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Bajoran Federation

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Everything posted by Bajoran Federation

  1. Hahaha yeah usually we vote Yabland into senate but High Times requested that he be voted in until the current cycle's over. Shoulda said no lol. And yeah RR is a great guy. When he left AW I tried like hell to recruit him haha.
  2. Yeah I did haha! Best of luck to all you guys!
  3. Hahaha. We're dealing with our own general assassinations!
  4. This was not state sponsored. I have messaged Mac Daddy and told him to immediately lift all sanctions. In addition, the UN will not vote Mac Daddy into the senate anymore. He'll be lucky if he's not kicked.
  5. He hit all three of his assigned targets haha! For some reason he hit the third one like an hour after he hit the first two though. But we still got about 4 days left of war, so let's see how he does lol. Thanks Bundy!
  6. Yeah I heard he's never online during wars. It had me worried but he's doing great so far haha!
  7. The United Nations declares war on New League of Nations, Roman Empire and Dirty Spy Ops Gang. UN: 21 members 30k+ 7 20k+ 4 10k+ 7 10k- 3 NLoN, RE & DSOG: 19 members 30k+ 4 20k+ 3 10k+ 4 10k- 8
  8. RIP NLoN.... You guys messed up by engaging AW. Horton, your poor decisions just cost your alliance big time. You should've immediately sued for peace. That wouldn't have been as fun to watch though.
  9. Thanks for all the support man! The UN is currently rebuilding and we hope to be back on our feet in a week or two. As for pay back, well, I wouldn't want to spoil anything, would I? Haha. On a serious note, I think it's probably safe to say we won't be attacking anyone any time soon.
  10. Will do! Thanks man. Looks like Ike me and Horton are closing in on a peace agreement.
  11. Nope there's no guides or anything like that. Last round, before I left NLoN for AW, the only advice I got was from New 3m and he told me to get a Pentagon as my 2nd wonder purchase. So that just goes to show what kind of quality their advice is. I liked New 3m though, he was a pretty nice guy, unlike Horton. Anyway, thanks Bundy. The UN is definitely going to get a rematch later this round. All this drama makes me wish I stayed a wolf this round haha!
  12. Yeah I should have lol. It would've been the smartest thing to do. Although, if we weren't as badly beaten up Horton might have been scared off, you know he doesn't like challenges.
  13. yup they picked the one time that the UN was at its most vulnerable. I wish we could've gotten a chance to war with them before the RE war. It would've been a lot more fun. For the UN at least.
  14. Actually this is incorrect. Kzjds & I created an alliance called "New League of Nations". But instead of joining that one, Horton instead created a new one called "The New League of Nations". After a day or so, I changed the name to United Nations (kzjds recommended the name) and then everything was settled, or so I thought. And As Ningkeptune said, how come it took you 30 days to respond? That's an awful long time to wait to "respond". NLoN is officially the lowest of the low.
  15. There is no civil war! I have no idea what makes you think that's what this is. NLoN was handed over in about a day. Me and Kzjds just thought NLoN nations, including you, would like a little leadership for once. If I remember correctly, everything went smoothly and we even cracked a few jokes about Star Trek. You're just trying to falsely justify an extremely dirty move. So far the only alliance involved is the UN. RE and D1 are just onlookers who saw the dirty move you pulled. RE is going through the same thing with REUR right now. Even if you're really still angry about the mishap in the beginning of the round, why attack when we just got out of an extremely hard fought war? You had weeks to attack, but you decided to attack us while we're rebuilding. Then on top of that, you hit us with dirty spy ops, including changing our desired governments and IRS tax rates, and also blockades. You've even been messaging my members trying to recruit them. No he's right. They teach very valuable lessons, lesson 1) don't join NLoN lesson 2) if you want easy xp, attack NLoN lesson 3) if you want a song written, attack NLoN lesson 4) feeling lazy? Attack NLoN lesson 5) low warchest? Attack NLoN ...tons and tons of lessons. also, I pulled this out of our old trophy case, it's a fun read: This is probably the funniest thing I've read on here so far. Makes me wish I was around back then haha. Do you have anymore lol?
  16. Hahaha! Horton just messaged me talking about how NLoN teaches alliances lessons. I don't think he realizes what a joke they are.
  17. I never realized it was this bad haha. They're acting like a bunch of rogues.
  18. NLoN has proven themselves as low as can be as they have attacked the UN (including with dirty blockades and spy ops) only 2 -3 days after our peace agreement with RE. I'd like to be able to say I'm not pissed off but..
  19. Same to you and RE! Who knows, maybe we'll go at it again later this round haha.
  20. I'm not exactly the creative type lol.
  21. The United Nations acknowledges and concedes defeat to the Roman Empire.
  22. This is exactly what I'm talking about. What other alliance does this?
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