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Posts posted by Icewolf

  1. Alright Icewolf.


    1: I succesfully implemented a Tech Deal system in the Central Powers (We had six nations, no big feat but still)  that achived nearly 60% of all aid slots full.

    2: I have been a active member, in any way I can, in all four of my alliances.

    3. I succesfully helped negotiate, along side Emporer Wilbers, a temporary peace deal with Eumirbago when he threatned me.

    4: I have decided to rebuild my image, via the alliance forums, as we speak.

    5: I have paye back 100% of my inter alliance tech deals




    When I left all of my alliances (excluding Nordreich) They learned more about me and where willing to embrace me. When I left, most people still where still very fond of me and many of us still talk. I believe that I have allowed many alliances to understand my goals.




    To be honest, right now, I shouldn't be trusted. I think we all know why. But, I believe that can be changed.

    Regarding the first set.
     3,4 and 5 are not things you did for your alliances. They are things you did for yourself. 2 is not really a benefit to an alliance. Quality not quantity matters. So you can only name 1 thing you actually did for an alliance. 

    For the second set
    They knew you existed and some were nice to you. They learned your goals. That does not meant they are better off. There has to be something tangible. 


    For the third set, this is why not alliance will take you on. 

    So at the end of this little assesment, you have provided 1 thing you have done for good in this game. You set up a very small tech trading setup. 


    So given that, why should someone take you in?

  2. I am not a part of IRON's recruitment team so I can tell you in complete confidence that I have not authority to make any statements regarding IRON recruitment policy. However, if you wish to try and justify yourself, do the following 1) State 5 positive things you did for alliances you were in 2) State how and why alliances you were in were better off at the end of your membership compared to the beginning. (or if they were not explain why) 3) State why you should be considered trustworthy

  3. Let me respond to this. What me and The Fallen where conspiring to do was take the Lower Tier Revolution to the next level. The goal was not to overthrow the government, although that was a alternative plan PROPOSED BY THE FALLEN, we felt that the NAO could be the transportation to the top for me and him.


    But look, the NAO is a great allaince, I want people to join. They may have overreacted, conducted espionage against there own members but I feel worst of all, they still havent uploaded a Harlem Shake video.

    Please. For the Love of Sanity. Listen. 


    You will NEVER get anywhere if you think of others as owing your anything. Be it giving you protection, or bowing down to be your footstool on the way up, no one owes you a damn thing. 


    People will not be used. You are not some great manipulator. You have to give people something in return. 


    What value did you actually bring to the table here? What tangible gain would they have had from having you? You are not a great diplomat. You are not a great nation builder. You are not a great warrior. Sorry, but its true. We have all seen your posts around here. 


    Currently, you bring nothing to an alliance. 


    If you want to get somewhere you have to find something you can bring to an alliance. And finding that something is very simple. 


    Sit down. 

    Shut up. 




    Learn how a nation works. 

    Learn how the diplomatic world works

    Learn how an alliance actually functions. 


    Then you can begin to add things. 


    Until then we owe you NOTHING. The community will give you nothing until you become someone that will give us a return. Give us something back. 


    Of the alliances you have been in not one has been better off as a result. Not one. And you still think you can get somewhere. The only way people get anywhere in this game is by people feeling that they are better off for having you work with them. Currently, people will not feel that about you because you always cost people more. And that is why you fail. 


    OOC: Having seen your posts around the rest of the forum this is a lesson you need for real life as well. Whilst normally a comedy site, this cracked article is right on the money about you. 


  4. Whilst 30 thousand may have been launched, that is only 1500 sets of 20. So I agree it is far from extreme to see it happening, it is not a high likelyhood either. I know that there are not likely to be many streaks of one or two discussed. its just that even a 10 streak is a 1 in 200. So with 3000 sets of ten we would expect to see only 15 over the course of the month and there have been more than that.

  5. This is a debate that is taking place on the IRON forums. Namely the SDI odds seem weird. 


    Globally, the SDI odds are about right-generally 60% of nuclear strikes are blocked. (slightly under-but some nukes are fired at non-SDI states)


    Individually, the odds don't match. We have one nation on a 20 nuke streak. Odds of 1 in 10 000 or thereabouts. 


    Various other nations have very good streaks whilst others seem to get no luck at all. 


    It all seems strange. Streaks are something you would expect to happen with the number of nukes launched. But they seem to happen too often for it to be purely chance. 


    So my question is, is it always a flat 60% chance of a block with an SDI? I guess if it is not so Admin won't tell us how as he clearly wants it to be a secret, but it would be nice to know if there is a variable so stat nerds can start trying to work it out.

  6. Che care to explain those last Ai and Equilibrium pieces? I've got no clue what they refer to..

    they are variants on the Enron logo. Essentially they try to imply that we are a House of Cards about to collapse. Wrong of course, but quite clever in its way. 


    To scare some members, those that were born after that scandal will be 13 next year. Teenagers. 

