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Everything posted by Kaiser

  1. I doubt I'll use it much, but upgrades are still good for the game.
  2. Not really a point in making a poll for this as you'll only have ignorant people voting. Option 2 is better.
  3. Are you on he same internet connection?
  4. And still wearing a Christmas avatar!
  5. Furs are still the worst resource in the game so I would say you might. If you can find yourself a trade circle that doesn't mind furs that would be the best option. EDIT: Just seen that you made your nation today, I would definitly recomend deleting and remaking and hoping for better resources.
  6. Congrats VE, Fark and GGA. Sorry FOK, next time you'll get that sanction
  7. It was just done a few hours ago...
  8. No heckling the glorious thread creator or he may get mad and leave Logan
  9. I started at 4999 infra and I regret it.
  10. I'm assuming because each fighter is worth 2 fighter strength.
  11. Very very small price. Though Gems are decent, Furs are TERRIBLE.
  12. I just checked the In-game activity rate, and as of right now ODN and GATO aren't high enough to retain their sanction
  13. 2 is profitable for me, though it only provides like 50k more a day.
  14. There are three requirements for a sanction; ODN and IRON only meet two. They have the members and the score but they don't have 70% in-game activity rate.
  15. A weird little tidbit that I just noted, if the sanction was done today then ODN would lose their sanction and IRON would be // this close to losing theirs as well.
  16. Your Iceburg is casting a shadow from the sun onto MCXA. But you see that giant orange sun up there? That's IRON and you need to pass that
  17. Personally I think it's disrespectful to pick the corpse before it's even had a chance to cool, but if some alliances do it that's their own business.
  18. New Polar Order should be + .36 not - .64
  19. The function on these forums is disabled to prevent server strain (I think) No idea why on the old forums as I believe it's all IvF's servers.
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