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Posts posted by OverlordShinnra

  1. Oh but that wasn't a dog pile at all.....and the alliances didn't attack together as if they were allies. They just ironically made a joint announcement together and attacked together. Is this invalid argument really happening?


    Hey look you were able to state the same bad argument that your boyfriend just made but with bad grammar and disjointed sentences that make no sense next to each other. Way to go. Maybe let the big boys talk? 

  2. You seem to forget we(The Misfits) were dogpiled at the start of the round and did not activate our treaty... So we 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you'

    This round has been full of alliances getting 'dogpiled' and to be fair... Ours is the only one that makes sense since we have the only treaty on TE! If we werent going to help eachother we would not have signed it. If alliances wish to declare on one of us knowing that we have a MDoAP then they should also expect the other to hit them :o why should we be fair when others are not? And its not a dogpile... NLoN declared on RIOT with better odds and a lot more nations.... And now we are the bad ones? Contradicting yourself there mate :s


    I have not forgotten. So let me get this straight. You get dogpiled by someone at the beginning of the round, so you turn around and dogpile someone else that had nothing to do with that declaration and that is your idea of justice or fairness? It would be more accurate to say that you believe in unfairness as you clearly approve of the idea of down declares. 


    This round has been full of dogpiles more then any other. That is why there is so much outcry from people like me because this is not ok. If you want to play a game with unfair wars and crappy treaties and alliances go play SE. In TE you will get what is coming to you (and you will). 


    Lastly, how can you claim the initial war wasn't fair if you were winning. How can you claim that you were declared with huge odds against you and then on the other hand claim that you were owning this war at the same time. You seem to be the one that is contradicting yourself. So which is it? Were you down declared and being decimated and couldn't keep up in an unfair fight or were you declared on and decimated them? 

  3. When the war was initiated NLON had more nukes than RIOT, and they were definitely in a better position than us at the time. If things look uneven now, it is only because we are better coordinated and were able to make a nice recovery. We had multiple nations spying away nukes during the first two days and we have had multiple of upper tier nations that have had to sell off land just to be able to join the fight because they could not attack NLON nations. This whole thing is due to RIOT being out numbered in the lower tiers. Do not blame the Misfits for being there to help RIOT, they were just holding up a their end of a treaty. I asked that the Misfits help with the lower ranges because I was concerned about some of our newer nations. We had more nations in anarchy than NLON during the first day of the war, though this was mostly due to NLON's unannounced attack. I myself was put in anarchy because two nations larger than myself attacked me. Look at my wars now and you'll see I am almost double the size of three of my attackers and the President of NLON whom I attacked yesterday.


    For people to be talking badly of the Misfits for upholding a treaty is ridiculous, especially given the fact that this war was initiated by an alliance that was clearly not ready for war. We have already depleted the warchests of many of our opponents nations, as evidenced by our many attempts to spy cash from them, as well as our ground battles which in some case return only $0.14 per attack.





    NLON declares war on RIOT with more stats (has not been demonstrated) 

    RIOT then proceeds to own them by coordinating better, spy their nukes and money, destroy them, etc. 

    RIOT isn't satisfied because they aren't completing dominating in a fair fight so they activate the only treaty that exists in TE to call in Misifts to make this a dogpile. 



    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If you dogpile someone, don't expect anyone to come to your defense when you are dogpiled. 

  4. NLoN has a lot of smaller nations.... That being said, i rest my case ;)

    Edit: with all our bigger nations not able to fight this war is fairly even? If you add up the nations that RIOT and Misfits can use for this fight, you will probably see an even match :) just because our strength is double, doesnt mean we can use it to our advantage! NLoN nations must outnumber our lower tier 2-1 and with RIOT it makes it about even.



    I seem to see the problem here. An inability to count correctly. 


    Currently NLON has 26 nations with 62k NS, 2.4k avg NS and no nukes (I think yesterday it was something like 30 Nations, 76k NS, 3k Avg and 2 nukes?)


    RIOT currently has 16 nations with 83k NS, 5.2k avg NS and 4 Nukes 

    Misfits (excluding the top 5) has 12 nations with 56k NS, 4.7k avg Ns and 0 Nukes



    So basically you now have a 44% nation strength advantage, over 100% avg NS advantage and nukes when the other team doesn't have any. There is no category of this war that is "even" atm.

  5. If I got a dollar for each person that sits on the forums and acts like a critic everytime a DOW happened. I'd be rich. Just saying. Hello hypocrite community.....


    If you were active and read each DoW then you would notice that some DoW's have gotten some praise recently. Some examples of good wars this round that have little to no complaints about them ...


    TPC vs. NS + WAPA stragglers

    RE vs. OP

    ODN vs. TFK

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