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Posts posted by murtibing

  1. How's that piat working for you? Your almost as bad as methmouth making up perceived allies with no indications to show anyone supports you...



    I have no control over Spatr or what they do and a piat means nada and you know it...


    So you are suggesting that we (SPATR) are not doing enough to support Monsters Inc? Perhaps we should do more then...

  2. Since Swash Plates And Tail Rotors name is being mentioned many times here, let me clear some misconceptions:


    1. Swash Plates And Tail Rotors doesn't protect Monsters Inc and moreover SPATR never protected Monsters Inc, as there was never any protectorate treaty between SPATR and Monsters Inc.


    2. Swash Plates And Tail Rotors maintains Peace, Intelligence and Aid Treaty with Monsters Inc which was announced about three months ago.


    3. The treaty between SPATR and Monsters Inc was (by mistake) referred to as protectorate on Monsters Inc alliance page. This was corrected by Monsters Inc upon my request.




    That has been confusing for everyone.


    Spatr is protected and they have treaties and they protect other alliances?


    Yes - we have treaties (MDoAP+ with Kaskus, OdoAP with NEW, PIAT with MInc and pink economic treaty known as PECS) and we protect other alliance (Badlands). All this while being protected by TAO, formerly known as BPTAO. I don't see why would any announcement granting us protection possibly interfere in any way with any of our treaties.


    Quite correct. I haven't even been approached about this, except for Meth's hilarious "challange"


    I have sent you a message regarding this situation:



    To: Joe Stupid    From: murtibing    Date: 11/22/2015 3:32:56 AM

    Subject: Regarding aiding our enemy

    Message: Greetings,

    It has came to my attention that the member of your alliance Rayvon (who - if I'm not mistaken - is also in your government) has sent 9 million in foreign aid to the Chae Yeong who is fighting a war with Colt Owin. Colt Owin is member of Swash Plates And Tail Rotors. His war against Chae Yeong is approved by SPATR Leadership as he is helping our allies Monsters Inc.

    So long story short your member is sending aid to our enemy. Moreover it has came to my attention that Rayvon is bragging about it on the CN boards. So there cannot be any mistake on his part involved here.

    What is the explanation of this openly hostile act against my alliance?

    Member of Security Council of SPATR


    I have not received any reply to this message so far.

  4. All I get from this is that SPATR's word isn't any good unless you have all the right people lining up to say it, but they won't tell you if all the right people are doing so.


    I have already provided this information. (And I thought it was obvious from the beginning, but apparently not for everyone...).



    Well those soldiers sent is interesting, SPATR was just handed a CB :/


    Yes, but CB only applies against BEazy so far. I don't know whether Umbrella leadership approved of BEazy action or not. Unknown Smurf told me he was going to ask Roquentin about that. Roquentin is Umbrella leader (he disguised himself under the name of Monster). We will see whether he will be more talkative this time.

  5. The fact that Rey is our enemy is best evidenced by continuing attacks against nation of Neo Uruk launched on SPATR behalf. I don't see how this could be disputed.


    I know what Bones has told Rey. I know this from Bones himself, because I have discussed the case of Rey with Bones multiple times.


    On the related note, BEazy has sent soldiers to Rey. Normally, I wouldn't pay much attention to that, but this case is different. I have helped BEazy when he was under attack by Pax Corvus. They attacked him because he ran away from their alliance right before war. And now he sends soldiers to our enemy. Some people have short memory I guess. But I have a long memory...

  6. Well at least something is being entertaining


    I'm trying to explain Rey his situation in the most simple words, but he still doesn't get it. Not my fault.


    Granted: it might be difficult to understand - especially for people like Rey, Caustic or Commander shepard. We don't have a written charter and moreover it wouldn't be practical for SPATR to have one, as we are completely nonbureaucratic alliance.

