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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. [quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1313116813' post='2778244'] Ah so you signed a treaty with an alliance that wants to see your direct allies dead to protect them? Thats so kind of you. I am sure GOD feels much better now. Of course if TOP did end up attacking GOD that little treaty of yours would pretty much end any chance of you all helping out GOD. I am sure that never crossed anybodys mind. [/quote] TOP wants GOD dead? You're really losing your touch.
  2. [quote name='conistonslim' timestamp='1313118196' post='2778282'] They may or will be disappointed? [/quote] Will.
  3. [quote name='zzzptm' timestamp='1313117166' post='2778257'] Aw, shucks, it ain't nothing. It's pretty obvious, really. A child of six could suss out what's going on. We also understand that persons of note must keep up appearances until such a time comes when appearances are no longer a necessity. [/quote] You're one of those special people, aren't you.
  4. [quote name='zzzptm' timestamp='1313112106' post='2778125'] We're working on recruiting everyone with the initials M and J, in that order. But to keep things on topic, What does SF think now of VE's official denial of cutting ties, thereby proving that such a move is in the works? [/quote] What?
  5. [quote name='berbers' timestamp='1313103210' post='2777932'] You seem to be posting honestly, if TOP hits GOD is the ODP enough to prevent VE from countering? [/quote] If we didn't trust TOP enough to not attack our direct allies, we wouldn't have signed a treaty with them.
  6. [quote name='hizzy' timestamp='1313100976' post='2777902'] I've got a tenner here that soon enough you guys will realize that you really haven't been the best of friends lately and your level of treaty doesn't really reflect how well your governments know eachother or some other !@#$%^&*. not that I'll shed a tear over it, I always hated that VE was tied to GOD but seriously the writing's on the wall, don't play coy. [/quote] If anyone thinks we'll be dropping GOD and leaving them to the wolves they may find themselves disappointed.
  7. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1313094565' post='2777818'] Well, VE has decided where they want to be when SF gets rolled. Great friends you got there, Xiph. [/quote] Do you see a cancellation between GOD and VE anywhere?
  8. To claim that the relationship between VE/GOD is similar than to that of the one between GOONS/GOD is mildly comical.
  9. [quote name='janax' timestamp='1313089248' post='2777728'] I don't think you quite understand the VE-MK relationship. Wait, I know you don't understand the MK-VE relationship. [/quote] Would have to agree with Janax here. Pleasure being allied to you, TOP.
  10. [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1313092210' post='2777779'] As a member of high gov in MK I seem to be struggling to grasp the chain of events that have occurred here. If someone could help shed light onto anything I'm missing, it would be greatly appreciated: -A post is made by our Prince concerning the political climate of our alliance in a politics based arena, explaining to a former-President of our ally what what our view of the world is, after he inquired for what our opinion was -Said president leaks the post back to his good friend who leads an alliance in SF -SF is shell-shocked that people no longer seem to like them, and create a Q&A to attempt to fix their image -As the post made its way through political channels, it leaks back to a PB gov through a PB-SF tie -This proves to be the final straw to get a PB-SF tie cancelled Talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy, eh Xiphosis? [/quote] I enjoyed the lies in the OP by Ardus in regards to our ally, personally.
  11. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1313042196' post='2777349'] And then as the last post in the thread Big Z said: "If you want to associate with despicable characters then mask it in some thin veneer of an argument about it only being an online game, that's fine, it's a crystal clear reflection upon your own character (or lack thereof) and what means you'll go to in order to achieve your goals. If that's not a clear and strong personal attack on him because of the association, I don't know what is. [/quote] Of course it's a personal attack based on association. Is it even close to calling him a white supremacist? No.
  12. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1313041297' post='2777335'] It says he wants a world that isn't dominated by any single party (like it was with Xiph and SF during the last war). [/quote] You're stretching quite a bit there.
  13. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1313040367' post='2777319'] Yawn, it didn't say that. Yes, you have proven that Ardus used the wrong word. [/quote] No, his whole premise was wrong. The only alliance being called into question for "supporting nazis" was NoR, not MK and especially not Ardus himself.
  14. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1313039956' post='2777309'] So he said 'being' when he should have said 'supporting.' We'll all sleep soundly knowing that Detective Warrior Concept is on the case. If this is what goes by the name of political intrigue these days then I really have to agree with the doomsayers. Abandon ship. [/quote] NoR was the alliance that was called to be considered supporting Nazis, not MK. Yet again, Ardus is still proven wrong.
