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Posts posted by Vitauts

  1. Join us!

    Help us build a Military powerhouse!

    We have been caught unawares by the new rules and are busy modifying our nations appropriately. We are in a Growth and Flourish mode (Agh how i hate flowers.. but must admit they smell good).

    Help us make our trade circles, our tech farm shop, clean up and make beuatiful our forums!.

    Join Us!

    King Vituats

    Protectorate of Curland

  2. Clueless.

    Lord Reichkraft: Even though you started this thread could you stop de-railing it?

    Who cares if you ghosted an allaince, etc.. none of that is important, its irrelevant.

    It just proves your are clueless and craving for attention.

    I just hope the responses and advice you got at the beginning this thread will help others and also you with your new nation.


  3. Tech raiding etiquette is pretty simple.


    If you just roll over, that just encourages the practice. Tech Raiding is like mugging. If you just hand over your wallet, the mugger is encouraged to mug someone else. If you knee him in the balls and then shoot him in the face, he might decide that mugging is wrong.

    Are you trying to get nations destroyed for no reason, by listening to bad advice?? are you Mad?

    1) You are tech raided because you are weak. Dont want to get raided? Join a strong alliance or boost up your military. Raiders by-pass those that are strong.

    2) Since you are already raided.. grit your teeth, offer peace and thank your stars if they accept. A raid is a war in which the raider in his mercy offers you a way out to minimize damage to your nation. Do a half-baked attempt to fight back and you will be crushed.

    3) You are right in the sense that a raider avoids a nuclear nation. So get nukes, that makes you strong.

    But by the time you are raided its too late. you should have been prepared before time. Just offer peace.

    Just my opinion


  4. I dont understand the changes.

    Why would the Almighty Admin (great is his wisdon) want us to raid active nations instead of inactives?

    At least when I started the game 10 months ago it was clear: you are irresponsible and dont take care of your nation and are inactive over 15 days and you deserve to get raided. We left the active players that were putting the effort into their nation alone.

    While it is true that inactives are hard to find, now we will be forced to hunt active players instead.

    This is combined with the fact that now 500 tech is needed for Level 9 aircraft, so more tech needs to be raided

    Plus the fact that tech can be destroyed, so to that 500 another 100-150 tech needs to be added as 'cushion'. Again more tech will need to be raided.

    Does the admin want a Ragnarok? to burn Planet Bob in a blaze of fire and conflict? to set every noob and any new alliance under the hairline of a targetting scope?

    Basically these rules, in my opinion, imply that Large established alliances will continue and newer smaller alliances will perish.

    King Vitauts scratching his head and failing to see the reason for the changes.

    All hail the Almighty Admin! The Unknowable, the Unphantomable, the All Knowing

  5. The admin changed the rules of war again.

    No longer will he allow raiding inactives. Now all raids must be on active nations

    That treasure, that precious commodity tech has been devalued.. now you need 500 tech to purchase level 9 aircraft and he has allowed tech to be destroyed by CM's

    This means tech collection efforts will intensify, raiding will become a bloody, frothy frenzy, new allainces and new players will be assaulted right away by bands of piranas and our own efforts will get harder and more difficult.

    But we do not despair. When the going gets tough.. the tough get going and we get running.

    All Hail the Protectorate!

    King Vitauts the Great

  6. and Allies!

    dont forget Allies! You got big ones (IRON), little ones (us :P) and everything in between!

    we are coming out of the woodwork! their IRC at #NoV is overflowing!

    Joing Norden Verein! and allaince with a long tradition of military might.

    King Vitauts, rooting for his friends.

  7. That is the world we live in.

    The small tadpole eats his brothers, smaller tadpoles to avoid being eaten himself. The few remaining become little frogs and the big one eats the smaller ones to grow.. and then when he has eaten all and become the king of the pond a bird swoops by and eats him.

    We raid, we love battle and combat, and then we die and go to the great Halls of Vahalla. If you love combat as well we would welcome you in our ranks. But I have my doubts.. you were running so under militarized you almost had a neon sign saying: attack me and my two man alliance.

    Enough! The real reason is:

    We are the pagan Hordes of the Old Lithuanian Empire. Do you think that after your failure to conquer the Holy land you can come to Our land and try to enslave us!? Never! we shall destroy the whole lot of you! No Teutonic Knight shall place foot in Vilnius, Trakai, Klaipeda, or Palanga!

    Go back to where you came from! you are not welcome in our lands and we shall hunt you down!

    King Vitauts the Great, victor over the Teutonic Knights in the batte of Tannenberg.

  8. The misteries of recruiting.. I too want to know :)

    I ran with three members for 5 or 6 months I think before we gained our first recruit. It was VERY difficult. We could not offer aid, we could not offer protection, we were struggling for our own survival (we were noobs that started the alliance when each of us were only 100 NS)

    About the only advice I can give you given the current situation is 1) dont annouce your allaince until you are over 5 members (or more) to avoid calling the raiders 2) dont announce your alliance until you have negotiated a protectorate with a larger allaince. This way you can also offer protection to new members.. extending the protection your are given.

    Good luck. I have been there and it was Hard to make it. Now eight months after we are a small but recognized alliance of 23 members.

    Best of luck

    King Vitauts

  9. Wasso:

    What about apologies for attacking the IRON CROSS alliance? well over 10 members at 26 I think.

