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Everything posted by Kaiser

  1. It's a secret code that admin has never revealed. Though I believe those silly Grämlins may have cracked it
  2. The bills at that level are so cheap that the +5 happiness would make him more. The Labour camps would only be useful if he could swap, and as he doesn't have the citizens to swap he can't. Get rid of them.
  3. If your nation was deleted by the mods you would have recieved an E-mail telling you why. If it was deleted due to inactivty then you wouldn't get an e-mail. Either way the mods won't re-instate your nation.
  4. GGA appears to be recruiting heavily.
  5. I think we should start growing again now.
  6. You have to wait 6 days to click the "Delete nation" after making a nation.
  7. No. The reason you have to wait 6 days is because too many people were doing exactly what you're doing and people were just making nations constantly and deleting them till the had the ideal resources.
  8. I think he's saying that the top three NpO nations have only been members for less than 5 days.
  9. This is really going to be a bad day for TOP.
  10. I can't seem to find your nation.
  11. Your nation can only be nuked once a day, so 7 nukes can hit your nation in a war.
  12. Until a moderator sees it, though I believe that because it's been 6 days, your topic probably was rejected. That would only be a guess though.
  13. Did they just change AA's for a chance to hit Intertia?
  14. Even a 100k nation is only worth .32 score...
  15. MCXA -.57 NPO +.57 Coincidence?
  16. What are you using for internet? If you're using IE you can right click on it then click properties and it'll tell you how many pixels it is. I'm not sure how to do it in FF though.
  17. We love sitting here in 10.5th place.
  18. Kaiser


    One nation per IP is what the rule states. More than one nation and you're breaking the rule and the nations on the IP are deleted.
  19. Kaiser


    He broke the rules by having multiple nations. If you have more than one nation on an IP they all get deleted.
  20. I lost 8k Ns and still think this is a great update. Thanks admin.
  21. It's days like today that I really wish he was here. Hurry back UE.
  22. I guess NADC won't be getting that huge jump they were hoping for on the 8th.
  23. CIS is probably gaining so much due to the war. Once it's over/slows down they'll drop a lot of score.
  24. Once at 100% you're banned from the game. Warn levels do not fade and you're stuck with them for life.
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