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Tom Marvolo Riddle

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Everything posted by Tom Marvolo Riddle

  1. As we near a major CN Milestone, 3,000,000 Posts, I question, will this be the last time CN hits a million post milestone? Membership is declining, lets face it. We gain members every year because of a war but when the other 300 or so days of the year roll around membership declines by well alot. This milestone needs to be savored by each and every member of CN as this, the third time, could be the last time we hit a million post milestone.
  2. Well unless someone can show me OOC or IC proof that someone owns those glaciers, then they should be mine. I want them for scientifc exploration along with military training.
  3. There is some in the Far East corner of Antartica.
  4. I would like to claim the unclaimed Antartic Territory in the Far East Corner. It is to be titled the Dark Mark, as it is both close to the Dark Mark and may work as a powerful military base.
  5. OK so i will offer you this. I will give you $1,000,000 to send me all your tech, money and soldiers.
  6. I know. Alright though, thanks for the answer.
  7. I am wondering if it is possible to expand my nation by claiming another protectorate. Would like to know. thnx
  8. Now in my country, the Dark Mark, Forich Yesnef, A TMR Loyalist was elected the seat of President and has reinstated all of the Riddle era policies. The elction thread:http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/114965-the-dark-marks-first-national-elections/ Now sense war is imminent ith the Mascurians, Yesnef contacted Johnathan Goodman, the Runner-Up telling him to file a complaint calling the election Unfair and calling for a Recount. I need someone willing to RP the Court Proceedings in the Dark mark. It would also lead to future RP's between the two of us. Please post here if interested.
  9. With war on the horizon, Yesnef knew he couldn't win. All he knew is that all his citizens, all his soldiers, where going to die. Unless he changed strategy's, surrendered or even killed himself, he knew that the Mascurian Military far exceeded his military might. He decided that it may be best for Johnathan Goodman, the Runner-Up in the recent elections, to run the country. This thought in his mind, He made a phone call. It was to Johnathan Goodman. "Hello Johnathan, This is Forich Yesnef. You probablly know, The Mascurian's are threatining a invasion again and I feel that the military is not strong enough to withstand even a single invasion. I can't resign so I came up with a solution which may delay a invasion for a few days. Could you challenge the election results? It's the only way the country can be saved, well hopefully." "That should not be a problem. If I get Killed because of this-" "Do not worry about that, just file the complaint"
  10. A message was sent in return. "It was not my descision to allow me to be President. Assasinate the Suprme Court if you want revenge. I have ordered cruise Missiles to be launched at your ships if they begin firing. I will also order a bombardment by my bombers, escorted, on your boats. I will sink them all. Even if you do manage to land on the shores of the Dark mark, you will be met with soldiers, 5.5 Million Strong."
  11. "A new country appeared Mr. President." in walked newly appointed Press Secretary John Dewey. Forich Yesnef, the newly elected President of the Dark Mark, began to write. "Hello Mr. Hancock, I am Forich Yesnef, the newly elected President of the Dark Mark. With the establichment of your nation, I beleive that our nations can gain and keep a strong military and domestic relationship resulting in trade, economic advantages and military aid. Our two nations each have a major need for a presence in each of our regions. My nation, being in the South pacific, is surronded by powerful nations and is located near Asia. You on the other hand are located in the Americas, where my nation could benefit from your resources. not only that, but we may be able to establish ties with nations in South America, providing more allies for both of our nations. I hope you consider gaining Ally status in the Dark Mark."
  12. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/114965-the-dark-marks-first-national-elections/?p=3086140 Forich Yesnef, A key member of the National Loyalist Party has been declared by the nation's supreme court, President of the Dark Mark. With this election being done, The office of the Dark Lord is Reinstated, All Riddle policies are reinstated and the Parliament is disolved. The Military is preparing for a full on invasion of Chile, as Yesnef believes that Thomas Yesnef-Riddle was forced to leave the country. He has decided to work with the Selencartos Government in a attempt to retreive TMR III.
  13. The courts have made a ruling. Lets go live to Chief Justice Fred George. "Me and my 8 colleagues, considered all of the proposed ideas. We considered throwing the election out, we considered declaring Forcih Yesnef the president and we also considered a Run-Off Election. Now after a quick considerationa nd review of the voting Results, we determined that Forich Yesnef will become the next President of the Dark Mark. With this ruling we declare the office of the Dark Lord official again, we reinstate all Riddle Policies and dissolve The Temporary Parliament."
  14. The elections will be ruled on by the courts, in closed session, which then at 12:15Eastern Time, the Court will rule publicly on what to do as the elctions where won by Forich Yesnef by only 57 votes. They are considering: Declaring Forich Yesnef the Winner Throwing the elction out, Keeping Derrick Gregor as the President Until Further notice Declaring a Run-Off ELection between Forich Yesnef and Johnathan Goodman
  15. "What are the candidates stances on the Dark Mark and, as of now, Forich Yesnef, a Riddle Loyalist, becoming the next President of the Dark Mark?"
  16. "What is your take on the newly elected Dark Mark Leader Forich Yesnef?"
  17. 10 more minutes. The people of The Dark Mark voted overwhelmingly for Forich Yesnef, he captured 60 percent of the citizen vote. Add that with the polling done here and the race right now is 45%-45% between Forich Yesnef and Johnathan Goodman.
  18. 1,000,000 Dollars, or whatever your nations cash is.
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