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King Timmy

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Everything posted by King Timmy

  1. New Panama welcomes this new Cuban nation and would like to immediately place an order for some cigars!
  2. *** Classified Reply *** "Due to the fact they have already surrendered we feel the need for covert operations has passed. As our troops are equipped for guerilla tactics we no longer feel our presence is necessary. Good luck." And with that the submarines which had been so looking forward to a guerilla warfare against the Yaza Hajin turned around and went back to Panama.
  3. Today 10 new ships were launched by President Narino. The 5 corvettes and 5 amphibious assault ships would be the first of many new ships almost ready for service with the New Panama Navy and more would be introduced over the following months. The ceremony went well with all bottles of champagne smashing on the first attempt. The 5 Braunschweig class corvettes and 5 America class LHDs were expected to enter service in the next few days.
  4. *** Classified Reply *** This is the PSSN Astute of the New Panama Navy. Those depth charges are damned close, any more and we will be forced to retaliate. We are currently undergoing operations to insert operators into Najambia and the dry docks are a high risk of collapsing with men inside them. Now who are you and what do you want?
  5. [quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1326035117' post='2895697'] The New Panama submarines would never make it to sure. Passing through the dense anti-submarine web set up by the aircraft carriers and the submarines, they would be detected. The ASW helicopters dropped depth charges to force the submarines to at least stop, if not surface. At the same time, hydrophones were used to contact the New Panama subs. "State your origins, and stop all actions. Failure to comply will be taken as hostile actions." OOC: Rota hasn't responded, Timmy. I suggest not going any further. [/quote] OOC: Rota has agreed to let me do a bit of specops stuff in Najambia. Also, last time I checked your forces were 400 and 750nmi away.
  6. *** Classified *** [b]Time:[/b] 23:03 [b]Location:[/b] International waters off the coast of Najambia The 8 Astute class submarines arrived 13 miles off the coast of Najambia. In each, 6 men climbed into their dry dock in full diving gear. All their equipment was stowed away in water tight boxes which would be towed behind their SDV. When they were close enough to the shore the 4 operators would disembark and take with them the equipment while the drivers would return the SDV to the submarines. They would arrive at the same point in 5 minute intervals, each group covering the next's arrival and regrouping further inland. For the initial few days they would remain away from any populated areas, finding an isolated place to commence operations from. Team Alpha waited the order to depart on their 2 hour journey. They received it and launched from the submarine.
  7. *** Classified *** The recent efforts of the Tianxians had certainly made Dario Marrón, New Panama's now rogue defence contractor, take notice. They were sure as hell being ambitious, Dario couldn't help but smile. He had his own ambitions but not involving Natal and certainly not involving Tianxia. Perhaps their paths would cross in the future but it was unlikely at best. A single message was sent openly and addressed to the emperor and empress. [code]I love what you're doing with the place, keep up the good work. DM.[/code]
  8. *** Classified *** President Narino spat out his morning cereal whilst reading this in the morning newspaper. It looked Identical to that stupid internet meme. No-one else was around to see it, 'Damn' he thought to himself 'that would have been awesome.' He immediately opened up his laptop and made a jpeg depicting what had just occurred before uploading it onto 9GAG where it received praise as the funniest thing since getting an arrow in the knee. *** Public *** New Panama shall watch this closely.
  9. [quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1325978957' post='2895135'] Two African nations have already shared their position and course of action. We urge all to consider these positions and work with us to react appropriately to this situation. Edit: *Private Reply* It is your choice to participate, but we ask that you hold off any aggressive actions until it is determined necessary by observers who are there. It is much easier to go right into actions when you will not have to deal with them in your homeland, or once you leave. The PRA and other African nations will have to handle this even after your forces leave and will feel the effects directly on our nation, and as such, the PRA asks that you act with discretion for the region as a whole, and not just your national interests, while they are indeed an important factor. [/quote] *** Private Reply *** A full invasion was never part of the plan, it will be an extremely discrete war I assure you. We will hold off overt attacks until after any observers have had a chance to determine just exactly what the hell is going on. For this reason I will send and observer to be part of that team if you would agree to it. Should they refuse any observers entry into Najambia however we will take this to mean the government is harboring terrorists and act accordingly.
