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Everything posted by lkfht

  1. 3/23/XX Foreign Policy Grand Chancellor Leonardo Kennedy has appointed the Honorable Blake Markson as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Norse Kingdom. He has previously served this country as a Senator and later the President of the Senate. He also served in the Irish Army as a colonel. He was born in Galway, Ireland later growing up and earning a B.A. in Business Administration from Galway University, becoming the first person in his family to attend college, taking seven years as he held several jobs to pay for his education. After several years working for the Ministry of Trade and Economic Development, he earned a Masters in International and European Business Law (LL.M.) from Trinity College in Dublin. After being elected a Senator for the Province of Connacht, he was elected by the Senate to serve as its President for one year. After his term expired he retired to private life. He worked at Dell Ireland as the Senior Vice President for Business Solutions up until his most recent appointment as ambassador. He is married with three children.
  2. "Very well. I hope this visit was a start of a new understanding between our two countries. If there is nothing else to discuss I will be on my way back home."
  3. "Very good. In terms of the Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pact I suggest the following."
  4. "The government of the United Republic of Ireland formally recognizes the independence and sovereignty of the newly formed Canadian state. We invite your government to establish formal diplomatic relations with our country." - Foreign Minister Kendal Mayers
  5. "I am willing to allow the requested army and air force bases, in exchange I would like to forward deploy a Marine Expeditionary Brigade (10,000 Marines) to Poland. The United Republic has also just introduced the new National Peacekeeping Contingency Force, and so it would be beneficial in my opinion if our two peacekeeping forces conducted joint exercises to further bilateral cooperation. Now on the topic of a Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pact, do you have any suggestions?"
  6. NAVY HIGHLY CLASSIFIED: The 2nd Carrier Strike Group has been deployed to the North Atlantic Ocean to conduct regular patrols. They will remain in international waters and will not be conducting any large-scale live fire exercises. All regional governments and entities have been alerted to such movements and have been reassured that these measures are routine and are not acts of aggression in any form.
  7. 3/17/XX St. Patrick's Day Hundreds of thousands of people flooded the streets of Dublin as St Patrick’s Day parades and festivals took place across Ireland and the world. Brian Boru, an Irish wolfhound named Paddy and Viking Sitric where among the spectacular sights and sounds on the 1.6 mile (2.6km) route from O’Connell Street to St Patrick’s Cathedral. The Dublin parade was one of the largest in the world, where the theme was Let’s Make History and the first of a three-year programme. The next two years will look at the present and future. Dozens of elaborately decorated floats portrayed the theme and color of a carnival while marching bands entertained one of the biggest crowds in the city for the March 17 festivities. Prime Minister Mary Baron attended the event with her husband Jacob and urged people to think of those who have emigrated from Ireland in recent years. “It continues to play a significant role in defining us as a society and as a people,” she said. “Today we celebrate our wider and diverse Irish family, to whom we remain connected by a strong cultural heritage and history. We are grateful for all they do to keep that heritage alive in their adopted homelands across the globe, as well as for their interest in, and tangible support for, Ireland’s welfare and development. Today is a special day for all those Irish communities great and small across the world that come together in a spirit of pride and joy to celebrate their identity and their links of affinity and affection with their homeland of origin.” The parade from Dublin was streamed online to a worldwide audience and an Irish diaspora of about 70 million. More than 100 international landmarks were turned green to mark St Patrick’s Day, including the Great Wall of China, and not to ignore the celebrations the Irish cricket team weighed in with a nail-biting victory over Zimbabwe in the World Twenty20 competition. The earliest parade was held in Dingle, Co Kerry at 6am while the shortest took place in West Boylston in the US state of Massachusetts, where 200 people marched through a car park between two pubs in the town Finders and Keepers. There were parades as well in Omagh, Strabane, Enniskillen, Armagh and Derry. Belfast’s held its St Patrick’s Day parade – one of the biggest ever, according to Lord Mayor Mairtin O’Muilleoir – yesterday. A small crowd of loyalists, some carrying Union flags gathered outside City Hall today. There was a heavy police presence in the area to prevent any trouble. Organizers of the Dublin parade put the crowds at more than half a million - well up on last year's figures. More than 3,000 performers took part in the carnival, with Irish sporting hero, Tour de France winning cyclist Stephen Roche the grand marshal as Ireland welcomes the Giro d’Italia bike race in a few weeks. Susan Kirby, St Patrick’s Festival chief executive, said: “The festival parade is true testament to the artistic talent we have here in Ireland, talent that is showcased on a global stage today as the parade is viewed by millions the world over.”
