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Posts posted by althebold711

  1. I appreciate that, thank you.

    But that is highly unnessecary, because wouldn't you, or anyone else for that matter, report it if you had found it?

    EDIT: for spelling

    Yes because everybody loves a game dominated by one alliance.

  2. GATO only fought FOK, and had to beg for a ceasefire after 3 days or so. Not exactly the main front. Nor a stellar performance.


    Considering FOK has a record low average strength that they were outnumbered, and that GATO was on the winning side, I find that extremely hard to believe.

  3. I don't mean by Nation Strength, as it is obvious who wins that, if you have eyes. What I mean is which alliances would do best in a war? It's not like our opinions matter at all in regards to this, I'm just curious as to how everyone views each alliance, and what alliances people think are the strongest.

    1. New Pacific Order

    2. Green Protection Agency

    3. Independent Republic of Orange Nations

    4. New Polar Order

    5. The Order of the Paradox

    6. North Atlantic Defense Coalition

    7. The Gramlins

    8. Orange Defense Network

    9. Multicolored Cross-X Alliance

    10. Sparta

    I would say

    1. New Pacific Order

    2. The Order of the Paradox

    3. The Graemlins

    4. Independant Republic of Orange Nations

    5. New Polar Order

    6. Orange Defense Network

    7. Global Alliance and Treaty Organization

    8. Sparta

    9. Multicolored Cross-X Alliance

    10. The Phoenix Federation

  4. If the Nazis attack someone ingame based on their beliefs, then they have no right to complain if they are attacked for similar IC reasons. But this whole witchhunt and "crushing" them all is what I'm against.

    I agree. Especially since the more recent accusations, particularly Mogar's and the more recent ones by NPO and friends against NoV, are baseless and we all have yet to see any real proof.

    Nations should be allowed to rp as nazis if they so wish. As long as their beliefs don't harm or infringe on anyone else, why does it matter if there are racists in this game?

    You know there are some nations in cn that could easily be accused of showing islamic extremism. Going to go after them next? Maybe you can call in the Department of Homeland Security to help on that one.

  5. Thus proving Doitzel's point.

    Toss up bewteen GW's I and III

    And Farkistan beats vietFAN easily. FAN was a pre-existing military oriented alliance at the height of it's power. The length of time they held on and the amount of damage they inflcited, while impressive, should not have been extremely surprising. They held on to their membership a bit better than I anticipated, but anyone who expected that war to completely destroy FAN when it started is a bit foolish.

    Fark on the other hand, had no pre-existing base, no experience in war at all, and an entire other alliance was formed to bleed off membership rom them right from the get go. A member of Farkistan once told me they had 30,000 casualties before they hit 1k NS. Fark endured the single longest war in CN history with no chance to prepare and came out as probably one of the most under appreciated military forces in the game right now. Because they were lumped in with SuperFriends and only fought GGA in the recent war, and bcause of their relatively small size and NS, Fark's efficiency in war has been largely over looked. Having gotten a first hand look at Fark's military performace, I can honestly say they are one of the most scarily coorinated groups I have seen, the legacy of the great Holy War of Farkistan.


    Edit: No one word posts. :P

  6. There's the whole rogue Nordreich alliance attacking NPO led by wartides, supported (and aided) by many former (recently expelled) NoV members, and supported vocally on these forums by some members of NoV and NV etc.

    Thanks. That's all I wanted to know.

  7. althebold711, I tried to convey very shortly what I feel are differences between what is popularly referred to as VietFAN, and other historical events you connected to them. I also explained why for Legion, in my mind, such a scenario wasn't a viable option. I also correctly (I am totally sure about this) called out the fake bravado of many who now call out Legion for not fighting a meaningless war for them. We could continue our argument, but it is somewhat off topic. Lets just disagree then. I say (and am utterly and completely sure in this) that if Legion went fighting trying to pull a VietFAN that they psychically couldn't, that there would be no peace for them as an alliance. Ever. As GOLD, NAAC and others never received theirs, and will not. This was the only way to achieve their set goal of saving their alliance. And as I said previously, your concept of what you would chosen as the right goal, is not important here. Only their is, and you can say I would do it differently, from your warm, outside, uninvolved perspective, thats your prerogative. But at least, some of you, have the decency to not spit on them, for choosing what they feel is right for them in your act of false courage.

    I feel what Legion did is better than disbanding, but maybe not the best thing they could have done...but whatever, you're right, it's done now, and my arguing isn't going to change anything.

    As for the "false bravado" comment...only actions can prove that it's anything otherwise, and I and my alliance, thankfully, are not in the same situation the Legion is. Should I ever get in such a situation, judge me then.

  8. Apples and oranges.

    It is different. FAN, contrary to other cases, did great damage due to their nuke count and war abilities, while in other cases that isn't so.

    That makes "VietFAN" a specific, never before seen case. It is a important difference.