  10. [quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1325968393' post='2895022'] *Classified [i]from[/i] Najambia* (open to everyone else) The People's Republic of Africa calls for a halt on all military coordination and planning and instead would like to pursue the strategy suggested by the RRA earlier which is to first attempt to send teams of observers into the country to monitor the situation before we go any further. We find the aggressiveness of some foreign nations to be very concerning when dealing with African soil. [/quote] *** Private Reply *** As long as Tafazdwa, a self confessed terrorist. is in control we will strongly disagree with sending civilians into Najambia. It would be too great a risk to their lives. Should Tafazdwa step down we will send observers in.
  11. [quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1325966874' post='2894996'] Grand Papua will not allow New Panama to conduct operations without confirming with us. If we stop you, you'll be declaring war on us then? [/quote] *** Private Reply *** As we have the same goal I see no reason not to co-ordinate any attacks.
  12. [quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1325965180' post='2894971'] "The Imperium will not allow any foreign aggression into Africa. New Panama may keep their decleration of War but you will not be allowed to conduct military operations against Najambia at this time". "However, Najambia clearly has much to answer for. The Imperium will be sending a team of investigators and diplomats to meet with the Najambia government and investigate these claims of terrorist support. We expect an answer from Najambia to be quick and precise that is all". [/quote] "Nuts! Any attempt to interfere with New Panama military operations against a terrorist state will be considered nothing less than an active declaration of war on the state of New Panama and will result in nothing less than a full military response on any such nation."
  13. The military of New Panama has been placed to DEFCON 2. All troops are to be readied as quickly as possible in fear of more retaliation attacks like the last train bombing. Regular flights would be made by the air force fighters and AWACs to defend against any attacks from the air. The remaining Navy would be ready to defend against anything coming from the sea. The submarines that had already departed carried with them 6 special forces operators each. They were armed with a variety of weapons assault rifles and sniper rifles all with appropriate silencing devices. They carried with them both thermal and night vision scopes as they intended to work mostly at night. They had several explosive devices with them for breaking through walls and destroying enemy positions as well as specified explosives with shaped charges to destroy enemy vehicles such as tanks and APCs. They will have with them other electronic devices such as man portable UAVs and surveillance equipment including grenade launched cameras. Their mission will to be win the hearts and minds of the local people and initiate covert attacks against Yaza Hajin whilst gathering intelligence and moving up the ladder towards those in charge of the terrorist organization.
  14. [quote name='Sigurd Odinnson' timestamp='1325955098' post='2894833'] The Confederacy of Kuklos endorses New Panama's zeal but hopes that they will rally native Africans to their cause before any actual invasion. ---Private--- To the leader of New Panama: Having been following closely the events in Najambia, it could not have escaped your notice that the Confederacy of Kuklos has promised material support to any nation which takes steps to eradicate the radical extremist threat there. Because we are a government true to our word both to our own people and to the world at large, we invite you to take advantage of our Lend-Lease Programme by which we will be happy to assist in the supply of fuel and war material for any soldiery you may plan on deploying to eliminate the Najambian regime. This will be supplied free of charge until the official cessation of hostilities is declared, at which time we may negotiate the rate of repayment. With Respect and Blessings, Sigurd Odinnson Pontifex Maximus of the Confederation of Κυκλοι [/quote] *** Private Reply *** We thank you for the offer but we have sufficient infrastructure to allow ourselves to complete our mission unaided.