  8. After gaining permission to speak UN Ambassador Gabriela Pearce stated, "The United Republic of Ireland also agrees with the Fourth Republic of Poland."
  9. "I am open to four smaller bases for your army, where would you locate these installations? I am also willing to allow two smaller bases for your air force, where would you place these and what kind of aircraft would be stationed there? In terms of the I-Class Amphibious Warfare Vessel, we would have to take full procurement of the vessel itself due to our lack of facilities. We would also require a team of Polish technicians and engineers to work with ours in order to maintain these vessels. I would like to forward deploy a Marine Expeditionary Strike Group to Poland, which is about 2,000 Marines. I look forward to Ireland and Poland working together to create an advanced maritime patrol aircraft as well. Now how many Polish servicemen and women would be stationed in the United Republic?
  10. "I believe that a drydock and naval air station facilities are in order, and agree that it can be jointly used by both our forces. If Poland wishes to have an army and air force base in our country they would have to contribute to the defense of Ireland and the number of personnel and equipment would have to be set at a limit for now. It is also in my opinion that a Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pact would be in order as well. Ireland would also like to be able to acquire the I-Class Landing Helicopter Dock once it is made available. We are also looking for a successor to the P-3 Orion and would like to work in collaboration with Poland on a new maritime aircraft. We would also like to establish a joint army/air force base in Poland."
  11. NAVY HIGHLY CLASSIFIED: With the recent acquisition of the F/A18F Block II Super Hornet from the Empire of Tianxia, all Rafale M aircraft currently deployed on Independence-Class aircraft carriers will be replaced. Since these new Super Hornets are Block IIs it means that it does not rely on low-observable technology, such as stealth systems, to the exclusion of other survivability factors. Instead, its design incorporates a combination of stealth, advanced electronic-warfare capabilities, reduced ballistic vulnerability, the use of standoff weapons, and innovative tactics that cumulatively and collectively enhance the safety of the fighter and crew. The F/A-18F's radar cross-section was reduced greatly from some aspects, mainly the front and rear. The design of the engine inlets reduces the aircraft's frontal radar cross-section. The alignment of the leading edges of the engine inlets is designed to scatter radiation to the sides. Fixed fanlike reflecting structures in the inlet tunnel divert radar energy away from the rotating fan blades. The Super Hornet also makes considerable use of panel joint serration and edge alignment. Considerable attention has been paid to the removal or filling of unnecessary surface join gaps and resonant cavities. The F/A-18F uses perforated panels that appear opaque to radar waves at the frequencies used. Careful attention has been paid to the alignment of many panel boundaries and edges, to direct reflected waves away from the aircraft in uniformly narrow angles. While the F/A-18F is not a true stealth fighter like the F-22, it will have a frontal radar cross-section an order of magnitude smaller than prior generation fighters. The Super Hornet Block II configuration includes the new APG-79 AESA radar; it enables its crew to execute simultaneous air-to-air and air-to-ground attacks. The APG-79 also provides higher quality high-resolution ground mapping at long standoff ranges. The AESA radar can also detect smaller targets, such as inbound missiles and can track air targets beyond the range of the Super Hornet's own air to air missiles. The Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS) provides multi-purpose situational awareness, which includes high-off-bore-sight missile cuing. The Shared Reconnaissance Pod (SHARP) is a high-resolution, digital tactical air reconnaissance system that features advanced day/night and all-weather capability. The Multifunctional Information Distribution System low volume communication terminal is being upgraded with the MIDS-JTRS system, which will allow a tenfold increase in bandwidth as well as compatibility with the Joint Tactical Radio System standards.
  12. NAVY PRIVATE: The Military Sealift Command (MSC) has recently acquired the Angel-Class Vehicle Cargo Ship. It is currently the fastest cargo ship in the world, capable of speeds in excess of 33 knots. These ships are roll-on/roll-off and lift-on/lift-off ships equipped with on-board cranes and self-contained ramps which enable the ships to off-load onto lighterage which anchored at sea or in ports where shore facilities for unloading equipment are unavailable. The vessels are specially suited to transport heavy or bulky unit equipment such as tanks, large wheeled vehicles and helicopters. The MSC will operate 9 of these vessels. Combined, all nine Fast Sealift Ships can carry nearly all the equipment needed to outfit a full Army Infantry Division.The MSC also operates the Support-Class Replenishment Ship.
