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Everything posted by Shimmer

  1. Sorry, I'd advise you to GPA TAB TDO Not Gato though :/ I'm sure you guys are improving under your viceroy ship. But I don't want to feed fresh blood to the wolves.
  2. Green PROTECTION AGENCY!!!!!! That'd be my recommendation. Or The Democratic Order. Edit: Wrong Forum anyway.
  3. A good mod with a good personality :)

  4. Do you have a protectorate? Your alliance is 12k after 75~ish days. Sadly, FAN is recruiting at about the pace you are. You may need to join a sanctioned alliance or top 60ish alliance and get the feel of things.
  5. I just think something needs to be done. Less Colors or Better Color Choices More Diplomacy More Economic things Everything added to the game dampens the Economics to try to slow down gameplay. All I do is spend more on upkeep the more military types that come out....... I'd just like to see the wonders unlocking game features like the stock market allows you to dabble globally or something. I dunno.
  6. I've recently sat and listened to a lot of people talk. CN since its creation a few years ago has not expanded quite as much as i'd of hoped. The only thing that seems to be added in CN is the war part of the game. We've gotten Spys, Battle Attacks, More Nukes, Navys and an airforce. Diplomatically we haven't gotten anything which dampers the simulation. Economically nothing much has prevailed except a few wonders to keep us upper nations busy and still buying infra >,<. So, basically how do you feel? Do you feel CN is a Simulation Game or Becoming a War game. I wouldn't mind seeing a global stockmarket or universal trading where you put up what you have and what you want and then people that have what you want take it and get what you offer. Like you have 3 million and want 50 tech. Basically thats an improvement on the foreign aid system. Diplomatically perhaps a tab where an single nation can sign a treaty with another nation. Like in spread sheet forum Date: Nation A: Nation B: Treaty Type: Link(treaty hosted like in a notepad on a cn game-site): Date: Nation A: Nation C: Treaty Type: Link: etc Rather or not that uses up a lot of space i have no clue. I'd just like to see more "well rounded" additions not just war additions.
  7. Albino Black Sheep Cosa Nosa CMR Exodus Lion LUA SRPN (Multicolor) TOE Ultimate Alliance All these black need to be removed except for SRPN who needs to be moved to mutli color.
  8. So you can't not collect and wait for it to go away?
  9. Obligatory bump before it's a grave dig.
  10. Lol so much for black on black love.
  11. Life on black is great. I'm certain none of you has ever had a TOE that has bitten so don't be afraid.
  12. Lol this time to stay. No worries.......for now.
  13. We are the newest Black Team Alliance! Founded 5-31-08. We are an Umbrella protectorate and are looking for new members who would like to grow peacefully economically. Irc: #Toe on Coldfront Website: http://tdo.cn-source.net
  14. It's gotta be at least 18. Damn the inflation am I right? Also thats how much i've been paying for months now.
  15. Goodluck. May want to put the protectorate in quotes though.
  16. ICE is a smaller newish white team alliance. http://www.ice-cn.net I'm curious though as to why its your 5th nation? People don't usually remake that many times but hey whatever you like.
  17. This This This This is not is not is not is not how you pick a proper alliance. how you pick a proper alliance. how you pick a proper alliance. how you pick a proper alliance. Seriously, if you join just because of aid your loyalty can be purchased by the highest bidder which is kind of sad.
  18. Why? Do you want to recruit racist people? If so let me know and i'll have plenty of gifts for you.
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