  15. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1325574680' post='2891349'] [center][img]http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/6066/najambiaflag.jpg[/img] [font="Book Antiqua"][color="#FFA500"][b][size="5"]NAJAMBIAN NEWS: Military Parade[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center] [font="Book Antiqua"] In order to show Dominance over her people, Tafadzwa ordered a military parade around Lagos today, publicly broadcasted. Many soldiers marched upon the fields. The main point of interest was the vast amount of missiles and heavy weapons Tafadzwa possesses. An air show was also conducted to show the superior Najambian Military. The most interesting fact would be that one of the brigades marching was not one dressed in PRN Attire. No, they had black hoods on. Few people recognized that the marching brigade was Yaza Hajin. Word spread quickly in the town of Lagos. Fear was put upon all people of Najambia. Some radical groups begin to attempt to contact Yaza Hajin in order to gain admission and a merger into the superior Radical Islamic Group. The people of Najambia were now fully away of what the government has come to. [b]Tafadzwa openly admitted to being affiliated and became a "Triumvirate" of the Yaza Hajin alongside Al Dei[/b]. The third Triumvirate is unknown at this time. Fear spreads quickly and Tafadzwa definitely has the oppressive regime shes always dreamed of. [center][img]http://cdn2.dailycaller.com/2011/10/73665d749e374b578d4b32102ab9af7c.jpg[/img] PRN Soldiers marching in a Stadium. [img]http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4131/5025447284_cb5b0084be.jpg[/img] The Yaza Hajin Brigade Marching through streets, spreading their words of wisdom[/center] [/font] [/quote] OOC: In no way does that post mention classified. It says it was openly admitted. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1325951675' post='2894797'] In no way shape of form is Tafadzwa associated with the Yaza Hajin. We have fought valiantly against Yaza Hajin and your attempting to invade the ones who are fighting for your same cause. Tafadzwa won't be surrendering to you for reason you simply made up in your head. OOC: We have not released that Tafadzwa is associated with Yaza Hajin to avoid the IC Invasion, It was in Classified info that she is a leader of Yaza Hajin. [/quote] You were giving several warnings to surrender yourself and the time for negotiations has passed. We will not stand by and watch you and your followers cause destruction across the globe any more. The next time you hear from me will be at your trial where you will answer for all the atrocities you have committed. If you surrender now you would save both our nations lives that need not be lost. Remember that you are responsible for what happens next. Every death is on your head. As of now, New Panama recognizes a state of war between ourselves and Nijambia until such a time as Tafadzwa and Yaza Hajin are removed from government. We will give ourselves no rest until we complete our mission to remove terrorists from control of what would otherwise be a nation like any other in the world. *** Classified *** 8 Astute class submarines left northern colombia. Each would carry a dry dock with the ability to launch 6 special forces operators on a Swimmer Delivery Vehicle. They would sail immediately to the coast of Najambia and wait the go ahead.
  16. [center][size="7"][b]Train Bombing Kills 32[/b][/size] [img]http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/864/trainx.jpg[/img] [size="1"] OOC: I know it's not a passenger train but I couldn't find a better picture, for all intensive purposes the picture shown is to be considered a passenger train.[/size][/center] "Today in New Panama a train traveling from the outskirts into New Panama City was targeted by a terrorist attack. So far 32 have been confirmed killed, including Juan Carlos the Director of the New Panama Intelligence Agency. There are said to be a further 64 injured, 25 of which are said to be in a critical condition with 5 currently on life support machines. Shortly after the attack the following message was released." A video showing balaclava covered Yaza Hajin followers claiming responsibility for the attack in response to New Panama's threat to enforced disbanding played. "The terrorist cell known as Yaza Hajin has seen a sudden return in the African nation of Najambia. The following response was released by President Narino." President Narino looked truely angry as he spoke. "This terrorist attack is exactly the reason we demanded the Yaza Hajin disband. They will not be allowed to continue their operations against the free people of the world any longer. We gave them a chance and they have made their decision. An investigation is underway to discover exactly how this happened. I can assure you the people behind this attack will be brought to justice however I cannot discuss any action that is to be taken but you can expect to hear from me again very soon." The news reporter reappeared. "We will continue to follow this story here on the only Panamanian online news channel. That's all from me for now, this is Sara Lopez signing off."