  13. NAVY HIGHLY CLASSIFIED: The Navy has decommissioned all Freedom-Class Frigates which will now be replaced by the Gladiator-Class Frigate. It is a highly advanced air-defence and command frigate. For this role the ships are equipped with an advanced sensor and weapons suite. The primary sensors for this role are the long range surveillance radar SMART-L and the multi-function radar APAR. The SMART-L and APAR are highly complementary, in the sense that SMART-L is a D band radar providing very long range surveillance while APAR is an I band radar providing precise target tracking, a highly capable horizon search capability, and missile guidance using the Interrupted Continuous Wave Illumination (ICWI) technique, thus allowing guidance of 32 semi-active radar homing missiles in flight simultaneously, including 16 in the terminal guidance phase. The primary anti-air weapons are the point defence Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile and the area defence SM-2 Block IIIA. The Mk 41 Vertical Launch System is used to house and launch these missiles. 32 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile and 32 SM-2 Block IIIA are carried.
  14. "Thank you. Now we would like to see greater cooperation between our two countries' militaries in terms of officer exchange programs and joint military exercises. Thoughts?"
  15. "My government sees Poland as a close ally and a strategic one as well. As I understand it, Poland is building navy but only has one naval base in the works. I am willing to offer Scapa Flows to Poland to build a naval base in exchange for technological support in various projects. We would also like to see an upgrade in our current treaty status and work more closely militarily, namely joint military exercises."
  16. 3/15/XX Dublin Times Sold Dublin Time Corp. has been sold to a private entity and is no longer state-run. This newspaper will not necessarily reflect the Irish government's stance on domestic, foreign, defense, or any other policy. Sierra Leone With tensions in the international forum proving little success for a well rounded solution in Sierra Leone, people all over the world are wondering whether Sierra Leone can even have a future for its people. Grand Chancellor Leonardo Kennedy and Prime Minister Mary Baron have both stated the United Republic of Ireland will not intervene militarily any further, but will continue to send civil humanitarian aid to those most afflicted by this conflict. Foreign Minister Kendal Mayers has said that she and Ambassador Jamie Elin have been in discussions with the Communist government and have called upon it to cooperate with international partners and work with all opposing sides to mediate the situation. Reports have indicated Athenian military forces entering Sierra Leone to assist in peacekeeping operations and security for the country. Mixed reactions have come of this, but the Irish government has yet to release a statement. Government officials both on the lower and higher levels are worried that the conflict in Africa is just a portion of growing tensions between the Empire of Tianxia and the Athenian Federation. Even ordinary citizens are taking notice to the "show down" between the world's two largest superpowers. Some even question whether the United Nations Security Council can even function as it was intended, maintaining international security and peace, when two of its permanent members have continually been on the opposing side of resolution on a number of issues. The world will have to see what comes next in Sierra Leone. Justice The investigation into a bomb attack in west Belfast has revealed the device was detonated remotely, and not thrown at the vehicle as first thought. Four officers and several members of the public were caught up in the explosion after the device was targeted at four officers inside their Landrover near the City Cemetery off the Falls Road. No one was injured, but a family had to be treated for shock after their car was hit by shrapnel. One adult and three children were in the passing car that was struck during the explosion, causing considerable damage to their vehicle and leaving them badly shaken. Members of the Filipino family were treated for shock. The children are aged 16, 13 and 11. The Police Federation has warned officers to be vigilant after the attack. Chairman Terry Spence vowed dissident republicans opposed to the peace process would not succeed in plunging the country back into full-scale conflict. A Belfast Metropolitan Police Department spokesman said the device was left in place at the cemetery and detonated using a command wire. Superintendent Barbara Gray said: “This was not only a deliberate attempt to kill police officers but was an attack on the community of west Belfast, and it is only through good fortune that no one, either police or civilian, was seriously injured or killed last night. “As with all incidents a review of the police response will be carried out to ensure that we do everything possible to provide the highest quality response to the communities of North and West Belfast.” Detectives are appealing for anyone who noticed any suspicious activity in the area of the cemetery in recent days or anyone who has any information which may be of assistance to their investigation to contact them. Mr Spence said: “The officers were fortunate to escape unhurt in what was a clear attempt to murder and maim. Those responsible have absolutely no regard or respect for life. It was a reckless, cowardly and futile action by individuals who have nothing to offer.” The blast blew a chunk of masonry out of the wall of the cemetery. Stormont justice minister David Ford said: "They are not supported and their actions are futile. The people behind this attack clearly planned it but I wonder what their plan was had members of the public been injured or killed. “The Falls Road is a main route with a constant flow of traffic and pedestrians and it was totally irresponsible to carry out this attack on the local community.” Officers have been urged to tighten personal security after a separate under-car bomb was found a relatively short distance away from the cemetery earlier yesterday. Mr Spence added: “My members will continue undeterred to offer a professional service to the community. These terrorists will not succeed in their goal and I would appeal to anyone with information to get in touch with the Belfast Metropolitan Police Department so that these mindless people are brought to justice. “Police officers and the public must remain vigilant as it is the obvious intention of desperate dissident republicans to attract a headline in the run-up to St Patrick’s Day.” The Falls Road area was busy at the time of last night's attack and 200 yards away more than 500 people were enjoying a night organized by the Feile community organization. Many people passed the site of the explosion, Sinn Féin MP Paul Maskey said. Police did not immediately attend to begin their investigation, a standard precaution against a follow-up attack. The earlier under-car bomb fell from the vehicle and failed to explode, and even though the target has not been positively identified, the Belfast Metropolitan Police Department has not ruled out the possibility it was meant for one of their officers. The device was discovered at Blacks Road, a busy route close to the M1 not far from Woodbourne police station.
