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Posts posted by r00tn00b

  1. [quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1290165507' post='2517298']
    Firstly let me wish the best of luck to GCU, it is a shame you had to learn the realities of existence in CN the hard way. But what does not kill you makes you stronger.

    Secondly we in the International took it upon ourselves to reach out to try ensure this situation was resolved quickly, and to this effect our FA guy took the time to speak Biazt...

    I hope that the information conveyed to Baron Terror was correct, if not I am available for the next 7-8 hours on irc for a wee chat if needed (infact i am lurking on #cybergoons as we speak :D ).

    With respect,
    Good to know I can continue to declare until they change AA's.

  2. [quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1290161929' post='2517284']
    Well now, I wouldn't agree with this hard judgement on GCU. One of their ministers made an awful mistake. But there are active people there, people who can learn and grow, people that can one day, perhaps, offer to our community. And I believe that they have learned a lot from this incident. A hard lesson they were taught, but they took it. Their willingness to join the rest of the leftist family is a good indication that this adventure affected them. It's necessity that forges character. And necessity they faced.
    You heard it here first, GOONS teaching hard life lessons to those they meet. A necessary service to the world of Bob.
    You could teach them a lot about war though, their strategy is lacking.

    Please send tutoring fee of 90m to GOONS asap. these lessons are expensive to coordinate and fund.

  3. [quote name='nippy' timestamp='1290161172' post='2517278']
    I am also interested in this matter. Did you speak to GOONS govt. about this? If so, who?
    They spoke to Bizat behind the protections of closed doors. In fear that their collection of this band of misfits would be ridiculed by the populace of bob.

  4. [quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1290160739' post='2517272']
    I admit that this is a nice line when you address it to a lib.soc. alliance.

    However, there is a right to silence too, and it's the other half of free speech ;) .

    We haven't even heard anything from the GCU. Lets get all sides of the story in here before we try and silence the matter. I mean what kind of world do we live in if we don't treat everyone fairly.

  5. [quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1290159461' post='2517264']
    There's a PR war on Digiterra and LSF does not want to be part of it. We have friends on all sides. We want to keep it this way.

    So, yeah, request lock.
    Everyone friends are involved, your not special. this matter has nothing to do with them and your requesting a lock on a matter that should be open for discussion to the world populace. You are killing free speech on Bob. :((

  6. [quote name='Mao de la torre' timestamp='1290061069' post='2516541']
    bite hard enough you might find a worm in that apple.

    I believe that the strength of my bite does not determine if there is a worn in an apple or not. It would have been there hard bite or not.

    I see no ill effect as of yet from this. i mean what was said early, all the retaliation I have received is CM's. Go you guys You really are sticking it to us. But I'll wait while you cook something up I guess. Even though your forces could never even match mine, let alone the combined might of the GOONS attacking you.


  7. [quote name='Baltus' timestamp='1290046581' post='2516373']
    I have a feeling you'll regret this for a while.

    Seriously, follow the advice. Get a protector. If it makes you feel any better, you were probably on GOONS "to raid" list anyways. :P

    Final Suggestion.

    [b]Get a protector.[/b]
    This guy, right here, He knows whats up. You guys were a big juicy apple waiting to be plucked, this whole announcement was just "icing on the cake"

  8. [quote name='vladimer lennin' timestamp='1289945010' post='2515115']
    i and the GCU leaders conclude this annoucment void this "plan" was alliance info only with only GCU members taking part in the war exercises.

    Any attack by a foreign nation on GCU nations will be met with retaliation.
    Your a spineless nation leader, I did not get met with force but a measly peace offer. I am glad to know you back your words up with action!

  9. [quote name='CEverettKoop' timestamp='1289977842' post='2515761']
    Actually, I prefer to call it a DoE: Declaration of Extinction.

    And I sincerely apologize for not being able to take part in helping you all figure out what war is. Business (both IC/OOC) prevented me from being available when we decided to drop the hammer. However, if you would like to attack me, I would greatly appreciate it. I hate being left out of parties. Let me even extend you a formal invitation http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=403653

    You wanted to see if you were war ready. Here's your chance.

    I don't think they were ready. I mean not ready at all. Poor show GCU.

  10. [quote name='Ironfist' timestamp='1289299206' post='2507859']
    I think if you were a new member who didn't know what a "big alliance" was, and only knew how to change their AA, you wouldn't be saying that.

    (ooc)FAQ's and forums exist for a reason.(/occ) Ignorance is only an excuse for the ignorant.

  11. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1289296052' post='2507830']
    Going by that same line of logic you should have no objection to being raided for not being smart of enough to join an alliance that doesn't raid other alliances.
    That would have required me to say something along the those lines, which I didn't. Again grasping at straws here Methrage. We aren't the only raiding alliance, and now with this change, have some of the strictest raiding policies on planet bob. Why aren't you crusading on anyone else. As much as you claim to be a "freedom fighter" you are just prejudiced against GOONS. Plain and simple, Please stop trying to use the thread as another soap box for you to scream atop of. No one is listening any more.

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