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Posts posted by Gh0s7

  1. A nuetral spinning propoganda?


    (DBDC may have good allies, but there are alliances out there who have not signed treaties with them who are pretty decent themselves, and who would go down fighting no matter what they may face. You seriously over play DBDC's abilities [No offense Cuba. <3] along with downplaying the communities abilities.)

  2. alliance_flags1222014100548_PM.jpg


    I didn't have the flag, so this one sucks. Sorry. D:


    [spoiler] The Laws of the Nest

    Section I. Preamble

    We, in Doom Squad, believe that the military and financial strength of every member is the most important aspect of our alliance. We agree to put the collective good of our alliance over our own individual needs. We, as an alliance, agree to make sacrifices, including that of our nation's own security.

    Section II. Government

    Alpha - The Alpha is the leader of the alliance.

    Beta - The Beta is the second ranking individual of the alliance. It is the bridge between the membership and the alliance leadership. In addition, it acts in an advisory capacity to the Alpha and a representative of the Alpha.

    Delta - The Delta is an individual heir for the Beta position. It is a third rank in position. It shares responsibility for foreign affairs and alliance announcements with the Alpha and the Beta.

    Sentinel - The Sentinel is responsible to ensure that the alliance is safe by patrolling the domain and watching movements outside of the perimeter. It is responsible for internal affairs.

    Elder - The Elder is an individual with great experience and knowledge of the game. An Elder's opinion is greatly respected throughout the alliance and is a mentor to many affiliates.

    Section III. Admission

    To gain admission into Doom Squad, all recruits must meet the following requirements:

    1. Be in no offensive wars.
    2. Technology Clause: You must have less than 15k tech.
    3. Nation Strength Clause: You must have less than 140k NS.
    4. Activity Clause: You must be IRC, In-game, or Skype active.
    5. Tywin Lannister Clause: You must not be a complete tool.

    Section IV. War

    A state of war, or declaration of peace, may only be signed upon unanimous agreement between the Alpha and the Beta.

    Section V. Nuclear Policy

    Doom Squad reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in a first-strike capability.

    Section VI. Amendments

    The Alpha has the sole right to create and edit amendments to the Charter, with concurrent approval of the Beta.

    Signed for Doom Squad, 

    Lord Hershey - Alpha

    Renegade4box - Beta

    IceMan - Delta

    Gh0s7 - Sentinel

    High Chancellor Liq - Elder [/spoiler]


    Forum: d00msquad.gamerz.co IRC: #d00msquad

  3. Am I supposed to scouring all the wars across the globe, see random nations attacking FAN then if I don't see a DoW. Am I supposed to think they are sanctioned? That's like seeing NSO nations attacking someone, without a NSO DoW, are they sanctioned?

    If that someone is fighting an ally of NSO's, then I'd assume so, yes.
  4. You keep knit picking one thing, but when you compare it to both actions, you'd see a different result.
    We went to NSF, asked if they were going to attack. They said yes. We then went to DT, said he if this happens X will happen. We were told they weren't going to attack. Then they attacked. We cared enough about DT, to go to them and explain out entire position. 
    We went to NSO, you, asked if they were going to attack. Because we heard you'd be attacking. They (you) said no. We went to Kashmir to say hey, we're going to be attacking, and hopefully NSO doesn't like they said, because we heard otherwise. We might get countered, so hopefully NSO doesn't attack. This is what is happening. Be ready.
    Just because my concern does not encapsulates the modern accepted form of caring, does not mean I did not care enough to go to both of my allies, treated them the same, after going to the source for my answers on if two AA's were going to war. One did not, and one did, here we are.

    Whether NSF was going in or not, you had multiple other alliances to chose from, and you chose NSF. That was poor planning or a really low ball move, because you saw an opportunity to hit them with DT not being involved. Either way, it doesn't look good.
  5. What about my points were not logical? Because that was literal fact presented in the manor that I saw it. As for the threatening; it's a forum. You need to take the stick out of your ass if you're going to take that seriously.

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