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Posts posted by althebold711

  1. So erm, what you are saying is that I am right, but it doesn't matter that I am right because they were beaten in a war in which we used diplomacy to create favorable circumstances? Okay, I'm alright with that.

    No, i'm proving my original point, that FAN has changed little aside from in NS and in stance with NPO and friends.

    Of course if, as your emperor just stated, the Orders are synonymous with God himself in CN, then you must be right.

  2. Interesting to those antithetical to Pacifica, perhaps, but demonstratively false nevertheless.

    They may be trying to show defiance, but if they were we wouldn't have seen over 150 of their nations jump immediately into peace mode with the majority remaining there, and they would have come to the forums with a message of defiance, rather than complaints about fairness and imaginary rights -- complaints that they themselves would have laughed out the door not so long ago.

    They may be trying to show that the war will be long and painful, but if they were they wouldn't have thrown their nations feebly onto the guns, giving no one any impression that this war will be either long or painful -- or indeed, even of vague interest a couple of weeks from now.

    Of course, there is that other explanation; the one that fits nicely into Occam's razor. That without the military, financial and technical support of the NPO and others, FAN's military really isn't all that special. A bad move by a bad tactician.

    It's a pity then, as that would have been a very clever move.

    Peace mode is a way for them to last longer, instead of all being ZI'd at once. Any alliance in FAN's position would do the same. And they did come to the forums with a message of defiance, in addition to complaints about fairness and imaginary rights; it was contained in the same offsite however. Every move FAN members make currently, as silly as some of them may seem (I especially liked the Penisgod one) is in defiance to the NPO.

    What is the alternative to the counterattack? To reamain in peace mode or get ZI'd, and become completely forgotten. ANd honestly what did you expect them to do?

    There's only so much you can do with the war system in this game. When you're outnumbered 5 to 1, you can't win; FAN is showing they know and don't care; they'll fight anyways. Or maybe they're just desparate and have no alternatives except for that mentioned above...who knows?

  3. A handy stance to take when you agree to protect someone. "Hi we agree to protect you, but do not expect us to rush to your defense, we are Swiss-like"

    Yeah in my eyes they're GPA on the blue team with protectorates that like to devise treaties much like the Swiss make watches, clocks, and army knives. I was hoping to see a DoW, but whatever, it's not like it was really necessary.

  4. I'm not sure how a handful of nations coming out of peace mode in a self-destructive attack -- and in doing so playing directly into the hands of their attackers -- shows anything of the sort. Talking of symbolism is foolish if it hands your enemy an easy victory and further weakens your own forces. But then FAN are the master-tacticians, so who am I to judge. I'm sure we'll all wake up tomorrow to find that this was actually a stroke of genius and FAN have turned the tides of war.

    They're trying to show their defiance, that you can ZI them all but they won't go down. This counter attack really doesn't weaken them any more than they already are weakened anyways; they have nothing to lose.

    They want to show you that this war will be as long as the previous, and that they will cause just as much damage as before. I doubt the latter is true however due to the fact that NPO was clever enough to declare when FAN was largely complying with surrender terms, rendering them helpless. Not trying to make any conspiracy theories but it is an interesting idea that perhaps the surrender terms were actually a ploy by the NPO to weaken FAN militarily.

  5. IIRC, FAN conducted a number of limited counter attacks during VietFAN. This follows that pattern.

    Unfortunately, it will likely cost them value resources that they could have used for the long haul.

    Mpol, repeat after me: avoid decisive engagement. <_<

    Actually, these counterattacks are more symbolic than anything else.

    FAN is trying to show they're down but not out.

  6. I find the second link to be hilarious. Proves my point that FAN is a very immature version of NPO...well not really actually...but it's still hilarious.

  7. List of things that have changed about FAN:

    1. It is no longer in the Initiative

    2. It is no longer sanction

    4. It is no longer a tough, no holds bar alliance

    6. It is no longer in a strong, relative position

    7. It is no longer at peace

    8. It is no longer a friend of the NPO

    9. It is no longer in good favor with the Cyberverse

    10. It is no longer the dominant force on the yellow team

    11. It is no long the possessor of any significant amount of infrastructure


    Removed the ones that were completely opinion based.

    1. Obviously

    2. I would expect that considering they're outnumbered about 5 to 1.

    4. Of course they are; no other alliance is so resilient. Goons is down to 60 members in a war less than half the length of the first VietFAN. FAN is still above 200 members. They also practically asked NPO to declare on them with Yellow 5 and attacking their protectorate-no other alliance except maybe the old NAAC has that amount of bravery.

    6. Another obvious one...let's see NPO keep a strong position when it's in the middle of a war outnumbered 5 to 1.

    7. Duh...you attacked them.

    8. So how is FAN not a tough, no holds bar alliance again?

    9. Perhaps although beyond these forums people talk more freely.

    10. Yes when they're all ZI'd or in peace mode they're out of the picture.

    11. Yes you lose infra when you're attacked, unless the attacker doesn't know what he's doing.


  8. Its of FAN at its height. He didn't like what it became. He made that abundantly clear.

    That NoV incident was one of the reasons the Initiative declared on them...that was hardly FAN at its height. Actually, the only thing that's really changed about FAN is its NS and its attitude towards NPO...so maybe it still is at its height.

  9. it was a small strike where they over extended themselves militarily its not at all impressive. Now if you want to talk about resolve determination guts etc.. I take my hat off to FAN because they are very impressive in those areas.

    There aren't many alliances that could pull a small strike in that battered state.

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