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Posts posted by r00tn00b

  1. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300768167' post='2672952']
    I already did, a couple posts back. Read the goddamn thread.
    You specified an example of when goons tried to and failed at attack NPO? I didn't see it. That is what Beefspari was asking for, not an example of what you thing a failure is.

    [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300768290' post='2672955']
    Can't really think of any off the top of my head, I sort of stopped caring about GOONS awhile ago. Sorry.

    Yeah sure you did

  2. [quote name='Dan2680' timestamp='1300432281' post='2668880']
    You act like defending your ally is a pain... do you have no friends on CN? When my ally is dishonourably attacked by a multitude of alliances (who else was that complaining about being dog piled now?) I do not simply just choose to enter... I am honour bound to fullfil my treaty obligations. I want to defend my ally, because he is my ally... he is my friend...

    I know what to expect going into war... apparently GOONS was a little shocked to be attacked though.

    And I beg to differ, NPO had no choice what so ever. They were forced to enter this war.

    I don't even know what is going thru your head to come to this conclusion. NPO is not apart of RV's argument, it is the rest of them that jumped at the chance to hit goons. They should know what to expect from the alliance who demands reps from anyone who wrongs us. Why you keep bringing up NPO as part of your counter argument is beyond, do you just have the one note to chirp?

  3. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1300432107' post='2668878']
    lol. your biggest nation has a $10b warchest. you're literally protecting people who are fully capable of defending themselves. the funny thing is, we have the funding capacity for an extended war, whereas you do not due to them hiding in PM. so any 'threat' of a two year long war is empty, and even if you could fund it, gOONs would love the opportunity. we're offering an exit, and you're 'protecting' nations who can look after themselves. hilarious.

    Quoted for truth

  4. [quote name='Dan2680' timestamp='1300430597' post='2668854']
    You tell me? You are the ones who hit NPO with absolutely no CB what so ever.

    Good try though.

    Also, we came in on a mutual defence agreement. Im not sure how you would do things over there in lolhouse, but when my ally gets attacked in such a cowardly manner, I defend him.

    Winners decide reps not losers like NPO.

  5. [quote name='+Zeke+' timestamp='1300429106' post='2668827']
    Exactly what did your side expect by announcing this tripe?

    Worse is this isn't the first time in recent memory and similar attempts have garnered the same result.

    Perhaps next time your leaders get the urge to announce stuff like this you might want to point out the likely result.

    Your leaders just want to fight so bad? Simple, let them tear down their nations to the size of those already fighting.

    No, don't like that? Then it is not the fight they want. It must be the subjugation of our alliances they want instead.

    So what kind of stupid logic other than your own makes us think it is a good idea to do what your leaders want?

    I said in week one to buckle up for a long boring haul. The responses came from two areas. It wouldn't take that long or your side was willing to wait us out as long as it takes.

    Less than two months into this both positions have proved to be utter fail. It has lasted this long and you guys are impatient.

    So let me try to get it through your heads this time. We may roll tomorrow or we may roll in July. Halloween sounds nice too. Our timing. Our choice. Maybe this time you will accept this as a possibility now that your initial beliefs have proved faulty.

    Maybe now you will also accept what happens when you announce garbage like this. You'll be reading circular arguments 50 pages later.
    I can make it seem like I have a lot to say in a post

    If I double space it and make it look like a long wall of test saying absolutely nothing

    If your side was going to fight it would have already

    But it seems they are content to watch their lower tiers burn while saving their precious upper tier

    If only there was some way offered to them to get out of this war.

    No wait there was. and so far they refuse. thinking it angers us or something

    It doesn't we are content to let their nations rot in PM while we clean up down here.

    And I belive the train wreck side of the thread is NPO's side grasping at straws and jumping as shadows.

  6. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300428010' post='2668812']
    Well, the assumption was that everyone in leadership on your side knows by now, and it was posted in our gov comms channels, so, uh, yeah. What did you expect from demanding such ridiculous numbers? People to be quiet, or else you'll raise the numbers even higher? I like to let the public keep up with what's going on, especially when it's so disgusting as this. (Apologies to my allies for my inability to hold the contents of my stomach upon reading the terms.)

    GOONS, such a pathetic tale. At least thank you for confirming them as accurate. Let me just fix my personal tally to 3.91 billion, since I doubt NSO is going to participate in those extra stipulations.

    Do you really not think before you type?

  7. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1300427386' post='2668802']
    Excuse me, NSO's number is 100m + 30 days annexation of RV, else 300m.

    Also all of those numbers are negotiable, obviously, and I don't appreciate you leaking anything you can get your grubby mitts on in an attempt to gain sympathy.

    Why not make NSO's 0 and just have them give us RV.

    And what do you expect of HoT he has diarrhea of the mouth.

  8. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300427247' post='2668800']
    You mean you haven't heard the latest demands from GOONS? Here are the latest figures:

    NSO 100m
    300m Invicta
    400m TPF
    80m ASU
    50m Avalon
    2 billion from Legion
    and 80m from 64Digits

    On top of 400m from CoJ (They're never going to write that play) and 300m extracted so far, that comes to....

    3.71 billion.

    Yes, you clearly aren't in it for the money.

    GG, noob.

    It's not like we don't give them other options. :smug:

  9. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300426378' post='2668792']
    This whole war is going back on the peace agreement from Karma. So, uhhh, I'll have to go with, this war.

    Sure, you'll grant the alliances peace for like, maybe 6 months while you busily extract, what was it, how many billions from this coalition did you want again? But once the aid flow stops, you'll jump right back on NPO again, muttering the same "Oh well they didn't learn their lesson!" bull!@#$.

    Nobody buys it. You broke the conventions, now you have to live with nobody trusting you to not break them again. This is precisely why we have such conventions in the first place. It's not for your enemy's benefit, it's for your own.

    So when we grant peace we grant eternal peace? Then any disagreements we have with alliances we have peaced with in the past must be dealt with slaps and angry words? I don't get it. Peace is granted for the current conflict and not all conflicts ever to arise with the alliance involved in the conflict.

  10. [quote name='mmansfield68' timestamp='1300423953' post='2668759']
    Self-inflicted eternal war. That's an intersting concept.

    "Okay, we're going to attack you with no CB - and then offer you some crappy terms. If you don't accept them, well, you brought it on yourself, bucko."

    Okay. I think that's fairly understandable.

    CB or not the hopeless collation is at war. A war they don't want in fact. the kind a generous benevolent lords of DH wish to give the Hopeless collation Hope. They are refusing it. Spout about morals and ideals all you want it wont change the fact that this is a war not some political argument that can be won with words.Take the offer or burn. pretty simple I think.

  11. [quote name='Mao de la torre' timestamp='1290324878' post='2518931']
    negotiate? ha what become a tech farm or pay reps for being attacked

    haha, you don't even know you never tried. If you had even bothered to follow the instructions you would have found nothing from your pocket would have been needed. But go on, continue in your world of make believe and fantasy. GOONS the big bad demon.

  12. [quote name='vladimer lennin' timestamp='1290313786' post='2518790']
    I would really like to thank LSF. They could simply said "NO" since our situation with those war mongering barbarians was not in their best interest.
    But they decided to welcome us with open arms not to mention the time and resources it will take to help us rebuild is quite generous. thank you LSF
    Watch it, we are not war mongering barbarians. we are cultured and great to talk to, but your approach is not that great when communicating. GOONS and the GCU could have worked something out, but you didn't even try negotiating. I informed Your members where they needed to go to open lines of communications but they were content to be suborn and take their beatings by flat out refusing.

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