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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. So in your opinion they declared war over how they acted in public in regards to their tech raiding? I'm not saying it's a wrong thing, I'm just trying to get where you're coming from. No I said that polar had nothing to do with the FoA incident which was handled before they came in. I never said grub=walford. I said there was a relation to it and you tried to argue what walford did was for fame, which I don't think is true at all.
  2. Polar was the one to pick a fight with \m/ Care to share how or are you using another cheap throwaway line?
  3. I have read the OP. I also read about how the FoA incident was handled diplomatically and went off without a hitch. Really? I haven't argued against him just following through with just "bringing it." From how I saw the situation Grub was the one that started acting tough first after the whole FoA incident was handled. I love your attempt at changing the circumstances. The Corporation actually had an ongoing tech raid that they went and conducted their diplomacy on with good results. Polar barged in after the matter was closed so there was no need for any "diplomacy."
  4. So they're against people bring up raiding in public? So it's fine if they raid and it just doesn't reach the OWF? And from what I can recall the FoA matter was handled diplomatically and fairly quickly. Anything else? So when is polar rolling MK? I can fairly well understand the context of this situation. Just because I disagree with it still does not mean I am not grasping the full situation.
  5. What did I make up? I'll leave you this empty space here to actually see if you manage to answer that. The tech raid in question was already handled diplomatically by The Corp. That falls in line with what my alliance practices.
  6. I'm not inventing new ones at all, I'm just stating the facts as they've been presented and that's the conclusions I'm drawing. I don't think you read the apology thread closely enough. Their profanity is common amongst themselves but should not be used against foreign entities, which is the reason they apologized. If they were truly offended by profanity being used in general you'd think they wouldn't be allied to MK.
  7. First of all I am wondering what diplomacy was needed for. Second of all I thought that we had already seen an apology for that. Third of all was the rest of his government lying earlier then about it not being a reason to go to war? All I see is an attempt to change the main line of argument here which is they had no stake in the FoA drama thus there was no need for diplomacy at all.
  8. So what is it then? He already claimed he was going to war prior to the profanity that was done in their channel. Government members from there claimed they wouldn't be going over to war for it. So please enlighten me then.
  9. I had seen plenty of polaris government saying that they wouldn't be going to war over the profanity. In either case then are they going to war now because of the tech raid over a closed matter or to cleanse the OWF a la shark week?
  10. Members of polaris government have already indicated that war was not going to be declared over the profanity used during that time. As \m/ just pointed out he said he was going to declare war beforehand anyway. Unless you're now trying to relate this to shark week?
  11. So you're saying neither of them are attacking tech raiders solely because they're raiders? Unless you'd care to explain any other reason he had for declaring.
  12. Like I mentioned, that isn't really relevant the actual connection being made. Walford made an organization to attack tech raiders hence why people are drawing the parallels between him and Grub
  13. Nice to see that someone is disregarding the actual reason for this war.
  14. CNARF was a military project in GATO using GATO nations. I don't see why the fanfare subject is even being brought up, the fact of the matter was that it was an attempt to attack all tech raiders.
  15. No, CNARF was to attack raiders. To further prove you wrong walford kept up those activities long after CNARF disbanded without any fanfare here on the forums as well.
  16. Are they going to be attacking all alliances that tech raid then?
  17. Exact same things just the first one was backed by GATO. Also I'd be inclined to agree with you if there was a reason for diplomacy to be needed in the first place.
  18. I didn't realize you needed diplomacy for a closed matter.
  19. CNARF was an anti-tech raiding force that attacked all tech raiders. You can see the relation now.
  20. While I appreciate your honesty and resolve to fight for you believe in, I am wondering what your goal in diplomacy was when you contacted \m/
  21. He attacked a member of GATO and claimed he wanted a 1v1. The person he attacked was a government member (or retired by then?) and was deleted for multis and GATO ultimately let Ivan go.
  22. Top 11 User(s) are reading this topic (5 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users) 6 Members: WarriorConcept, walford, Soviet Canuckistan, x Tela x, tarikmo3rd, mutant hijacker
  23. Seems only us old timers who were registered there can see it
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