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Posts posted by Gh0s7

  1. In their defense, they do have a lot of nations in anarchy, and they are already at war with 2 other alliances. But with that said, if they couldn't contribute, they shouldn't have declared in the first place.


    Regardless, they've earned some respect in my book, being willing to take on 3 losing wars.

  2. Oh, please, no one thinks of you as a single entity because your coordination is so fantastic.  What a masturbatory fantasy.

    You switch around between AAs informally and formally.  If it benefits your enemies you will be treated just as you're acting, as one entity, if it doesn't, you won't be.

    Please point to where /i/ said we coordinated fantastically. That was your boy Mihail The Just, and even then he didn't say fantastic. I know you want to put words in people's mouth so you can create an argument but at least try to get a bit more substance first.

  3. You're welcome to think whatever you want.


    That we're just DBDC, that we're just SPATR, that we're just GLoF, DT, ODN, NG, NATO, etc. It really doesn't matter. At the end of the day, we have our own treaties, and our own goals. We coordinate a lot more than  most allies. To the point that I can understand /why/ others consider us a single entity. And you're welcome to think that, as I said earlier.


    The key point here is, no one really gives a !@#$ whether or not you think we are a single entity. Unless you can convince 60%+ of Bob, it is completely irrelavent, and even then, it means nothing to us.


    Yes, it's simple - even if one were nothing but the scrawny little lapdog of the other, they would still be separate alliances... technically speaking. The lapdog is absolutely free to choose to bite the hand that strokes it, but probably won't...




    [Metaphor selected for rhetorical purposes only. Any resemblance to actual alliances, living or dead, is purely coincidental]

    I know loyalty's a new concept for you, so I guess I wont go through the long-winded explanation, but we support all of our allies completely, with every pixel we have, not just DBDC. That concept seems new to you, so I'll wait a bit and let it sink in.

  5. Let's be real here. Bob is overdue for a big war and literally no one has given any other alliance a valid enough reason to assemble the numbers and have one.

    A group are now slowly rolling out to start one and naturally have a thought out plan. No war is a safe or sure thing so it will take a few weeks before all is revealed and until then, we play a giant game of political chess. Some will believe it's wrong, some won't, and that isn't necessarily determined by what side they are on. Personally I have been attacked by DBDC and I couldn't disagree more with the label "barberic", TB is fun to fight and fun to talk with while doing so.

    Let's all enjoy the ride and seeing peoples true colours over the coming months.

    I can respect that post.


    Schattman's, on the other hand, is an empty threat, and a laughable one at that.

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