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Posts posted by Icewolf

  1. [quote name='sourcy' timestamp='1357424706' post='3071768']
    You're missing the point BUDDY BOO. Sparta said we had TWENTY FOUR HOURS to peace out our wars.
    I was still in that TWENTY FOUR hour window.

    Have a nice day babe.
    [/quote]You had peaced out your war before the spy attack. Either you are totally blind to the realities of how the entire world works or you wanted one last jab (having turtled the entire war by all accounts).

    But nice job admitting to the chain of events. Now the world can see how cowardly certain people are around here. Spartan King? Kings have honour, decorum, decency, bravery and leadership. Spartan court jester would be more your mark.

  2. It is very much on topic as to why you are a dishourable twit who just does harm to his alliance.

    I notice a distinct lack of denial coming from you. Go on. If its not true that you deliberately and knowingly violated peace terms set by your government make a clear statement denying it. I mean, acknowledging a surrender before launching a spy operation is pretty major and not something you would forget doing so you ought to know if you did it or not.

    Do you deny launching a spy operation against an IRON nation after acknowledging that there was peace between IRON and Sparta?

  3. [quote name='sourcy' timestamp='1357407996' post='3071681']
    What are you even talking about baby?[/quote]You want to play that game?

    Do you remember a certain person who launched a nuke after peace was declared, then responded to a message telling you peace was declared acknowledging that there was peace, and followed that up with an aggressive spy operation? In that order?

    I seem to. Whatever was he called again?

  4. [quote name='sourcy' timestamp='1357374455' post='3071583']
    yawn, what's your point, I didn't follow orders from a government that was terrible at issuing orders, which I never got?
    [/quote]Oh you knew about those orders all right. You just chose to ignore them. I have the screenshots that prove you did open on my screen right now. Your little shenanigans cost Sparta an awful lot of goodwill. Grateful for that aren't you?

  5. [quote name='sourcy' timestamp='1357169925' post='3070634']
    YAWN. I yawn'ed reading your reply. Of course DA isn't going to come out and say "yeah, please do us a favor and do our dirty work"...

    He's gotta pretend like he didn't want to and you "convinced" him
    [/quote]So the incompetent leaders convinced a non ally into attacking you and got him to believe that it was his own idea and they were doing him a special favor?

    I would be terrified to encounter what you would regard as a competent leader if that is incompetence.

  6. [quote name='sourcy' timestamp='1357152006' post='3070474']
    It's funny that, I have more people who say they will be joining me, and/or on my side lol sparta = noobs.
    [/quote]And where are these people? Your forum has 1 member. 1. A slow drib drab of people too your side would be a failure. You aimed for a coup d'etat. The very essence of that is an infiltration of the structure of leadership and then a rapid takeover of that. A steady trickle of deserters to a new government structure is a failure in that regard and will most likely fail as a revolution as well as low activity nations will not bother and high activity nations seem to be against you.

    All this will do is weaken sparta by war and even if you do win the cost will be most of its government members leaving no leadership structure to create what you want to create. Creation of a new leadership structure will be virtually impossible. The point of a coup is to keep the structure and change the people to preserve the power of government. Instead this little venture is a winneresque revolution.

  7. Actually I give the edge to Hiro. On the one side we have someone who did art at university level waving his e-peen around with a bunch of second rate pictures and on the other side we have someone who is looking for a laugh and embraces the low quality nature of his work and is not ashamed of that.

    If Hakai had not gone out of his way to say how good he was this would not even have been raised. If you are going to say "I am amazing" then you had better be !@#$@#$ amazing or you are going to get burned.

    Or are you new on this internet thing?

  8. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1355954002' post='3065987']
    [OOC] Are you UK, and if so where can I buy it? I'm always up for trying new lagers/beers.[OOC]

    I'd like to thanks NSO for giving me a good time before my nation sinks into demise in February.
    [/quote][ooc]Try morrisons[/ooc]

    Its nice to see I am not the only one who offers a Christmas truce.

  9. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1355951251' post='3065966']
    It's Christmas, it's blatantly obvious the opposing powers here lack the balls to openly declare on each other. Instead content to sit and wait on the other making a mistake, while missing out on the fun that is warfare and festivities rolled into one. I also should not post when drinking pints of stella artois.
    [/quote]Can I amend that to you should not be drinking stella artois?

    Christmas is a bad time for war. Christmas should be a time of goodwill. I remember last December asking those fighting opposite me if they wanted a Christmas day truce. None of them responded which I kind of felt was sad.

