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Posts posted by r00tn00b

  1. [quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1322550580' post='2855671']
    You are undeniably arrogant and condescending, you scream like a banshee about TOP's victimization at every possible opportunity and I have never seen you accept responsibility for leading TOP into the greatest smackdown it's ever seen.

    Do I need to draw a clearer picture?
    You might be denser than mercury. Just maybe. Burn like you should.

  2. RUKUNU, A GOONS from times of old, known recently for his utter hatred of new GOONS and a constant antagonist attacking young GOONS before they can blossom has gone inactive and is in danger of deleting. The loss of this nation would mean then end of an era, the one true EoG that exists. I plea to you, send him a message, something nice and bring him back from the brink of extinction. We need him. You need him, he is the only thing keeping new GOONS from prospering.


  3. [quote name='Morjon' timestamp='1317524484' post='2813658']

    The Nuclear Proliferation League was founded just over 4 month ago and today we celebrate the first of our major milestones, 1 Million Nation Strength.


    Below is a list of our current government members, and as always feel free to stop by #npl to have a chat and celebrate this milestone.

    [center][b]Upper Government[/b]

    Triumvir: King Wally
    Triumvir: KemMo
    Triumvir: Morjon

    [b]Lower Government[/b]

    Warhead of Foreign Affairs: Smurthwaite
    Warhead of Defenses: Gofast2006
    Warhead of Economics: Kirkhill
    Warhead of Education: MildlyInsane
    Warhead of Recruitment: Paramix


    All the right moves, Defenses
    Kevyn, Recruitment[/center][/center]

    Along the same Lines of this announcement GOONS would like to recognize their members for raiding over 80 Nations in the past 4 months. Without this great feat, none of NPL accomplishments would be possible.

    again, we appreciate the hard work of our GOONS and the dedication they have to make this game a better place.

  4. [quote name='Comrade Tiki' timestamp='1316676254' post='2805807']
    I don't think the Operation Odds will show you less than 50% success.

    The idea is, if it's less than 50%, then their spies are good enough to keep you from knowing exactly how secure they are.

    So, it's likely that the target matches your larger friend.

    I know I have see odds lower than 50%, this can not be the case.

  5. when looking at spy odds with an AA mate of mine, we both have 50% odds on a nation we wish to spy.

    this is a bit odd as I have no CIA and only 550 spy's and I was at low threat level.

    My AA mate has a CIA max spy's and was at severe.

    I can provide nation links to those involved if that is necessary. am I missing something with spy formulas? I would think the odds would be completely different for each of our nations given the disparity in spy numbers and settings.

  6. [quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1307529142' post='2726858']
    Also a small note to our GOONS fan club, I'm sorry we arnt ignoring you the NPL just has a policy of not dealing with disputes via the OWF. If you have an issue you wish to see resolved please aproach us via private channels,
    IRC via #NPL
    Forums via www.z15.invisionfree.com/NPL_CN
    or PM me in game.

    Many Thanks

    King Wally
    We have no quarrel with you, just don't ignore your own constitution.

  7. [quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1307522673' post='2726832']
    [b]III. Admissions to NPL

    Any Ruler may request admittance into the NPL by meeting the following requirements.

    1. Must not be at war*[/b][size="1"]

    *does not apply to GOONs[/size]

    I'm aware that you have knowingly violated your own constitution, which you made just a couple days ago, about six or seven times in the last few days. Hey, whatever floats your own boat.

    I can see how you missed it.

  8. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1304661849' post='2707362']
    Like I said, sitting on your hands for 2 years and trying to [i]avoid[/i] war as much as possible, is the [i]exact opposite[/i] of gunning for anyone. Your argument is beyond absurd.
    Everything you say is beyond absurd

  9. [quote name='+Zeke+' timestamp='1304490719' post='2705833']
    That was what I was thinking when I saw rootnoob and Hiro respond.

    Don't you just love the way they talk about how they aren't like the old GOONS and yet they keep sounding like their predecessors more and more every day.
    You are so funny and witty. Will you be my friend?

    No we wont disband. Just get used to us being around, or get used to being under our boot.

  10. [quote name='+Zeke+' timestamp='1304486076' post='2705771']
    Or we surrendered to your buddies, perhaps?

    Let's not get wrapped up in spin, ok? Yes, you got jumped like drunk in a Newark back alley by a street gang and managed to live through it. That decent enough reason to feel good about things. You were smart enough to invite the right kind of help to keep you from being destroyed. Another reason to feel good about it. Finally you hung tough and poured on the recruiting. Still more solid work. All in all it adds up to a good reason to pat yourselves on the back. You should emerge from this is decent shape given what you faced.

    But don't despoil your good works with false bravado that you whipped your opponents. Take your hard earned props and be happy with them. Do that and you'll earn the hardest thing on Bob to get....respect. But if you try to claim something that didn't happen then all that respect goes down the crapper.
    This guy thinks we want respect. :D

  11. [quote name='berbers' timestamp='1302255265' post='2686674']
    Kind of like all those posts of Umbrella members hailing NPO back in the day would be nice to bust out right about now?
    Is it so hard to understand that feelings and opinions evolve and change over time? Whats true today maybe not apply tomorrow.

  12. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1301896120' post='2683841']
    [color="#9ACD32"]>100k NS nation
    >doesn't have an upper tier[/color]

    1 nation does not equal a tier or nations, it is in fact, just one useless nation, especially in your hands

  13. [quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1301895770' post='2683834']
    DH keep pushing this as no reps despite the cost of a month long beatdown probably being astronomical and more excessive that the dollar value of the excessive reps demanded from NPO to get peace in karma. The true dollar value of these terms placed on them for doing nothing is the reps. Has anyone calculated the dollar value of these terms demanded by DH? I imagine it runs to the tens of billions.


    We just want them to fight in a war that they brought upon themselves. We are only doing what is just and right.

  14. [quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1301481216' post='2680580']
    Nice way to take my statement out of context, i mentioned "GOONS" before the "you" so lets make easier for a pleb to understand, come get me you little plebs (GOONS)

    Ah Rebel Virginia regardless of being too big or not, you have been one of the people ive wanted to have a war with in a long time, going to GOONS because you wanted too has made that dream come true, i will be seeing you :)

    Also it was a typo because i dont care or know about "korean dynasty" ive got better things to do than research peoples names.
    The rebel, Telling you what you meant.

  15. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300769323' post='2672964']
    No, I just have better things to do than to play with you goonies. Like watching TV.

    Sorry, maybe we can arrange a play-date later this week. I just don't feel like it today.

    Half this thread is you, you obviously have nothing better to do. You just don't have anything to support your argument. :lol1:

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