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Keysariyt Hanssen

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Posts posted by Keysariyt Hanssen

  1. I meant that we still have a lot of players from the NoRway ordeal. I'd didn't say the scars were bad.


    Haunting carries a negative connotation, and you asserted that the "scars still haunt us", therefore stating that the scars were negative. Maybe you should be focusing on working on your understanding of the English tongue rather than other alliances past grievances.

  2. The scars still haunt us to this very day.


    The scars don't haunt "us" at all. They haunt Nordreich, which you are not a part of. Nordreich was the target of the Norwegian government. Nordreich is the only party that can claim damages as a result of their accusations. Cyber Nations at the time benefited more than anything from this due to the fact that the whole fiasco brought a flux of players via media exposure.



    While the original NoR in fact did have quite a few Nazi members (and the reincarnation has had at the very least one confirmed, but I don't keep up with petty internet !@#$%^&* I'm here to play a political simulator), the symbols in question definitely can be used outside of Nazi context.

    "Quite a few" has been proven by some of our old blood to be an overstatement. As for the modern Nordreich, as has been stated countless times, if a single national socialist makes it through those doors and we uncover it later, I will personally ensure their nation burns and remains ZI.

  3. After the first day, It was quite evident NoR didn't want this and I stopped promoting the petition. We could have gotten 150 signatures by a week but NoR wasn't interested in the publicity. So the petition is no longer being promoted.


    If you had came to discuss this with the relevant NoR government members (there are 12 of us there was plenty of choice) then you wouldn't have gone to such waisted lengths just to find out we didn't support this.

  4. *facepalm*

    If you haven't caught on that this isn't really about NoRway by now then you need to just re-read everything and slowly to try and comprehend.

    Also I don't see why you're calling me backwards elevator. bros called me that years ago when he was the one to figure it out and now it seems when people find out my name backwards is elevator they call me that trying to appear as they figured out a great mystery. Stop. It doesn't make you look any more educated.


    If this isn't really about NoRway then what the heck is it? Because every time I read the petition I take note of the fact that Nordreich is mentioned (and erroneously translated) in the very first sentence. If we aren't the true subject, then why on this God forsaken world did you even mention us? Your idea to try and gain more members on this game, through a farce that happened several years ago, which is dying due to the game itself being outdated is nothing more than a sham and should be treated as such by any rational human being. If anything, this is gaining more negative PR for NoR than it is positive PR for CN.



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