  17. Dario Marrón had already been at work for several months before receiving the message from the Director. He already had five test subjects, four of whom were several weeks away from being operationally ready. The fifth had already left on his first operation. The three men and two women had all been volunteering serving with the New Panama military. They were being trained to become the ultimate weapon, government sponsored assassins that would be fully deniable. There was no mention of the operation on any document, the money which funded the operation, a very sizable sum that would enable operations globally, would simply look like it vanished into thin air. The five volunteers had been trained in extreme measures becoming the most superior armed and unarmed combatants in New Panama. They were subjected to horrific attempts to manipulate their minds to remove and conscience they had left and make them fully obedient to any order. They would be proficient in a wide variety of languages without a single hint of a foreign accent and have the matching falsified passports to match should they need to travel abroad for an assignment. As Dario arrived in Panama City, the first stage of his plan would be ready to commence. He took out his phone and sent a single MMS. The picture he sent was that of the Director of the NPIA along with which there was a single command, 'eliminate'. It was the Director who had given Dario the resources he needed to bring his plan into action. It was given to him under the assumption that the targets would be foreign leaders that did not see eye to eye with New Panama but this was of course a falsehood and all the loose ends were about to be tied up. Miguel Santana received the message and set to work immediately. He already knew the Directors daily trip to work and would eliminate him at the point where suspicion would be easily taken out of the equation. His wife left him to the train station to begin with. That wouldn't do, too specific a target. The train however would be perfect place to act. First, he would take over the train electronically while it waited in the station. It would then accelerate and not stop, preventing the director from exiting the train safely. The Director always used the same carriage, an explosive device designed to spread deadly shrapnel throughout the entire carriage would be placed under it. Later on, a false statement would be released claiming the Yaza Hajin had initiated the attack in response to the threat by the New Panama government. That would allow operations against them to commence as well however that was not the focus at this point in time. Miguel was at the station waiting. As the train pulled up to the platform and the rush of passengers got onto the train he spotted the Director getting onto the carriage he was loitering outside. He dropped the charge underneath the train. As it hit the ground the electromagnet turned on and pulled it up to stick beneath where the director would be sitting. With everyone simply trying to get onto the train with great haste no-one would notice him dropping it or hear it attach to the bottom of the train, even the security cameras would not be able to see it happen. The first stage was complete. He sat down and opened his laptop as was common place to see with business men in the station as they waited for their trains in the early morning. His morning work, however, was not so common. He opened up the program that would take control of the train. Everything these days was run by computers, even when they still had drivers. The progress bar on Miguel's filled gradually and after no more than a minute he was in control. He closed the doors and locked them whilst at the same time setting the acceleration to full. The accelerometer on the charge would detonate once it hit 55 mph. This would give Miguel plenty of time to leave the station before it would no doubt be shut down. The trains computer system was now fully locked out and would not be able to regain control. He packed up his laptop and walked calmly out of of the station. As he exited the final door of the station he heard the roar of an explosion. He would not need to confirm his kill, the chances of his survival were minute. He replied to the message informing Dario that he had completed his mission. As Darios read it a sick grin grew on his face. It had begun and nothing could stop him now.
  18. Jose Narino arrived at the old UN building in New York. He and his three body guards, carrying only side arms as was requested, entered the building. His security went to the adjoining room whilst he entered what would be the meeting room and took a seat waiting for the meeting to begin.
  19. New Panama shall send a delegate.
  20. [quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1325721125' post='2892757'] As the Revolutionary Council had settled, they were sending out a message to various nations. "We are aware of the preposterous claims, our former Grand Princess has made on your nation and we would like to offer an excuse. Sadly it is still the monarchists dream to unite us all to Grande Vicidalia though, so we can only say for the Republic: We do not lay any claim on New Panamanese lands. We want friendly relations and a good cooperation with all of our neighbours and we will not make any claims on any of our neighbours again. Vicidalia hereby declares its recognition of New Panama."[/quote] We are happy to see a reasonable Government in Vicidalia. We wholeheartedly accept the hand of friendship you offer to us now and thank you for your recognition. Should you need any assistance in the rebuilding of your nation you need only ask. [quote][b] Attached secret protocoll for New Panama only[/b] We would also like to discuss the possibility of a Caribbean Entente of us who were victim to the previous regime, in order to ensure that the First Grand Principality was the last Grand Principality. I think we all are aware of the destabilising effect of the monarchy on the region and as we are all free people, we want the Maison de Vicidalia to have no foothold in our country, nor in any other one.[/quote] *** Private Reply *** We would happily sign such a document to ensure it was indeed the last occurrence of this in your nation.
