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Jack Tarr

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Everything posted by Jack Tarr

  1. Congratulations! We look forward to working together to make all in Yellow stronger and more unified.
  2. You spin doctors never cease to crack me up. Branimir, I expected much better of you. This has no reflection on Karma other than they are friends and want to do the best possible job they can of protecting you. As the old adage goes, the more the merrier. That being said, kwitcherbellyachin. Oh and one more thing. Even though you tempt me with my weakness (Gillian), I will NOT buy you dinner.
  3. The tunnel vision here is overwhelming. Did it ever occur to any of you that we might be doing this in an effort to help our friends in Karma rather that trying to be buddy buddy with NPO?
  4. And that is what happens when you do things you are not equipped to do Stonewall. That being the case, stop thinking and you will stop being wrong.
  5. I would like to salute BigWoody for this announcement AND some wonderful gun pron!!!
  6. Congratulations to the victors. I have noticed something lacking in this thread and will attempt to correct it here.
  7. Not really, we just want to be sure we get the senior citizen discounts.
  8. Please accept my offer of some gun pron for the children. Followed by what such weapons can accomplish for the adults.
  9. I went to collect taxes, and the screen told me I would collect a bit over $200k. I clicked OK and still had the same amount of funds as I had previously but the game tells me that I have collected today.
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