  10. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1355676361' post='3064579']
    But now rank and file members of every alliance get to see the info the op posted, so it, in fact, informs the average member more, not make things worse for them.
    [/quote]All the information posted is taken from the member level not the government level. So it is nothing that every MK member does not know. If this topic winds up being harmful to MK (which I doubt as it just confirms what 50% already believe and the other 50% will not be convinced without evidence) then MK will restrict the amount in the member area. Other alliances that see similar leaks will take the same action.

    So whilst in the short term this can inform member views, in the long term it can reduce the amount of information available.

  11. [quote name='sir pwnage' timestamp='1354458361' post='3059493']
    I'm glad somebody understands.

    Anyway, I'm glad to hear my Umbrellan allies are apparently invincible. And TPF, if you need tech sellers, just ask us. We identified our MK moles a long time ago and don't let them near the important stuff ;)
    [/quote]I always figured it was best to let the moles near the important stuff if they were from a competent alliance as it allows you to have someone competent run them.

  12. You need to end this now. Civil war is bloody and brutal and will benefit nobody. if you win this fight there will be little change. There are many in CN who stamp on the ideals of freedom. You win this war and nothing will change. You will in fact just be further behind them and you will achieve nothing. In fact you will become them. It is a strange person who speaks of freedom before attacking their brothers due to political ideology.

    You also stamp on the ideals you claimed to espouse when you formed the SDU. You called for a bridge between left and right in the name of freedom. These were good ideals. They were great ideals. Many would have supported that. But instead you fight many pointless wards and lead many doomed campaigns. How many nations stand behind you now? As far as I can tell...none. The SDU is still losing its war against IAFG, a war you started whilst already engaged with another nation. That nation has rendered you asunder and incapable of fighting. And now you have declared a civil war that you cannot even muster the strength to fight and of such little significance that the dominant forces have not counter attacked.

    I truly feel for those in the SDU. You came to them offering them a banner of peace and co-operation. You then brought them war, division, strife and nuclear holocaust. The SDU is now a ragged, defeated ruin of an alliance. Its members flee. I am glad to see that others are willing to take them in and offer them refuge from the insanity you have brought.

    May this stand as a lesson for you. Your partners in this path were arrogance and stupidity. Arrogance led you to war, and stupidity led you to lose it. 17 vs 2...and you lost. And now your arrogance once again leads you down this stupid path to declare a civil war that no one person is even willing to fight, not even those ranged against you.

    Hopefully in the future you will repent. You will abandon these allies of yours. You will join forces with wisdom and humility. You will look for the ways to achieve your aims with a screwdriver, rather than smashing a broken machine with a sledgehammer and hoping it will then work. However, as long as you listen to those two friends of yours you will find nothing but war, destruction, irrelevance and misery.

  13. [quote name='PARTYANIMAL123' timestamp='1353522332' post='3055620']
    I'm not obnoxious and the SDU flys the flag of disbandment,

    We are reuniting on pixel nations, a better game where we are protected and we actually have a chance
    [/quote]You had two offers of protection. You blew them both. You were not raided out of existence. You had a chance. You brought this on yourselves.


    By being so arrogant as to believe that making it just happens. You assumed that you deserved the respect of a great alliance because "some day" you would be one. That led you to believe you could take treaties still being negotiated for granted. That led you to believe you had the right to hold members against your will. That made you act as though you were the greats of CN when the reality is that your alliance is tiny and exists simply because no one decided to make it stop existing.

    You had the chance. You had the same chance that every major alliance had when they started. And you blew it. You presumed that greatness was something deserved. You assumed that your half arsed charter and crackpot ideals made you an equal to alliances with over half a decade of experience and power behind them.

    If you try again, here this. You are not great. You are not powerful. Your existence depends on others. Be grateful to them. One day you may be great. But it will take a lot of work. The respect that comes with it must be earned. It cannot simply be expected and demanded.

  14. The greatest irony here has to be that whilst Winner brags of the awesome military under his command, it is left to the IAFG to actually fight the war. The only wars declared and being fought are those launched by the IAFG, presumably in response to the postings here.

    I think then we can see whose military is the greater to behold.

    I think we must once again remind Winner of the usual order of business in CN. First assemble the ability to fight the war and then declare it. Declaring war and then waiting around for opponent to respond throws away the key advantage that being on the attack normally gives.

  15. [quote name='shahenshah' timestamp='1353248887' post='3054138']
    Brehon, will you spare the children?
    [/quote][color="#008000"]We could always try and reenact the "for the love of God, think of the children" compact for the next war. I for one would love to see this come about. And no, this has nothing to do with the fact that my nation does not at this point posses nuclear capabilities. It is most uncivilised for you to even suggest such a slur against my nation. [/color]

    [color=#008000]As for my color, Green is the opposite of red. I use it to symbolise my opposition to baby killing advocated by the cruel red of bloodlust of Mcrabt. [/color]

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