  21. We did not however threaten with a full on overt war. As we said, there are other methods to taking the war to a select few to ensure the safety of the civilian population.
  22. Whilst we also would like to see an end to Yaza Hajin we cannot help but agree with everyone else that a full military invasion will simply achieve nothing. You will only further their aims and their desire to cause death to yourselves. We urge you to reconsider and at least wait for a response from Tafadzwa. There are other ways of dealing with problems that do not involve entire armies and that can save many lives. We hope the nations of Africa will not stand for this aggressive invasion from half a world away that could soon bring death and destruction to a continent that has seen too much war in the past already. [i]Jose Narino[/i]
  23. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1325760886' post='2893262'] "We thank Athens and these other nations for actually reading and watching the news broadcasts to see that Najambia and the Yaza Hajin are two very different things." [/quote] To whom it may concern, On the contrary, the offer extends to Tafadzwa who has herself admitted to being a part of Yaza Hajin. She has 24 hours to denounce the Yaza Hajin and commit to the complete and utter disarmament of the terrorist group. We do not tolerate terrorists of any shape or form and the fact they they move freely through your nation makes us unsympathetic to any and all threats you receive. Yours Sincerely, Jose Narino OOC: Not IRL 24 hours, just until I post next after any response.
  24. Open message to the Yaza Hajin: Disband or be destroyed. Kind Regards, Jose Narino
  25. Somewhere in Panama, a man walked into a building. It would not seem such a strange thing to do in most places, however he would have seemed very out of place had someone happened to lay their eyes upon him. He wore a three piece suit that looked as new as the day he bought it and his shoes gave the impression of daily polishing. Why he would have been in a rundown area of Panama City at what seemed to be just another abandoned factory would be a mystery to most. None the less, he entered through the large rusted door as if it were the same door he entered every morning. This was not the case, it was only his third time at the facility and it would indeed be his last. The inside of the building was in stark contrast to the outside, it did indeed look more like an office than most office blocks do. It was a long well lit corridor with doors on both sides, all of which apart from one were locked. The man walked to the bottom of the corridor and enter the door directly in front of him, it was one he had never been in before. It was empty apart from a console in the centre of the room which he sat at and began to type for what would be the first and only time the machine would ever be used. The screen came to life as he sat down and ran his thumb over the fingerprint scanner. The words on the screen shone bright wight against the black background as he began to type. [code]> Command: Quantum Cryptography . . . > Commencing: Please wait . . . > Input Username: Juan Carlos . . . > User Found: Juan Carlos, Director of the New Panama Intelligence Agency . . . > Input Password: ************ . . . > Password Accepted: Login Successful . . . > Input Recipient: Dario Marrón . . . > Recipient Found: Dario Marrón, Specialist Defence Contractor . . . > Input message: ... . Operación Svengali is to commence immediately... . Candidates to be taken at your discretion... . Volunteers preferable... . Deniability is key... . Your team will assemble in Panama in three days... . Warehouse C... . > Command: Exit . . . > Exiting Program: Please Wait . . . > Status: Quantum Cryptography Offline . . . > Command: Purge . . . > Purge All Data (Y/N): Y . . . > Commencing: Please Wait . . . > Status: Purge Complete [/code] With that he stood up and exited the room. As soon as he was in the corridor he could hear people enter the room behind him beginning to dispose of the console he had just been at. He left the building and once again stuck out from his environment. He cared not however, he had begun something that would bring about such change in New Panama that not even he would survive it. Hindsight is such a wonderful thing after all. Only Juan Carlos knew of the message that had just been sent, which meant in time he would be the only loose end.
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