely push your weight around and live in a reality where only what Sverige says matters rather than negotiate, and only negotiate while occupying you're going to be in sore trouble.  Further Northlands in no historical document ever once showed migration between Germans and other Northlanders, Northlands was not a nationalistic identity the way you talk about Danes.  Germans became Northland citizens, they didn't move.  There rights deserve to be respected in accordance with actual documents.  Britain and Germany are allies, Britain has claim to the area as a protectorate, the sole way Britain withdraws our claim for Sverige is if Sverige sits down with Germans and comes up with a political solution, rather than force one with a military occupation.  Those Germans you claim went to Sverige never were you citizens and all that immigration simply is not documented.  You've not produced a single historical document to support your case, but rather have been wholly uncooperative.  If Sverige wishes to drive towards confrontation because it refuses to deal in facts that is on it.  But it will not receive the results I think it desires.  Negotiation is the only path forward, and Britain will not abandon her allies, and see they can negotiate from a position free of military intimidation or altering of facts on the ground."


    OOC:  I do hope this is just propaganda as you can't RP Ty's former citizens.

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