  7. Does it really matter how small the percentage is. Whether it is 5%, 2%, or 1% DH has just sent out a message to all its allies that it does not value most of its alliance and they can burn provided that a small fraction of its nations live. Good luck with post war recruitment and retention. Good luck with the inevitable bitterness. You may keep your core intact. Say Goodbye to those allies of yours that were not so keen on you to start with and have now been shredded to pay for that little fraction of your alliance that is all your care about. You wonder what Eq's post war game plan is? Well we wonder if you are even capable of having one or plan for there being a post war at all given your attitude towards your own alliances and allies.

  8. I love how DH are wondering what the end game for our side is. I wonder what their's is. They are sat there openly proclaiming that only a handful of their nations matter. For some on their side this actually translates to none of their members matter provided that a few large nations of another alliance matter. How many people do you really think are going to stick with let alone join an alliance that not only has such a policy but openly proclaims it to the OWF? How many subsidury allies do you really see going through this again?

  9. There is at least 2 million total NS missing from the non-eQ forces data.

    Care to list? I mean, if you are winning (and given those nations are tracked) there really is no reason to be hiding those nations. Beyond a desire to be able to pop up in threads and claim that the stats that show you are losing are wrong of course.

  10. The "low level domination" thing is something that happens in every one sided war. DH and Co are just having a short confidence boost because their mid teir got knocked down so quickly by round 2 they were fighting nations with less wonders than them. The fact is though, numbers still win. You watch nations that get knocked down to that level. They fight hard for a round or two then they fall off a cliff and die. Saw it in past wars and I am watching VE do it right now. Furthermore, you assume that your vastly powerful nations will keep fighting down there. Why? DH has already lost hundreds of thousands of NS to deletions this war. You really think your nations will want to fight in the lower ranks? Especially when they cannot fight ground attacks due to infa/tech imbalance. Deletions and despondancy would become rife within your ranks (they already seem to have within the so called "elite" alliances.

  11. TO BE HONEST, I don't even know the whole story. I was told that Sparta wasn't happy with me, sense then, I hadn't posted a protectorate or anything. Then Yesterday, Iw as declared a ghost, hours after I was declared on by Griff.

    Sparta found out you were in their protectorate. Sparta made it clear that protection did not extend to you (probably with reference to your habit of declaring war on your own alliances). You got expelled from Central Powers and attacked. 


    It doesn't take a genius to infer this. 


    Here is a tip for you. An alliance that gives a protectorate takes a risk. They are declaring responsibility for an organisation they have little control over. When it is an alliance like Central powers the added fighting capacity (if the protectorate acts as an MDP) is minimal. At most they get some tech sellers. They are taking a risk on the alliance eventually becoming a useful ally that will repay the work they put in. 


    They owe that alliance next to nothing. They do not undertake to back your own direction of Foreign Affairs. They do not undertake to back you up in strutting around. A protectorate is to protect a small alliance for unsolicited attacks and bullying. It is not to give the members of that alliance the full power of the protector as they engage in aggressive Foreign Affairs or posturing. 


    If you thought that the relationship was totally one way, if you thought it was a ringing endorsement of whatever you did by their military (their military that is already in a major war) then you are an unappreciative little git and got what you deserved. 


    You want to actually succeed in this game? Learn that relationships cut both ways. Real power comes from peoples knowledge that if they throw their weight behind you you will throw it behind them and that promise of yours is actually worth their effort to acquire. 



    OCC: the last part applies to life as well. The world does not owe you anything but what you pay into it first. 

  12. What? Why the fuck? OK le me tell you something, I was Told Directly from a member of Sparta that we where protected, I saw screenshots of the IRC chat confirming this AND I saw a screenshot of the treaty.

    Because almost every protectorate treaty on the planet has the following implied clause;


    "It is against the terms of this treaty to do something really stupid, including but not limited to, telling people to have at thee on the OWF and using the treat as a shield"

  13. He is referring to all those nations burning billions they do not have to waste (as in upwards of 70-80% of their savings) to stay in the top 100K after they have been knocked down to avoid the utter annihilation being rent upon the mid tier. Although "mid tier" is a past tense word. It is now something of a lower tier.

  14. A manhatton Project, Foreign Air Force base, Pentagon and SDI all give him enough to alone give you and your alliance a kicking. 


    So make your peace. There is no benefit in goading this guy even if he can only come at you as a rogue. He would smash you and your alliance apart. 

  15. ZIed within a week of leaving peace mode. Sure of it. 


    And dude...stop waving a protector around like that. They will not appreciate it. Goading people into attacking you and then relying on someone to bail you out is not what is considered correct and sensible behavior. Especially as your particular protector is somewhat pre-occupied right now. 

  16. Who said Sparta?


    Hopefully, though he wil change his mind. A counter blitz would occur. We are protected.

    I have ways of discovering things that are far beyond you. 


    And as I said, Sparta are likely a little to busy right now and likely have a few too many other countervailing concerns. 

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