  7. Under the verdict there are two signatures. Bones' signature and my signature. The one who enacted is the one who can abolish. We both (acting in concert) issued the verdict so we both (acting in concert) are entitled to abolish it. In other words to receive the pardon Rey needs to be absolved by Bones and by myself. At that time (when verdict was issued) Rey was conflicted with NPO for one reason or another. That is why Bones was willing to absolve Rey. So Rey only needed to be cleared by myself at that point. That was first Rey chance at getting cleared, but he missed it. The next chance was after Kaskus commenced attacks against Rey. Bones was again willing to clear Rey due to the Dark Templar connection (they are friends with Rey I heard). But again Rey missed the opportunity. Rey never even tried to ask me for annulling of the verdict. So operation against Rey continued. It would have ended by now, even without any terms, as everything gets boring after a while. However, Rey continues to insult us, so the operation continues.

  8. Congratulations to Monsters Inc on their victory!

    Looking at Commander shepard's post, I can only conclude that we have another case of person who could be perhaps considered philosopher, if only he had remained silent. This phenomenon could be called Rey-Caustic Effect.

    Since Lord Hitchcock mentioned SPATR as the potential protector of the alliance which MInc defeated I would like to add the following: If they are interested in a protectorate with SPATR they can send a message to any person from our Leadership and then (if that person is leaning towards supporting the treaty) the motion will be presented by that person for the deliberation by the Leadership as a whole under the customary Rule of Unanimity. The requirement of unanimity (which we define as nobody from the Leadership being against the proposed motion), combined with the fact that our alliance has rather isolationist approach to foreign affairs, makes it rather unlikely for SPATR to enter into any treaty. In other words, we don't enter into treaties lightly.

  9. I'm presenting this communique due to the fact that Rey the Great continues to spread misinformation.

    Swash Plates And Tail Rotors issued a verdict, which is still publicly available. Let me quote the verdict:

    "Rey the Great, ruler of the nation Neo Uruk, is hereby declared an enemy of Swash Plates And Tail Rotors until further notice."

    The verdict has been valid all the time since it was issued. And it remains valid.

    Rey the Great tried to capitalize on the goodwill of one person. Rey the Great continues to misinterpret statements of that person as being final statements of the whole SPATR judicial body who issued the verdict.


    This kind of misbehaviour on the part of Rey the Great can only negatively affect his situation.


    I would also like to thank everyone who helped and is helping SPATR in operation against Rey who styles himself as "Great".

  10. The doom crowd have resorted to hitting micros so they have nothing in the works.


    TIO and MHA aren't micros in my opinion. They both have been hit by DBDC recently.



    The once in a blue moon crowd, don't have the political pull to start a winning war.


    Who is "once in a blue moon crowd"?


    Really depends on the structure of alliance you're facing. If you're heavy on tech, while you go down, you'd be sitting on 80-90k ns witgh 15-20k tech vs guys with 9-10k tech and 8-9k infra.Your one nuke will do ~500 infra, ~350 tech damage, other guy will do like ~150 tech damage and nominal infra damage on ground and one or two other guys will do even less while they arent nuking. So there's alot of soft ns that gets hit in 2nd round onwards vs hard ns


    When one side has large numerical advantage in the relevant tier, they can mitigate the effect which you describe by making large down-declares. Like when I fought Non Grata years ago (when they attacked RIA). I had about 13k tech and 4.5k infra at that time, but I was down-declared by two nations having similar amount of tech, but much more infra. They both had about 14k tech and more then 10k infra. That way they were doing similar damage from nukes, but they were able to dominate on ground (especially since they were fighting only against me).

  12. Good to know SPATR endorses a policy of EZI.


    Operation against Rey is not "EZI". Rey hasn't even been ZIed since we started the operation. He hasn't been kept at war the whole time either.


    Rey would have received pardon already (most likely), but he keeps insulting SPATR publicly.

  13. Good luck with the fight against GOONS rogues!


    To see a member of the biggest alliance in the biggest bloc send tech for peace was surprising.


    NPO nation sending 100 tech for peace is indeed surprising. Looks like we should applaud Monsters Inc for being lenient and not charging NPO tech reps.


    And BTW. In case if anybody is wondering why LN attacks Rey. SPATR helped LN by sending them cash and LN helps us to deal with Rey.


    This is because Rey is SPATR enemy. I hope Umbrella will keep sending Rey cash, so he can rebuild, so his nation can be destroyed again and so on. (Operation code name: "Perpetum Mobile").