    Know this: They are our MADP allies, I had you in my sights and almost attacked your nation. Yes, you. The Wolfpack were punishing you for this affront but you still had one defensive slot open.

    It was only through the intervention of the Alpha of Wolfpack that we did not attack you as well. You should repay the loyalty the wolfpack shows for you by abiding by their rules and not creating diplomatic headaches or even endangering the whole alliance.

    Your apology sems disengeneus: (well, I am not supposed to attack if over 10, but they were ten and only after I attacked they became 13) Bah! you call that an apology? You can do better than that to teh UNHA.

    APOLOGIZE! no excuses, no explanations, just apologize for attacking them and Iron Cross!

    you realize what you have done? you have angered our allies to the point that relations have soured. We consider the Wolfpack our friends and would wish nothing more than our relation and the relations with our allies to be friendly and smooth.

    King Vitauts, a little upset at your apology.

  10. i point out that i find this pretty stupid :popcorn:

    I was but a noob at 1400 NS when I watched the FAN gladiator games. I knew nothing about barracks, guerrilla camps, pigs, underdog bonuses and I certainly did learn quite a bit. As well as some of the very experieced contestants. I remember when every one started to dissect what happenned when Ivanelterrible left Ethan at -11,000 soldiers.. and he still was not in anarchy. -11,000 soldiers! my god! It is just now that I can put even that many on the field.

    The fight between kirby? and coochdog of Fark was equally illuminating (and no I wont tell you what I learned there, you should have attended Farkufest).

    So, yes, the fights are VERY expensive.. but you and the alliance that follows the fight closely learns alot.

    Enough BS excuses.. the real reason is we want to see a fight!!


    King Vitauts


    We need to get some experienced folks like Brass of FAN and Coochdog of Fark to really get this thing going.

    I'll have to push and coddle some of our noobs.. but I might convince one to join For the Honor of the PoC!!!

    What is it with these tight requirements? exactly 1000 infra, 100 tech, Maroon? cant we get a little more leeway? you wont find an exact match like this in the battle field any way..

    This is a great idea! lets develop it some more..

    King Vitauts starts looking through his allaince rankings.. who? who can I volunter? Buaahahhhhaha!

    (PS the 6 million is for winning right? no need t join NoV? the extra training if for joining NoV?)

  12. King Vitauts comes to the podium:

    It is with great happiness that we see Dark Mistress, err... *blush*, running.. no..

    Ehem!. This honor to Dark Mistress brings great memories of.. err.. *blush some more*

    Argh! It is with great fondness that we want DarkMistress to... to... Ahh what the heck. I can't do this with the mental images my own sig puts in my head.

    Congrats to all.

    King Vitauts

  13. I'm quitting this game. Admin sucks. go ahead and delete me. a r s e. waste my bloody time.

    Destrution to the Infidels!!!!

    Fire will rain from the sky!, sulfur and brimstone shall make mince meat of your forces, a river of lava shall pass thought your village and obliterate all memory of your existance!!!

    Come on, live a little... die in batlle and be welcome in Valhalla!!

    King Vitauts, looking for targets

  14. AlmightyGrub, Arka II, bball, BMAC, DavidK, Diskord, Drai, EmperorNortonII, Ephus, EvilGM, Greg23, Icargus, Self Appointed God, St Heliers, and Virillus.

    The accomplishments of EPU members range widely from NAAC Protector, NpO Imperial Officer, FAN Deputy Director of Death and Destruction, to \m/ Military Commander. Some of our deeds were heroic, others utter failures...

    Some of those names I recognize as legendary. Some I though were mortal enemies. I am glad to see that all were in fact friends and fought to the best of ther abilities. The names that I did not know.. thanks for bringing them up in the lamelight.

    All hail these heroes of war and Cybernations!

    King Vitauts.. a small grub in the precesnce of giants.

  15. CM's now do 2 tech damage each. This will make warring in general so expensive that the game will stagnate. Wars will no loger be economically feasible. (also given the lower 'worth' or attractiveness of tech as saleable commodity)

    Please remove this damage from CM's


    King Vitauts

    Credentials: 226 wars fought. 168 Nations anarchied by me. I have been near ZI'd three times

  16. I only hope admin will make techraiding and warfare more attractive. Global radiation level makes nuclear warfare less attractive. And because tech is almost worthless now we see less wars and tech raiding. Not much people/alliances will risk a hell lot of infra , military and even technology only to loot 5 tech, 1 miljon cash and some land for each ground attack. In general wars need to be more profitable and less destructive.

    Spies made the war more destructive, These new changes also made the cm's more destructive, and make tech less attractive. So going to war for tech is just stupid now. The best way to grow seems to go neutral and never start a war :(

    Please admin, keep this game a cool warfare game, and don't let it turn into a silly Sim City game,

    This man mirrors my opinions exactly.

    PLEASE, PLEASE we plead you All mighty Admin! lets keep this game interesting!

    give us Loot! give us some benefit to go to war!

    As it is it is barely worth it to tech raid, just two CM's (20 infra) wipe our any gains in tech (10 tech)

    If there is no benefit to war only those with hardocre role play for warfare will remain (like us) and we will soon be crushed by conforming, neutral, boring, IRC chattting, OOC drama spinner nations with nothing to do but troll and insult each other.

    King Vitauts... pleading for benefit to go to war on bended knee.

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