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AL Bundy

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Everything posted by AL Bundy

  1. Declaration of war is a declaration of war? If TW posted a declare on DS but didn't make any declare would DS just sit around? hmmrrr... I would hope not? Al
  2. Also this is true, most of the nation Mongols hit were never in a war with tW, or maybe one at the start months ago.... AL
  3. Idk... sounds a little familiar? Believe it happened to us, and no one seemed to give a rats ass... haha O and I believe both of our alliances did great overall..... AL
  4. I will say I never would have accepted any ghosts if UCR wouldn't have first. To UCR defense they needed them BADLY! Al
  5. Sounds like UCR should have accepted my generous offer to end this hahaha.... Then at least they wouldn't had us to deal with too, butt I guess they still think they are winning hahaha Good luck NG, not too much left but enjoy.... AL
  6. Again a lot of talk and no action hahaha but congrats on all those fancy titles.... Al
  7. All this hubbub over some commies that wouldn't help anyone in the last global.... haha I guess everyone just iching for some action.... Well kinda.... someone link PGS to Mongols page.... hahaha Al
  8. Hahaha too fluffy agree... no one going to help you... how much more help you need Mongols are like 5 guys and you need PGS and GATO plus the world hahaha I didn't hit UCR they hit me Al
  9. If Bundy needed reinforcements he would have ask NG to just hit you... Mongols raiding separately... I have no ties to them but definitely see why they did.... no consequences Hahaha Seems GPA can put up a better fight. Al
  10. FL can you share those delightful fun facts you share with the wolves earlier..... hearing them again about their best fighters just brings makes me laugh... but we must remember they are still winning??? hahahaha
  11. DANG... look at those offensive wars.... look at that damage dealt.... Al
  12. Who is upset? UCR turned my 3 raids into 30.... Haha I could spend all my WC, go inactive for 6 months and still come back and recover faster then UCR. It is hilarious you think they would recover faster than me. My wolves have an excuse for lower war chest, we fought in the world war, what UCR excuse? O and when I say fought I mean dominated! Your talking to #1 baby, and my alliances #1.... let me know if you want me to tell you PGS score or yours hahaha its kind of embarrassing for the BIG WARCHEST you boast about. So just sit back an enjoy the whooping. Al
  13. Hahaha it may be boring or stupid for some but I am getting some action Everyone else can work on them fun and exciting tech deals..... I can only create so much drama, even with FL! It is up to the other 98% of Bob to find something more interesting than fighting commies. I implore everyone to find something more fun.... AL
  14. Get your spy ops correct haha I have more than that hahaha even if I didn't, 2 bill is plenty to defeat some commies and then raid someone else two weeks later..... loving it! Al
  15. hahaha we all cant hoard money all the time, some of have done thing since joining planet Bob....Don't you worry though I am sure we can go a round or 6. Ill show you how much all that money makes a difference Al
  16. Next time I'd suggest building up a few more day/weeks/months, maybe get a few wonders.... maybe some nukes? Do the rogue thing right.... Al
  17. Hey its Armpit!!! The only commie worth fighting! I think I've fought you too many times over the years and only once had the chance to have you on the same side but at that time I believe I was a infra/tech fatty. I don't expect anyone to beat up armpit, I had at least a 2k tech advantage last war with him and I was worried about staying ahead the entire time. Al Bundy
  18. Hahaha I raided some under like 5 guy alliances.... your definition of war is a bit heavy.... See if I was declaring a war, id have posted a nice statement about it here.... like "Wolves giving Commies another Smacking" Or Bundy's Bored - Commies Can't Avoid this War..... idk something witty! Haha I'm fine to continue to nuke you and your buddies until you all hide in PM from The Wolves, no need for me to sign anything, Heck I was being nice just like the last two times..... p.s Id would never sign a treaty with you and never have hahaha Al
  19. Dang... I hope I don't ever have to fight this guy.... and wow 247k casualties... Lot of talk for someone so green.... Al
  20. Got control of the aggressive wars, now just need to catch up a little in damage.... Al
  21. It was 4 touchdowns.... though the other should have been but these refs suck hahahaha
  22. This is all very pathetic... to leave a war early you surrender.... If I resigned today, join ODN for a week and next week jump back in when a guy leaves peace mode to hit him I am sure PGS and UCR and the rest of BUTT would be up my butt about how unfair and horrible I am being..... Also I don't have to reach out to anyone. I have TWO allies.... those are the people I need to communicate with..... though we I guess need to work through some communication but the point being.....I don't have to please or communicate with PGS or anyone else... Finally I raided two alliances who are loosely protected....nothing last forever....peace agreements end, otherwise no one could hit anyone in CN....When you are ready to surrender i will make sure to put a timeline in this one, clearly stating when I can raid again hahaha Al
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