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Posts posted by althebold711

  1. This part is a bit more complicated and I'll have to expect you to hold on for a moment to understand it. Our allies ARE important, and we treat them with the utmost respect. However, one undying rule of our Order is that nobody can enforce themselves upon us, and our allies are no exception. Does that me we are adverse from the start? Of course not - but historical precedent has shown that alliances have thought themselves able to impose themselves on the NPO have seen the consequences of their actions. FAN - NoV War, when you tried to show us up is one example. the GOONS forming the anti-Initiative bloc, the Unjust Path, is another. However in the latter example, we held true to our word, proving once more 'our allies are important' and never entered war against the GOONS.

    You NPOers and former WUT members love using the phrase "honor when convenient" in context with the Legion. While it is true with them, it is true here as well. NPO didn't need to attack GOONS; their allies were doing all the work for them. If the UJP was winning the war, I guarantee you your alliance would have intervened.

    FAN of all people should be able to understand this, as they have the same mentality but don't go about it in as classy a way as we do. We won't be infringed upon, but we won't infringe upon our allies - as you have done in the past.


    I'll need specific alliances. I need to know who you are talking about before I can even answer this because I can't come up with any examlpes myself.

    I think he was referring to VE.

  2. Orange, clearly.

    Orange has Orange Unity Treaty, Blue has Blue leader ensuring unity.

    Blue has failed to ensure unity with major alliances like NADC and IAA not signing on. Even less signed on to the defense portion.

    Whereas OUT incudes every major orange alliance.

    So Blue Fails, and Orange is made of win :P

    Unity means little to nothing in a team, except when it somes to sanctioning. One of the main reasons blue is so populous right now is because of its vibrant and chaotic history. The competition as well as the fact that no one alliance is in control has allowed many alliances (big and small-far more than any other team) to flourish.

    Plus, blue has three sanctioned alliances; orange has two.

  3. I can't help but asking, is this a joke? That's what I usually think when an NPO member, current or former, uses fail (or FAIL) in context with the League.

    This reminds me of my plan a while ago to create an invasion (alliance destroying) alliance called Rebellious Organization of Great Uber Ententes (ROGUE).

  4. NPO wins the argument if they get to decide what all the words in the peace treaty mean, without discussion or neutral interpretation. Who gave them that power? Themselves. Whatever.

    The more important point is that it was NEVER about the peace terms. There were many within FAN, when we were discussing accepting terms from NPO 3 months ago, who swore that NPO would never let us rebuild, that they would attack us before the terms expired. How right they were.

    I don't have the exact quote, because the thread was deleted, but Slayer said something along the lines of FAN could have amounted to something if we had learned to talk first and shoot second. Well, mpol announced just that policy on these forums. What follows? NPO and their cronies shooting first on the flimsiest of excuses, as predicted. Becoming that which they hate.

    This isn't about anyone violating the terms. That could have been dealt with.

    And people are figuring it out for themselves now.

    NPO attacked you on a technicality, but they had the right to do so, because, however insignificantly (not sure how insignificantly actually, I haven't seen any figures besides the ones on the FAN side-not sure how reliable those are), you did violate the surrender terms. As long as i've been on CN NPO has never lied...they just haven't told the whole truth. If they want to be nitpicky because they want you dead or because CN's been boring lately, that's their prerogative.

  5. I was going to null it for stupidity, but if it'll show support...

    Also, the number of violators seems to shrink every time someone complains about it. NPO announced 1/3rd of FAN had violated the agreement. Since then, I've seen people claim 10% and now, 6 nations. If this keeps up, NPO will be attacking FAN because -50% of the alliance violated the peace terms. :awesome:

    There were figures on the site mpol777 linked to in his post (what happened to that by the way?). But I still would like to see NPO give some figures because FAN's might be modified. Of course, NPO's might be modified as well, so having both alliance's figures would allow me to put them together and get perhaps figure out the real version.

  6. Then we're going to pull the Sun from the sky and eat it, casting a pallid darkness across all existence. Abandon all hope ye who enter here. The Great Old Ones shall burst forth from dread R'lyeh and dim Carcossa, and we shall set upon them as lambs at the slaughter. Then I shall reach my hand through thine computer monitor and pull your greasy black hair so it ruins thine "My Chemical Romance" hairdo.

    That might be worthy of a sig.

  7. GATO, NAAC, LUE, every Commie alliance, Duffman, der_ko, every restarter, loljazzy, Jesus H. Walford, Grenval, Chris Kaos, half of LUE2, Vader, Valid de Impala, GOONS, alliance hoppers, Peace Mode trash-talkers...shall I continue?

    That's ridiculous. They didn't resolve to lose, they just lost. You've beaten them. At least show them some respect instead of dancing on their graves.

    Edit: I'm referring to the alliances NPO's beaten of course...the spies and winers...whatever.

  8. So I reconcile the false name of Great War IV as being the product of new players' jealously, wanting to 'fit in' or feel as if they were in a war on an equal level of the Great War saga, when in fact, the Unjust War simply wasn't on the same par.

    I've fought in GWIII and GWIV and I still believe in calling The Unjust War a Great War. I believe a Great War is your definition of a World War, a war that causes a major shift in power or a major change in the political atmosphere.

    The Unjust War most certainly fits in that category. In fact, I would say it is more monumental than The War of Retribution as NPO likes to call it. GWIII was really an inevitable defeat, largely the fault of the Legion during GWII (which I did not fight in, as I was too much of a noob). GWIV marked the first major war in with a new "south" side of the MDP web. Granted the Unjust Path is gone now. But how did the Unjust Path form. The WUT alliances had no enemies remaining with the other side of MDP web effectively eliminated. No enemies made them bored (basically), and eventually the lines were drawn were drawn between the Unjust Path and the (gay name) Justice League. The same thing will eventually happen with this One Vision and Continuum.

    And don't give me any crap like the One Vision and the Continuum are unbeatable. Every moron on this board said the same thing about the WUT. And what destroyed the Initiative? The Initiative itself.

  9. Do you NPO guys work in tandem or something?...seriously I bet there's some government agency within your alliance that's in charge of swarming every major post on the main forums with your guys.

    I don't know about the facts because I wasn't around for most of those wars, but the bias was obvious.

    And taking IRON and GPA into account was a serious flaw. IRON is part of OV, and GPA is...GPA, albeit less of the GPA then they were when I first joined this game, but who knows? That could be NPO's doing too.

    Is resistance possible? Only if ODN, GATO, Sparta, FAN, and others united. Also NPO would have to become alienated from A LOT of its treaty partners. Basically won't happen.

    But who knows? Things change. NPO might have a civil war. :popcorn:

  10. When I was a noob I ghosted two alliances, NAAC and FAN. NAAC was very polite, sending me a PM giving me the link to their forums and asking me to join. They asked if I did not join that I kindly remove my AA as NAAC. Being a noob I didn't want to be in an alliance, so I went back to none. FAN on the other hand told me to remove my AA as FAN, threatening to, I believe the words were "turn my nation into a crater."

  11. GW IV? I've never heard of a great war iv. The last war to go on in my understanding was UJP vs ~. But also to my understanding that is not referred to as GW IV.

    Also, good luck trying to find someone to write something up as good as John or Ardus did.

    It is commonly referred to as GW4 as well as The Unjust War. Any war of that magnitude will be referred to as a great war like it or not.

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