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Posts posted by Vitauts

  1. We want you!

    For our small size of 21 we have done quite a bit.

    We have seen mighty alliances fall, disband, be absorbed..

    yet we are still here after 10 months.

    We strive for and live for war, although we are starting to pay more attention to economics as we grow

    We have MADPs with some large alliances (Norden Verein, Nueva Vida) and friendship with Fark

    So Join us! We would welcome you amongst our ranks

    Vitauts of Vitland

    Protectorate of Curland

  2. You would fit well with our top nations.

    Our forums are pretty much dead, but we have a lot of activity on PM's coordinating the war and sometimes doing tech raids.

    We are a small alliance (21 members) but have MADP's with large alliances (Norden Verein, Nueva Vida, etc).

    If you mean 'activity' by warring, raiding, doing tech deals, protecting other alliances then you are our man.

    If you mean, spam threads, threads to see who gets to 1000 posts, polls, picture posting, RL politics forums, etc.. then we are definitely not for you.


    King Vitauts

    Protectorate of Curland

  3. Good, he 'woke' up.. and fought back.

    It really goes against our most ingrained nature to pound on an inactive enemy, to just hit it with no response...

    a cold lump lying in the battel field.

    I would rather take some damage but be engaged in a battle with someone that is fighting back.

    Good! He will be welcome by our own dead soldiers in Valhalla, where he will feast with our offerings.

    LSF: Fight and Die hard!

    Join us!

    King Vitauts, feeling a little less evil

    Protectorate of Curland

  4. We are 21 members with a long history of fighting wars.

    We are part of the Hanseatic League and thus allied by MADP with Norden Verein and Nueva Vida.

    We accept other team colors although we prefer Aqua.

    Take us in to consideration, and grow our allaicne with us!

    King Vitauts

    Protectorate of Curland

  5. I was going to write about how we have become skilled surgeons able to maintain our victims 'alive' with only one soldier.. and successfully attack him without killing him ( you lost 0 soldiers, you killed 0 soldiers, you destroyed 20 infra, got 5 tech and looted XXX).

    But.. I sounded too much like an evil Inquisition torturer torturing my victims just to the point of no return but not quite.

    So I wont talk about that...

    and I will just say: Bump! instead


    King Vitauts aka Torquemada

  6. The Digiterra name comes from some particular alliances.. forget which.. GATO, Legion. the older allainces and is an older name, its a classier name I my opinion and means 'Digital Earth'.

    I bet the Planet Bob name came from the animated movie Titan 5000AD or something like that where the Earth was destroyed by aliens, the main protagonist was the son of a scientist that had made a terraforming machine, and after a lot of adventures he terraformed a new planet and called it 'Planet Bob'.

    So it depends from which alliance you hail from... or you would prefer all of us to be conformist in a homogeneous uniform mass?

    All Hail diversity!!

    King Vitauts

  7. Its a matter of of mentality.

    If you think you are a nation that should be left alone to grow in peace and you try to maximize your happiness (low soldier count, low or zero tanks, no airforce, DEFCON1, not interacting much with other players, not having friends to back you up), you wont. In the animal kingdom that would be one of those happy california cows munching on grass.

    You must think: I am the Hunter! I am not the Pray! you must become a wolf! or at least look like one.

    Arm yourself! ask yourself is two measly points of happiness worth not being in DEFCON 1 and enticing attacks?

    do you have max soldiers and tanks (I am the Terminator! see my muscles ripple)

    do you have 60 aircraft? (big warning sign saying stay away)

    do you have 50 cruise missiles? (bigger sign saying I am a tough guy and I am not afraid to use my brass knuckles)

    are you in any wars? (you would be militarized and in defcon 1 if you did.. a raider might think twice)

    the above things might seem over kill for someone in an allaince but are vital for those in small allainces (25 members or less). Other wise you just look like a juicy target.. and the rest of the raider's alliance is hoping your friends will attempt to rescue you just so that they have an excuse to attack your entire alliance in 'retaliation'

    We survived as a three member allaince for over six months. I got raided twice. Grit you teeth, send a peace offer. If not accepted plead your case, do not fight back, let your soldiers die. You got caught with your pants down this time.. lack of preparation on your part. Re-arm and re-build, or better yet go raid a None so get some war experience.

    Or, you could all join a (slightly) larger allaince (ours, hint, hint)

    King Vitauts

    Protectorate of Curland

  8. Well as Conrad Palaleougus said:

    there are followers

    there are leaders

    and there are alliance builders

    I am thouroughly impressed you are in the last category and would welcome you amongst us.

