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Posts posted by althebold711

  1. So what you're really saying is that you don't care about the reasons for war and you're just another Order-hater who will oppose anything we do whenever we do it, for whatever reason we do it. Gotcha.

    I've always respected the Orders. Not necessarily liked them, but respected them. I don't hate you guys, but I see too many suckups trying to gain favor with you and I swore I would never be one of them. I may disagree with or question the Orders' decisions sometimes, in fact often, but I feel I have always done so intelligently (after GW3 which was my noob period) and with at least semi legitimate arguments.

    Yes I fought with Aegis during GW3. Yes a lot of issues I do defend the other side. But this is just a game and it does not mean enough to me for me to "hate" anyone.

    But seriously you cannot deny that your alliance (ok, your sister alliance) has been calling out the NADC for a long time.

  2. Coordinated spy attacks are petty?

    I have no idea whether the accusations are true or not, but what I do know is that the Orders have been constantly bashing and ridiculing the NADC for months.

    Whatever...I guess I should leave that NADC trade guild i'm a part of...

  3. You guys say you're "committed to moving on, through bombs or peace" (or something to that effect), but yet you set in stasis without doing anything. Movement requires action, and you can take no real action while in peace mode doing nothing.

    Man up and fight - hiding in peace mode shows how cowardly FAN really is.

    FAN's endured the longest pounding in CN history, and you're calling them cowardly?

    Answer me this, if you knew three nations twice your strength were going to attack you at update, before your alliance could help, what would you do?

    Seriously, enough with the bravado; it's easy to talk when you're the one with the six to one or more advantage in numbers.

  4. I'm not saying their is anything wrong with bringing your allies in to help, just don't be surprised when the enemy isn't able to put up much of a fight when they are being "dog piled". I just found this thread to be unnecessary, because everyone knows who is winning already and that BAPS never stood a chance. I was under the impression alliance wide surrender terms were taken off the table very early on, so they had little choice but to fight unless they are the type who abandons their alliance when things look unfavorable. I know in the FCC we take an oath upon membership not to abandon the alliance in times of war.

    Hence why I get annoyed by the trash talking about FAN (although FAN members do do some trashtalking back).

  5. Fun wars? Which was has even been fun?

    All of them actually. And the Order is not indestructible. During the WUT civil war they ended up on the winning side. Who's to say that'll be the same when a Continuum civil war breaks out?

  6. mostly you just made me laugh as FOK killed your asses in GW4. You couldnt even win with a colossal strength advantage.

    Yeah and FOK took on GATO too! :rolleyes:

  7. I have nothing against the NTO. I sided with -AiD- in the other thread primarily because you seemed overly insulting to them for no apparent reason and because I was part of -AiD- for a short period of time.

  8. To those commenting on the issue of NPO choosing the IRC server that CN en masse uses, I will confirm this. I was still in the NPO at the point when the server was changed from Esper to Coldfront, and confronted Moo on the issue, fearing that the switch might alienate us from allies on other servers. His response was a very cool "Where Pacifica goes, the rest of Planet Bob will follow"

    I took note of that statement, but remained skeptical. In the months since though, he has been proven right, for better or for worse.

    Then again, although I know very little about IRC, it might have been the many problems with Esper that caused everyone to "follow."

  9. This is a very well written and thought out essay no matter the history or character of the OP.

    The Orders can only remain the sole power as long as there is an allusion of threats. If there were no enemies to the NPO, or there was no chance in hell that NPO could be beaten then NPO would collapse under the boredom of players. That is why if you look through the history of the Orders, there has always been at least a moderate threat to the NPO. you can look at what's going on with FAN right now as an example. Players got bored after the end of the Unjust War and we saw NPO create an enemy so that they could keep their superiority. NPO keeps it's superiority from it's enemies, in short.

    Exactly what I said. The Order needs enemies to remain strong.

  10. The fall of the Initiative, if anything, supports the OP. Since the Orders won overwhelmingly and all.

    I used the fall of the Initiative as an example of how absolute power corrupts. I don't deny that the Orders know how to play the game very well; the fact that they came out on the winning side (or arguably on no side in the case of NPO, but still unscathed) when the Initiative collapsed is a testament to that.

