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Everything posted by Stravolice

  1. NPO would have been doomed without GGA assistance :x
  2. Ah I think I remember what happened. Thank you for your time and sorry for the inconvenience.
  3. I'm not entirely sure if this is a bug, or if I've been banned or something along those lines, but a few days ago I attempted to check on my nation and it stated I had typed the incorrect user name/password. I very carefully typed in my user name and password and received the same message. Assuming I had been hacked, I attempted to recover my password, to discover that my account did not exist. I had been very inactive about half a week before this incident (16 days) but I clearly remember collecting taxes and doing an infra jump on that day, so my activity should have been reset. To my knowledge it takes 20 days of inactivity, with an additional few days after deletion for an account to expire and I am certain I was not gone for that long. I am not sure what happened so I am inclined to assume this is either a bug, or I have been banned/manually deleted and not notified. I would greatly appreciate it if a moderator or admin could please clarify what is going on.
  4. Not to be biased, but join this alliance.
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