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Posts posted by Dilber

  1. I was under the assumption that if/because/whatever-word-is-correct they had/have the logs, it would be okay to send them the exact spot, or instructions or something to support/prove your argument. My apologies if I'm mistaken or ill-informed (which is likely considering I'm not involved).

    You should know I never say something if I can't back up my words. I'm quite sure Thomas knows what he said. Whether he informed the rest of the government, I don't know.

  2. Is this thread seriously getting anything done? Do far, I've read about five pages of one side saying the other side mishandled something, a small group saying both mishandled something, and a whole crap-ton of people not getting anything across. Much of what is being said is just repeating a repeat of a repeat.

    The point is, if you want something posted or someone to see a certain excerpt from a log that you bloody know about, then post it, or send it to him via PM. Stop saying, "Oh, that's not the right one. And you still haven't found it" as it shows that you apparently don't really care to get anything done. If you don't want the whole world knowing, seriously IRC is awesome. PMs are great, too. Stop posting here running in circles and concentrate more on running in a straight line.

    PS: CIS has made no stance on this, as we have nothing to do with it. My post, as many could guess, is not the view of CIS, but rather me ranting on about circles and how much I hate geometry.

    Either that, or I'm respecting the wishes of my ally not to release the actual logs themselves. GPA can find the logs on their own. It's not hard to find.

  3. Our new Government will be elected in a matter of days. Most of the current government chose not to run this term.

    The GPA membership learned the details of how the IRON incident was mishandled last night and I assure you many of us are extremely disappointed. Debates are raging as I speak on the forums and on IRC. We understand the severity of this incident and are fighting to prevent this in the future.

    I'm pretty certain you haven't heard everything yet.

  4. He was not correctly declared innocent, the trial went wrong due a series of errors due to people having IRL problems, and then a Minister thought he had been cleared, whereas no declaration had been made, so he declared to IRON our supposed findings, IRON reacted (which cannot be blamed, though closing the embassies will only hinder future diplomacy), this was then rectified within hours when we learned of our error. All the while, legislation was being voted on to pass a new law to extra-prevent this from happening in the future (to reimburse the existing laws) due to this case. So where is the act of war here? Some members had IRL problems and processed stuff incorrectly - this is not belligerency, this is not war-like behaviour. I think you personally have already made up your mind however, as the TPF departure was not logical either, as they too departed after the event was resolved. I do not think this is truly intentional on your behalf, and if you truly think the GPA is a warlike alliance, I recommend you visit our forums and meet our extremely peaceful members and government, I hope you and other TPF and GDA members take up my offer, as we would like to be your friends.

    Still didn't find out what was said in the logs?

  5. May I add, as a non-governmental member of GPA, that I hope that our government will continue to recover from all mishandling of issues. The vast majority of our membership truly values, and tries to embody, our Declaration of Neutrality, and it pains us when public perception does not note that.

    I, and all other GPAers, hope that our relations with GDA and other alliances can return to normalcy as we try to prove with thoughts, words and deeds that we are Planet Bob's major neutral alliance. Not too long ago, every alliance knew that it would never have any problems with a GPA action, and if one of our members stepped outside the lines, we would deal with that person swiftly and appropriately. We hope that all can remember that, and we also hope that our soon-to-be-incoming government can quickly bring us to a place where that memory is a clear and present reality.

    This statement is not officially approved by the GPA government, but I think that every other member would feel that it accurately represents our sentiments. Thank you.

    After the events of recent times, I'll have a hard time trusting the word of a GPA official.

  6. I am not lying, by currently I mean Thomas's discussion with DarkMistress. Current in terms of diplomacy means that it is happening, and it is.

    This is offtopic, this thread is about GDA cancelling the DoN for reasons that have already been resolved, which didn't effect them, whilst they were not engaging in diplomacy.

    @Meterman: If you wish to contact us, this is the IRON embassy at GPA: http://z11.invisionfree.com/GreenPA/index.php?showforum=29

    Hey, it's not like you guys lied to IRON in the first place, right?

  7. For people that claim to have no problem with GPA, NPO managed in the first half dozen posts to sound an awful lot like they have a problem with GPA. <_<

    EDIT: reading further, add IRON, NpO and probably at least a couple more alliances to that list

    I have a problem with incompetence.

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