  11. I want you to take a second and let the total lack of any logical thinking in the above statement sink in. If the NPO is indeed "uber" (which I'd say they are), why would it create its own downfall? It's very easy to make that statement, an entirely different thing to back it up with rational thinking. So please, enlighten me.

    No logic? Then how about RL history? And how about the fall of the Initiative?

    I can back it up with a few words; boredom, corruption, and decay. Without any enemies, Order members will grow bored of the game and will either leave or turn on each other; it always happens; in times of war everyone is united, but in times of peace factions form. Since we're in the right forum i'll cite RL history. Rome destroyed itself; its government grew corrupt and its subjects lazy and decadent. Right now NPO is strong and in shape from wars and from the possibility of wars against its enemies, which grow fewer every day. When the enemies are gone, the Order will grow fat and out of shape over time. The same happened to the Initiative. No one was strong enough to challenge it, so it imploded on itself. The same will eventually happen with the Continuum. And the some new bloc will form and the process will repeat. This means the Order will remain strong as long as it forms blocs, but sooner or later someone is going to see a pattern.

    The Order needs enemies to survive, or at least to remain the same alliance it is today. If NPO can truly "make the rules" as the Scholar says, then perhaps they should allow enemies to return, enemies strong enough to provide at least some challenge.

  12. My personal belief is that if NPO is truly the uber alliance the Scholar believes it to be, then it will one day create its own downfall. NPO members will deny this, saying that civil war and infighting goes against the very core of what it means to be a Pacifican, but they really have no ability to predict what will happen 1+ years from now.

  13. If people had bothered to read my article in TPP#5 there was a nice little gift at the bottom that provided stats from every day of the Initiative-League War. IRON was on par with GOONS in statistics at the onset of that war, the 6th strongest alliance. During the GPW was when IRON was credited as being a lot stronger than we were - there was, obviously, no statistics for IRON done in-game during those days. I, however, spent a few hours of tedious work calculating it all and we were about 225,000 NS at the time when many were insisting we were at least 500,000. After that war we shot up significantly and by the end of 2006 we were in the top 10, nearing the top 5.

    Edit: Oh yeah, January 9th (first day of the war):


    How come NPO had so many more members than they do now?

    Edit: Read the statistics on that update. I wasn't here during GW2; I joined just after. What I get from the statistics is that the League had the upper hand early on. NPO got hit hard the first three or four days. It wasn't after the fourth day I really saw the Initiative getting the upper hand.

  14. I'd go on, but my monthly Anarchist Party meeting is coming up and I need to get prepared not to go.

    For some reason I found that funny. Maybe it was just the picture afterward.

    Also the one during GW4 where El Bruc compains that he just ate a nuke and Electron Sponge replies by saying he hopes he eats a few more and calling him a hippy.

  15. Who are you to speak of these things? You were touted as a tough, militaristic and independent alliance. You were considered an effective cog in the machine of "the ruling powers". Now, you have been reduced to crybabies. You whine and moan about how we do not have the right "caustic belly", you start Soviet Sindorin-ish "free offsites telling the truth". You have started a pity campaign, because your military and diplomatic campaigns failed miserably. And here you are lecturing people on honour. What the hell happened? Oh, right, Xha'dams post explained that.

    OOC: you know what that reminds me of? <a href="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=yuZ_dWoix68" target="_blank">http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=yuZ_dWoix68</a> Of course, we just did it with military force.

    Care to give us all an example of what isn't "whining" that involves not kissing $@! to the Order?

  16. I fought over a dozen nations of the NAAC, I can tell you that the NAAC was only skilled in relation to GATO and Legion which were just ridiculously incompetent.

    Perhaps GATO and Legion bogged them down. I mean, i've heard NAAC members say it was the polar wars that gave the resolve to improve their military.

    GOONs and FAN despite being politically dishonorable backstabbers were very good in game fighters.

    Funny thing is, they say the same thing about your alliance. But history is written by the winners.

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