    We have MADP's with Norden Verein, Nueva Vida, Iron Cross, and good relations with Fark. We fought for The Initiative in GW3 and for the Justice League in GW4. We have grown slowly, as all I know is war. Someone with a more rounded education and possibly knowledge of alliance organization and economics would be welcome.

    King Vitauts

    (and as fas as what we offer.. the chance to help build an alliace from the ground up. None of us makes millions a day so no large aid can be expected. We are here for the fun of the fight, and the challenge to survive and grow as a small minow in a pond full of great white sharks).

  9. Other than size.. what do YOU offer us?

    How many enemies have you killed? (approximate number of anarchies)

    What is your warmonger coefficient? WC = total casualties / number of citizens

    what great feat of bravery can you relate? (like being in FARK/FAN/NADC/GATO and staying till ZI when they where getting stomped) or tales of curb-stomping done by you?.

    We are a small alliance that enjoys war, veterans of GW3, GW4 and numerous others..

    Are you worthy?

    if so.. Join us!

    King Vitauts the Barbarian

  10. War in another front!

    Our victorious but tired troops trekked last night five miles on a forced march to join an attack by Norden Verein on the Libertarian Socialist Federation in retaliation of their largest member nuking NoV's largest member, as well as a member of Nueva Vida.

    Two LSF nations have been engaged by Vitland (still recovering from the GOON war), and more have been by he rest of our allaince.

    As we are part of the Hanseatic League it is our duty to do so, although we are sad we are once again at war with the LSF (last time was know as the St. patrick's massacre).

    We wish you entry into Valhalla as reward for a well and hard fought death!

    King Vitauts the Great

    PS: Join us! you wont get any cash, probably will loose infra, but you wont regret it :)

  11. We pledged to protect BE members in a prior post.. and not a day later one of them gets raided.

    Ah! the affront! the gall! .. well probably they didnt read the forums.

    So we declare, send a PM.. nothing happens, we attack. Then members from the raiding alliance attack, more of our alliance attack and a flurry of PMs goes in between.

    Chests get puffed up. Pounding of chests commences and boasting begins: We are bigger than you! no we are bigger! well our friends are bigger than your friends! and all the while the BE nation just sits there silent.

    Ok, cooler heads prevail.. they raided BE so we insist in reps for the BE nation, the raiders agree.

    Knock, knock.. Hey, BE anyone there? No answer to our PM's to the agrieved nation.

    Hum.. Hay you All!! Do Yooouuu Wannnt REppps? No answer. PMs to the four top nations go unanswered.

    We almost went to war over this.. and no one wants to calculate or ACCEPT any reps, or even give us the courtesy of a response.

    So, we stood fast to our pledge, we kept our word even facing an alliance war in defense of BE...

    and now I think we will let LSF and SPQR handle it from now on, as it is their turn.

    We retract our offer of Protection to BE. We have let the raiders go without further requests (they did suffer damage though).

    King Vitauts, proud that while we gave it, we kept our word.

    Protectorate of Curland

  12. possibly your old friend; Vader, who has a personal vendetta against the LSF...You know...just a hunch.

    I completely agree with you.

    Although a cursory look would say that is that ComradeVader is leftist, enemy of NoR/NoV... from what I have seen he is truly an enemy of the LSF and other leftist allainces, bent on their destruction.

    Nothing he has done in the last few months has hurt NoV, but has brought leftist alliances on brink of destruction.

    You all should put bounties on his head, and track him down and destroy his nations.

    His destruction is probably one of the few things we should all be agreeing on. I dont understand why once in a while we still heard of some leftist still helping him (dont know if true or not, but we still hear about it).


  13. And we also glad to report that after a spirited and well fought defense NovaKova of EoTRS has surrendered and is now a NoV POW.

    He did take two parting cruise missile shots at us just before changing his AA.

    Tsk, tsk...

    However in all our mercy we understand how he could be upset... and we forgive him.

    We fight! we kill! we die! and then the grudges are gone, anger is forgotten and we celebrate!

    As of this moment, NovaKova, as a NoV POW is under our protection.

    Join Us!!

    King Vitauts the merciful

    Protectorate of Curland.

  14. Califas Sovietica (Red Terror's nation) has been deleted.

    The war screen says 'nation destroyed'

    All hail the Almighty Admin! all cower before his presence!

    prostrating himself in the ground and crossing himself twice,

    King Vitauts

  15. I think a guy already did this in the old forums, bragged about how many days he went without paying beills (like 130 or so). When asked what was he doing he said he just gave the money as aid to his alliance mates.

    As a result the Great and Holy Almighty Admin (long live his reign) changed the rules so that a person could no longer give out aid without paying his bills first.

    Then he sold his infra, collected, and bought infra back up. He said he almost went back to his original size.


    Maybe some one will remember better who he was or what he did.

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