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Everything posted by tehol

  1. CRAP, threatening babies since 1931. XD nice sig
  2. AQUAtic Coalition Front. Now that's cool.
  3. ACFTW! A(wesome)CF! A C(ool) F(reaking alliance!)
  5. 100% certain. It was literally -Log on, check attack messages (of which there was two), collect taxes, pay bills. Then I realise I forgot to check my soldier count, so I check my nation, (turns out I wasn't in anarchy YET) deploy max soldiers and tanks, check my nation, I'm in anarchy. No new messages of attacks. When I deployed, it also seemed that the tanks didnt all deploy, or something funny like that. I didn't mention it because I'm not as sure of them- I pay less attention to tanks since they don't throw me into anarchy. The only possible thing I think I might've overlooked is the step after I collected taxes and paid bills, maybe I had my nation open in another window, and saw it there, however I don't think so... I'm 85% today that I refreshed the page twice, to be sure. Also, thanks for the advice Jack. I deployed one less than the max deploy today, and I didnt get an extended period of anarchy time.
  6. Linky? (im lazy, but bumping from emails is easy!) XD
  7. For my CNTE nation, I had a "Max deploy w/o anarchy" of 933. I deployed that, clicked "view my nation" and was immediately in Anarchy. I had not been attacked(while I was deploying, I had been the night before), and immediately before deploying I had purchased enough soldiers to make my citizens uncomfortable. I, of course, may very well be wrong, but this seem like a bug to me. Unfortunately, I do not have a screen shot of the deployment screen I had. It hadn't occured to me at the time, as I wasn't expecting anything odd. On a side note- this is my CN forum account (I don't have a CNTE forum account). To make TE forum comments, should I have a TE forum account? There is nothing here that mentions that, so far as I can see.
  8. with a minimum of 1 million i believe, right?
  9. XD awesome. EDIT: Asyria, do you guys have a bump page?
  10. 84 nations 731k NS 3.41 score 102/192 alliances Overall, I'm glad, XD however... im no longer in the top 10%! XD Tech buying spree soon.
  11. LOL, telephone is an awesome game, isn't it newhotness? XD
  12. psstt! hey you! join the.... CRAP, i forgot what he said... DISHWASHER! Vote rattlehead for president! pass it on!
  13. not when I posted last! but awesome. How do we keep doing it? XD seriously though, who's growing? lol
  14. 84 nations 698kNS 3.30 score 101/196 Hey! that's pretty good. EDIT: LOL, we're one spot better than FAN! hahahaha.
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