  17. A Boeing 737 would touch down at Lungi International Airport. On board would be a 6 man team from the National Bureau of Investigation. The leader would be Special Agent Leroy Gibbens. Leroy eared a B.S. in Criminal Justice and a M.S. in Law Enforcement Intelligence and Analysis. He entered the NBI as an entry level agent working in the Belfast Field Office. After 5 years he was promoted Supervisory Senior Resident Agent at the Galway Field Office. He was then promoted to Supervisory Special Agent at the Cork Field Office. After some time he was deployed to the Polish Embassy as a law enforcement attache. After serving at this post he was then transferred to the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch at Dublin. While there he worked in the Criminal Investigative Division up until his recent deployment to Sierra Leone. As a 56 year old man, he has had over 30 years experience as a federal investigator. With him are Special Agents Diego, Lucia, Conor, Brian, and Catherine. Each with a unique skill set, the team is probably the most experienced ever deployed overseas to conduct a criminal investigation. The team will reside at the Irish Embassy throughout their stay. They have 2 Chevy Suburbans and each agent carriers a P229 standard issue pistol. SIG516 PDW 7.5" SBR rifles are also close at hand in case of an emergency. The team will set out for the crime scene in the morning but for now they'll be getting some shut eye.
  18. "As am I mister President, as am I." The motorcade arrived at the Grand Chancellor's Palace. Kennedy and Mayers exited the vehicles first, followed by the members of the Polish delegation. Kennedy then escorted the group inside and brought them to a meeting room. The palace staff seated the honored guests first and then the Grand Chancellor and Foreign Minister. They would be offered drinks before they began. Kennedy would have a Scotch and Mayers a glass of water. Kennedy would begin formal discussions by saying, "Again, I would like to welcome you to our nation's capital and hope to further bilateral relations between our two countries. I would like to open today's discussion on how we can further military cooperation. Any thoughts?"
  19. "Ireland has gone through some rough patches, mainly the conflict in Sierra Leone. We continue to lend our civil assistance but we are no longer militarily involved. How is Poland doing?"
  20. MINISTRY OF DEFENSE PRIVATE: Several pieces of equipment from the Aerospace Defense Command have been decommissioned. These are SAM-45S, SAM-46S, and SAM-47LR. The Marksman AAS has been introduced and will be implemented immediately. It is an anti-aircraft weapon system, consisting of a turret, a Marconi Series 400 radar and two Swiss 35 mm Oerlikon autocannons. The M240MG will be introduced into service with the Army. It is a member of a family of belt-fed, gas-operated medium machine guns firing the 7.62×51mm NATO cartridge. The XM1203 155mm Non-Line-of-Sight-Cannon has been taken out of service due to high maintenance costs and will be replaced by the AS-90. It is a lightly armoured self-propelled artillery piece.
  21. "It is my honor to host our Polish allies here in Dublin," replied Grand Chancellor Leonardo Kennedy. He then greeted Field Marshal Anderswozski and Foreign Minister Wadislaw Maczek. Grand Chancellor Kennedy then motioned to President Sikorski to step into an awaiting car. Once both delegations were in the motorcade, it left Air Base Dublin for the Grand Chancellor's Palace. In the car Foreign Minister Kendal Mayers began speaking to her counterpart, "So mister Foreign Minister, if you and your delegation don't mind we will head to the Grand Chancellor's Palace for official discussions and then we would like to take you to Naval Base South Shields to review our naval fleet and discuss further military cooperation."
  22. Upon news of the assassination of President Basher and the takeover by the Communists, Prime Minister Mary Baron called upon Ambassador Jamie Elin to communicate with the Sierra Leone government the Irish intentions.
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