  15. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1313039243' post='2777294'] This is a stupid semantic debate and given what is in the posts, you shouldn't be making it. What's important is the virulent response from Xiphosis. [/quote] You mean the response he gave when he found out that a now former member of NoR was a co-founder of the American Front, a national neo-nazi organization full of individuals who commit hate crimes every day? Considering it kind of hit close to home I'd say it was warranted. [quote]That !@#$ started in my city. You want one lovely tidbit these $%&@ers did, shortly after 9/11? An Afghani-American mom was walking down the street with her kid on her shoulder and holding anothers hand. One of these scumbags ran up and shot the mom in the face. He's going to get the death penalty, and that's all nazis deserve.[/quote]
  16. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1313038882' post='2777288'] When people claim you are supporting white supremacists, are you not being called a white supremacist? I don't see a distinction. [/quote] The people who were considered to be supporting the white supremacists were NoR, not MK. They just disliked you for the association of it. Heck, in that same thread in which you're referencing even NoFish points it out in the following post: [quote]I have no problem with people pretending to be nazis on the internet. It's when they cross the line and espouse the behavior in real life that I take issue. No one gives a damn about Mushreich's Nazi imagery because you're not taking it seriously. If the Mushreich started attracting real life neo-nazis then it would be a problem.[/quote]
  17. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1313038114' post='2777278'] As I remember, the accusations was something about 'supporting' instead of 'being.' Where are you going with these semantic arguments? [/quote] From the OP: [quote] I spoke up in defense of an ideal, that you don't punish people in-game for OOC beliefs, no matter how heinous, and was branded a Nazi for it. [/quote] So, the accusations were about being, which has since proven to be false.
  18. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1313037793' post='2777272'] How about we already talked about that on a forum where it doesn't trigger a dozen swear filters? [/quote] I've always been for defending my allies in public against slander. The OP has your own words and I'm doing my civic duty to point out the hypocrisy of calling one a liar while at the same time lying a few times in the same paragraph. Lord knows Xiphosis has some legitimate grievances against him but lying about him in other alliance's embassies and even our own is just not something that bodes well with me.
  19. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1313037354' post='2777260'] You're right, I cited a rumor that we thought was Xiph but couldn't prove. I shouldn't have tacked it on, but it was at the forefront of my mind when I wrote the post. It doesn't however undermine anything else in the post or any of the other crap we've caught him spewing in the past few months. [/quote] How about the part where you claimed to have been called a Nazi by GOD which was proven to be a lie as well?
  20. [quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1313035418' post='2777233'] The above. Also, I'd heard it from the rumor mill, never heard it from Ardus though. [/quote] [quote]Just yesterday I had to dispel a rumor Sardonic had picked up from him that MK was looking to sign a treaty with Dark Templar (we're not).[/quote] That's from the OP. Considering Sardonic has just confirmed to me he never heard anything from Xiphosis about a treaty between MK and DT, I do wonder what other lies Ardus has been making up about our ally.
  21. [quote name='Drai' timestamp='1313033684' post='2777207'] He didn't state that at all, all he said was that MK and DT had no plans to treaty. Not that the rumour didn't exist. And I'm off for the night, I'll try to find the evidence again tomorrow if the person is around. [/quote] Sardonic has now confirmed there is no evidence to prove that Xiphosis was spreading rumors about MK and DT treatying.
  22. [quote name='Drai' timestamp='1313033684' post='2777207'] He didn't state that at all, all he said was that MK and DT had no plans to treaty. Not that the rumour didn't exist. And I'm off for the night, I'll try to find the evidence again tomorrow if the person is around. [/quote] Fair enough, thank you. It will be fun to see who was lying, whether it was Xiphosis or Ardus.
  23. [quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1313033227' post='2777202'] The second isn't happening, though its a nice attempt because there was previously a treaty there that ended amicably. Definitely believable if you aren't directly involved. [/quote] Another lie by Ardus regarding Xiphosis? I'm shocked.
  24. [quote name='kwell' timestamp='1313030248' post='2777152'] If you believe Ardus, [b]Xiph spread the rumors about Mjolnir gunning for Pandora's Box (not true)[/b]. Xiph also [b]spread rumors that MK was looking to sign a treaty with Dark Templar (which is apart of Mjolnir).[/b] This means that someone is playing games. It could be Xiph or it could be Ardus. Looking at Xiph’s history, I believe that it is Xiph. He has a history of paranoid behavior (controlling allies by who they are treated with). To be fair, it could be Ardus attempting to pour gas into the general dislike for sf. I don’t see this as being likely because he would have to lie so many times that it would be very difficult to keep his story straight. This is why I believe Ardus. I’m only human, I can make mistakes. I don’t think I have made a mistake here. Either way, someone is playing head games which only means war is coming one way or another. Everything Must Die *bolded words are direct qoutes [/quote] I believe Drai covered the first point, while in the second I have yet to see any proof of.
  25. [quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1313029004' post='2777134'] I'll echo Hyp. I don't see how this post is superbly relevant. It's a post about his personal political vision, posted in a private embassy on an ally's boards. His words in private about his own political wants do not necessarily equate to what he or his alliance will actually do. A large number of those of you who are reading this thread have written posts of your own in private about what you'd like to see happen. The only difference between you and Ardus in this situation is that yours didn't get leaked. [/quote] Are you seriously trying to claim Ardus isn't actively working to isolate SF?
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