  14. If NPO/Oculus gave minc peace now, then Bones (SPTR?) would be able to claim that he was single-handedly able to force NPO/Oculus to grant peace to an aggressor AA. NPO/Oculus would appear, at least to some, as being weak and having caved to the demands of Bones and essentially validated his delusions of grandeur. We all know this isn't going to happen.


    Would you like to comment on the peace deal then?



    This is the best comment in this discussion and completely highlights why people make fun of NG


    If NonGrata X members had remained silent, they would still be philosophers...




    I think DT members would have been quite happy to take BONES all the way down every tier, we don't have enough targets up high... kind of bored.


    Words, words, words...

  15. Now that activity is marked by when you last logged in does that still mean if you don't collect for 12 days your things can only be destroyed and not stolen?


    From my experience - yes. Unless something changed in the meantime, since last time I have an opportunity to check it was quite long time ago (but after the changes to the activity were already introduced).


    And I think overall this is a good thing. It reduces incentive to turtle when you are outnumbered.


    Of course there is a way you can practically force your enemy to collect during war.

  16. Some people don't understand a simple concept.


    If MInc approached Oculus for peace and asked politely and then Oculus gave them peace - that would be OK and good show on part of Oculus.


    But when one person makes a ultimatum and issues threats and MInc receives peace after that - that's completely different thing.


    There is huge difference: doing something after a kind plead versus doing something after ultimatum and threats. Even if the end result is the same.

  17. Last bills payment in 2014, so this report is 1,5 years old. However his infra history shows a lot of jumps through that period, which can mean that he wasn't able to grow his warchest to much.


    I guess you gathered that intel when Zxcsd raided your alliance, correct? He raided IRON, looted a lot of your land and then walk away without almost no repercussions (he only received a few nukes IIRC). And why he was allowed to walk away? Because Bones threatened to attack your alliance if you don't allow Zxcsd to walk away. So it is second time IRON bowed to Bones' demands.


    SPATR decided that it would screw around and issue an ultimatum.


    No, SPATR didn't issue any ultimatum.


    It was Bones (a.k.a. Untouchable) who issued ultimatum.


    For SPATR to issue ultimatum, unanimous decision of Leadership would be required.


    Unlike NPO which has the so-called "Emperor", there is no single person who decides things in SPATR. Things are decided by the Leadership as a whole, under the customary rules (since we don't have a written charter).




    SPATR then realized that if MI proceeded to refuse peace it would be highly embarrassing, and so pressured MI to accept.


    No, SPATR didn't pressure MI to do anything.


    When LH asked me about the peace deal, I told him it is up to MI to decide. I only told him such peace deal would make Oculus look silly and that was a good thing. Bones also concluded that it would make you look bad so he was OK with the deal.


    No person from SPATR took part in the negotiations as far as I know. I heard Unknown Smurf (from Kaskus) was present - but SPATR and Kaskus (despite being very close allies) are two separate alliances.

  19. Monsters Inc didn't ask SPATR for assistance in ending the conflict with NPO/Oculus.


    Monsters Inc only asked whether it would be possible to send them monetary foreign aid (understandable since SPATR has PIAT with MInc). That's all. MInc was reasonable here - they were aware we might not send aid because they were at war.


    So I presented the SPATR Leadership with the motion to send aid to Monsters Inc. According to customary SPATR rules all decisions affecting security of the alliance should be made unanimously (i.e. everyone in Leadership either in favour or abstains). After several days such unanimity was reached. We sent aid to MInc expecting an attack from Oculus.


    Additionally Bones posted an ultimatum. That was surprise for Monsters Inc and surprise for myself too.


    And then I was amazed that Oculus promptly gave peace to MInc. It was just too funny... We didn't want to waste such an opportunity for a good laugh.


    So long story short, ultimatum was Bones' idea. MInc didn't ask for it, they were keen on fighting.



    Back in the day, that NPO would have driven Monsters to perma-zi, pre-empted Bones, and charged his entire alliance 50k of tech in reps.


    We wouldn't pay you anything anyway.

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