    NAAC didn't get peace based upon their "fighting on" or fighting abilities (always over judged by the baseless bragging of exNAAC members, they really weren't that great fighters), but based upon pressure put by Legion and GATO on NPO to end it (then all allies).

    FAN largely got peace for keeping it self alive through their fighting abilities, not foreign pressures on their behalf.

    Fark, got "better terms" by fighting it out. Dont think so. I wouldnt call it "better" terms, at all. ODN is before my time, and although I am sure its before yours as well, I will not claim anything about something that I did not witness. But from what I heard, "better peace terms" do not ring true in this case as well.

    Only FAN in VietFAN manage to get better peace terms through their fighting abilities with most of their enemies, cept for NPO.

    All other cases, are different and can not compare.

    Fighting abilities? I doubt it. Before the halfway point of that war FAN virtually entirely ZI'd or in peace mode. Maybe the number of nukes.

    By NAAC I was referring more to PW2 (which was way before my time, and admittedly I am relying on the history of CN article for this information). Of course, reading that article I realize that surrender terms back then were far less harsh than they are now.

    There are multiple reasons besides being a pain in the ass where peace can be achieved in a "guerilla" war. In the case of FAN, they got peace with the entire UJP because GW4 (or the unjustapalooza or whatever you want to call it) broke out.

    That left NPO alone against FAN. Judging by the Moldavi incident there was probably a large group within your alliance that wanted peace with FAN. Moldavi taking power, as well as the issue of the UJP, created new worries for the order besides just FAN.

    So it's not all about fighting ability. The current political atmosphere and a change in leadership can have great influence as well.

    Time can be a great influence too. I think it's possible within a year from now (probably more) that LUE or NAAC may reform with little opposition besides some minor peace terms (much like what VE has now concerning GGA). Why? Because by then they will have been forgotten or forgiven, or at least their old enemies will no longer care.

  9. VietFAN is a specific case in history, because of the alliance in question (FAN) and the situation in which it took place.

    I really don't think it is a very specific case. Long before VietFAN the NAAC managed to get better peace terms by fighting on...and so did ODN, and Fark, and Goons eventually will as well.

    I think disbanding was a bad idea...I don't think any alliance should disband in such circumstances. But the "guerilla" tactic is proven to work. Sure, Legion would be out of the picture for a long time, but once it's over the members would finally have something to boast about. They could finally back that claim of honor with hard evidence. The improved reputation alone would attract new members. Why do you think Legion has been steadily losing members since GW3? Because they have a reputation of being opportunistic and dishonorable, and no one wants to join such an alliance.

  10. Actually what the Legion should have done was pull a FAN (or an NAAC, FARK, ODN, or NPO...whatever you want to call it) and fought.

    Not only would they have eventually gotten better surrender terms (as history proves "guerrilla" alliances do), they would also have improved a very tarnished reputation...for a change the Legion would actually have something to boast about.

    Those members truly loyal to the Legion would keep the AA forever despite ZI.

  11. The bottom line is that alliance leaders -- however they are chosen -- represent their alliances and all of its member-states. To claim anything else is to completely undermine the alliance system: any treaty would only be between those who signed it; any war declared would only be between those who signed the declaration; any announcement being made would be the personal thoughts of spokesperson, not the stance of the alliance. This is clearly not how things work. When an alliance leader acts it is the alliance acting. The two are not separate entities to be judged on a case by case basis

    Just get rid of the leaders then.

  12. hehe.. incredibly, nearly all of you are pretty much wrong.

    I will explain what happened to me.

    I was ghosting with an AA. This was with their permission since we were mutually benefitting each other. I have been in 3 alliances, all of them screwed me over in one way or another, so I just don't like the politics of alliances and therefore don't want to be in one.

    A situation came up where I made an honest mistake. I had lost 2 trade partners and went looking. Found one, made a deal, aided for trading with me.

    Unfortunately, that trade partner had done something with another alliance and they were "teaching him a lesson". I didn't check to see if this trade partner was in a war.

    I was contacted by the alliance attacking him and told that I was in big trouble, and the alliance I was flying (ghosting) could be in big trouble.

    At that time I dumped out of my AA to get the trade situation fixed.

    Within 24 hours I was hit by Indonesia Raya from TORN for a raid.

    I had nukes, I had CM's, I had aircraft. I retaliated with everything BUT nukes and he accused me of ESCALATING.

    He launched back with everything including a spy attack....... and that was all she wrote. (not a nuke)

    So at this point I am Beetelus.

    I built my nation without alliance help and without tech raiding.

    I think tech raiders are punks and thugs.

    There is no etiquette. for obvious reasons.


    Mind telling us what alliances you were a part of and that you were ghosting?

    I'll admit, that guy's a moron for accusing you of escalating. But you know what? You can't do jack about it. Why? Because you're not in an alliance. You can whine all you want here but he'll still be tech raiding you, and no one is going to help you.

    And yes, we are punks and thugs...punks and thugs that'll kick your @ss.

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