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Posts posted by Vitauts

  1. We have grown..

    and plan to grow more.

    To that end we are instituting a High Council and members of the council will be inducted shortly.

    For those that dont know us, our current government consists of:

    Vitauts of Vitland: Protector

    Ortmonk of Jubalii: UberMinister

    DrunkenNation of DrunkenNation: Minister of the Economy

    and we have expanded our list of ToA's to include:

    the Sons of Muspel

    Onwards to Success!

    King Vitauts the Great

  2. Do we all forget the immortal word of Gerald Meane.. Boogie man of \m/ ?

    One of the main reasons people join allainces is because of unaligned raiding.

    Why would anyone want to join a major alliance if raiding is taken out of the picture? membership will suffer, small alliances of less than 10 members will proliferate and wars will increase.

    I would think it would tend to de-stabilize a color sphere rather than stabilize it.

    Just an uninformed opinion


  3. Are you all a merge of General Any topic and another allaince (ITEC)? the GAT acronym sounds familiar.

    It would be cool if you provided a mini-biopsy of your alliace.

    Come on brag a little :) what obstacles has your allaince overcome? what wars and battles have you been in?

    King Vitauts, curious

  4. Hmm...it seems that only me, Cooch and of course Vitauts are the only ones that bump this thread.

    We need more crazy farkers in this thread.


    Crazy Farkers! Wake up!!! Tsk, its no use, they are all sleeping with the squirrels hugging empty beer bottles.

    A friendly salute

    from your local animal control officer

    King Vitauts the Great

  5. Ahh.. Bravado!

    Gall! Courage! Alien concepts to you.. but you exhibit them nonetheless.

    We welcome you as warriors! Our hunting grounds will be expanded to include your territories, our trophy halls will be filled with new and exotic displays, and Valhalla will welcome you with open Arms!

    Let the assimilation wars begin!!

    King Vitauts, stringing his hunting bow.

  6. Hummm.. just had a flue shot done today.

    Nurses in uniform are sooo, sooo... yummy.

    I liked it so much I bought a clinic, then another.. then a whole Hospital.. and then three more clinics.

    Now I need to figure out where I am going to get the tech to pay for all of that.

    Join us! at the Protectorate of Curland

    King Vitauts.. a little woozy from so many clinic visits under the excuse of blood donations.

  7. Onwards!

    Little bumps in the road get flattened and the asphalt is smoothed over under the weight of your mighty panzers.

    Friendly bump from the PoC.

    EDIT: Shame, shame! I just realized that the signup thread from the LSF was several pages ahead of NoV's :blush:

  8. Good luck guys.

    We have had a loooooog friendship with some of you.. specially Utgards Loke, champion of the welterweight division of the FAN Gladiator Games against Vise the Pirate. Those were good old days (before GW3)

    In any event, grow big, grow strong and destroy all enemies in your path!

    King Vitauts

    Protectorate of Curland

  9. Protectorate of Curland treaties:

    Hanseatic League (MADP's)

    Norden Verein

    Nueva Vida

    Iron Cross

    The Alliance of Paladin Soldiers

    Order of the Sword

    Klingon Empire


    Treaties of Amisty (ToA's):


    We are Perth Army

  10. I digg it.

    The Almighty Admin has spoken!

    But what do these Holy words mean? Should we dig? But where?

    Is he digging? digging for our souls?

    Does that mean that in his plane of holy existance there exists a ground that can be dug? are we below the Admin? IS HE TRYING TO REACH US?

    Holy Admin have mercy! I do not understand! We shall study your holy words for years to come! we will dedicate our life's to decipher the hidden message in your holy utterances!

    All Hail the Almighty Admin!!

    King Vitauts the believer

  11. A great military leader of Norden Verein has returned!

    Hail wartides!

    And remember.. any one messes with the Verein.. well they are messing with:


    Nueva Vida,

    Iron Cross,

    The Allaince of Paladin Soldiers

    The Klingon Empire

    The Order of the Shadows

    Teh Prussiona Empire





    He, he.. enough to take pause and think hum... :ph34r:

  12. We are the Protectorate of Curland! we are about 22 members 200K NS, 9.3 KNS average

    We were very small, with a penchant for war. We went to war time and time again for our ally Norden Verein, and just when thing started getting really bad for small alliances they rewarded our loyalty by including us in the Hanseatic League, a large block with several large and recognizable alliances (Norden Verein, Nueva vida, etc.). In other words now we are safe from raiding ourselves and repay this by going to war with them.

    When I said bad for small alliances I menat that None targets dissapeared, allainces no longer allow raiding of their inactives.. and the only thing left to raid is small alliances. It started with \m/ not recognizing anything less than 5 members as an 'alliance' (very noble of them in retrospect), then FAN and GOONS upped the ante to 15 nations.. now we hear that some major alliances use 20 or 25 members as a threshold.

    JOIN US! I am, and would remain the leader, but us being of similar size you would not get 'absorbed'. Lets talk about this.

    Grow with us! be safe (well all is relative) and then excercize those military muscles and go to war along side us.

    Vitauts of Vitland, leader of the

    Protectorate of Curland

    (PS. we are trying to get some trade circles going.. and we really need more people for that)

  13. King Vitauts the Great steps up to the balcony and proclaims:

    Calm down, calm people!. Yes, we know it is not much nowadays.. but it took us a while (and many wars) to get here, and we are darn proud of it!

    This is specially true due to the damage sustained by the GOON and RnR counter attack in the Unjust Wars (and despite what it might look like now.. GOONS in their prime were a force to be reckoned with and the first week of fighting was a sight to behold). So we take this ocassion to honor our defeated enemies: GOONS, RnR, BAPS, EoTRS and LSF as well.

    We have grown from our humble beginnings on our first entrance into the world's stage, in our defense of Aqua from what we (erroneously) believed an invasion from Pink by Fark. At that time we drew ridicule by attacking Fark with a total alliance NS strength of 1000, but we gained a friend (we are proud to call Fark our friend, with a ToA).

    And from our reckless entrance in to the Great War Three with only three members (only to be upstaged by the Lafayette Squadron with two members and P.I.G. with just one).. Ah.. those were good times.. full of swager and bravado.

    But we have matured, grown serious and responsible. We are fortunate to have joined the Hanseatic League where we have prospered thanks to the great stewardship of its protectors Norden Verein and Nueva Vida.

    So we take this opportunity to thank you all, friends and foes alike for giving us 10 months of great wars, great adventure, great drama, and great entertainment

    Thank you all.

    King Vitauts, Protector

    Protectorate of Curland

  14. Ahh... its good to be the King Kaiser! As absolute power corrupts absolutely.. everyonce in a while we need to take a break to replenish our goodness, become fair and evenhanded.. take a balanced view.

    Sometimes is works :)

    Its just good to be the King! Rest well Kaiser Martens! We will be here waiting ready for the next crazy scheme you dream of.

    King Vitauts

  15. Electron Sponge did things I did not think possible. He was the reason for the defeat of Goons and \m/. And he demonstrated incredible loyalty, standing by his friend Ivan Moldavi.

    A force to be reckoned, a man respected and feared.

    Heil Emperor Emeritus Electron Sponge!

    King Vitauts

  16. Congrats to those elected..

    but what happened to your war heroes (our greates enemies that wiped the floor with us shortly before the war ended)? Ferretopia? Annihilated? Edistania? Greaterer Britain? Republic of Enalt? Koster?

    They put on a great fight.

    King Vitauts

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