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All the wright moves

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Everything posted by All the wright moves

  1. [quote name='Choson' date='23 May 2010 - 06:14 PM' timestamp='1274660025' post='2309655'] What exactly made it valid? The fact that no other alliance has done it before? Once again, why must FP conform to what RV (and the NSO) thinks a DoE should be? [/quote] The fact that no other alliance has done it before means that it is not conforming to what NSO thinks a DoE should be but what the whole planet of bob thinks it should be. And pointing out something that is different, and not necessary for being that is perfectly valid.
  2. [quote name='Choson' date='23 May 2010 - 06:05 PM' timestamp='1274659526' post='2309637'] So, what's you're point? Maybe FP wanted their DoE to be different? Didn't know they had to fit the boring cookie cutter definition of The Orders. Nor is it about how the NSO apparently feels slighted by Syn's feelings towards them, or for them to criticize their DoE. [/quote] So if a man walks around carrying a 5 foot tall unnecessary hat and says that it is unnecessary the correct response is shut up i hate u? And personally i think we r just confused as to why an alliance that hasn't talked to us hates us, i guess our reputation precedes us.
  3. [quote name='magicmountain' date='23 May 2010 - 05:28 PM' timestamp='1274657272' post='2309586'] I don't see what the fuss is all about, that was exactly how you handle RV. Good show. Congratulations Facepunch, it's great to see you guys up and running. It'll be crazy to watch so many of you all grow together, there's amazing potential here [/quote] I don't know about u but i haven't seen a single DoE besides this one mention DEFCON levels. RV makes a perfectly legitimate point and he basically gets cursed out and you are saying that is just how u should treat him because u don't like him. Stay Classy. [quote name='Choson' date='23 May 2010 - 05:46 PM' timestamp='1274658347' post='2309616'] RV doesn't get under our nerves, he amuses us like a little child would. Clamoring for attention, being petulant when he doesn't get his way and coming up with some of the most outlandish stories that we smile at. Once he's all done, we turn back to our newspapers, drink our coffee and the world moves on, with or without him. [/quote] This isn't a thread about u so i don't see how he is clamoring for your attention, unless u believe that every thread is about u.
  4. [quote name='Alekhine' date='02 May 2010 - 11:06 AM' timestamp='1272819950' post='2283884'] That is correct. I do not support the continuation of the war, but I will not leave the alliance simply because I disagree with a decision the leadership has made. [/quote] I read that u r running against Ram which is good, however, should u lose, signifying that Gramlins support what is being done will u still stay. All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.- Edmund Burke
  5. As much as i wud like it to happen i dont think IRON/DAWN can bring down Gramlins top tier. Gramlins has 30 nations over 50k NS, IRON and DAWN have 12. It seems like IRON/DAWN's upper tier will have to remain in peace mode. Gramlins bottom tier will continue to get pounded. Eventually something will give.
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