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Everything posted by WildThing

  1. I'm not sure Doitzel can ever recover from this one. That was mean.
  2. Come on people. You're all bark and no bite / If you can't walk the walk, don't talk the talk. If you're gonna talk a big game, then please follow through. If not then just go !@#$@#$ home. *** No problem.
  3. I knew Karma was a terrible name for the war.
  4. MHA fit into the overrated category like the others, not the single personality category. Sorry for the confusion.
  5. Oh god this is actually MK's proudest moment. A thread for the archives already and it's only 2 pages long.
  6. Brilliant. Magnificent. Fantastic. I like you Commisar. Strong homo.
  7. Retrace your footsteps, very nice. You'll find the point at which you posted this thread soon enough, and then you can hit that point with a large hammer.
  8. Are you implying they wouldn't if it wasn't 1v1?
  9. So I was right, jokes on you guys for a seriously backfired thread and if it weren't for the last 4 options skewering the results there'd be well over 70% of the vote wanting you rolled.
  10. When you have to explain your jokes to everyone it usually means they weren't funny. Unless maybe it's a quantum physics joke between scientists and it can still be funny for them just no one else. But we're not scientists so it's besides the point. Either way, go ahead and explain to me the humour behind this thread that isn't just coming from how badly this whole thing backfired on you. I do love a good joke.
  11. This seems to be the only argument you guys can throw up and despite the fact that I've never had any dealings with Sam before in my CN career, it doesn't take a genius to look at his history and go
  12. Are you kidding? This thread is a huge pile of butthurt because when you wanted to be friends with MK they just thought you were retards and said as much. This is classic, 'You hate me so I guess I have to hate you now!' P.S. I'm not in MK, I'm in Argent, this is simply an outsiders perspective based on how angry and/or defensive you get when anyone from MK says anything..
  13. Wooo, I got a shout-out and this thread backs up my line in the OP. It's actually almost sad now though, before this thread I didn't realize how close to home I hit with that statement. By the way, MK's pixels are better than your pixels and they've always been arrogant !@#$%bags obsessed with their little timmies, so nothings really new here. Feels good man.
  14. I'm not anyone's chum and probably especially not Grub's.. But leadership ability? Sam?
  15. I'm not a member of the intelligent community.
  16. This reminds me of the GGA threads of old. Certainly not as quality yet, but the sheer number of facepalms bring back memories.
  17. I was waiting for you to say pretty much exactly this.
  18. I know you probably don't mean to use your gender in the way I mentioned, I'm just well aware of CN's notorious white-knighting, underground culture, so to be honest.. It's not really up to you. Although I have actually heard you bring up your gender a few times on IRC, but I'll just take your word for it. I do respect your abilities, from what I've heard of them. And I said hello, glad we've sorted that out. Something else to add to our consistently growing CB. P.S. No you're not, we will destroy you.
  19. Jesus Christ, I just wanted giggle over the fact that the NpO upgrade wasn't a new ally and suddenly I'm twisting your words and blowing things out of proportion. I'll go ahead and apologize I guess because you know I like you Heinous and it wasn't meant as a slight against you. And yeah.. We are planning on rolling you, but only because we know you're planning on rolling us.
  20. The dude slamming STA was being facetious as lebubu already said. Twas a joke Heinous, no need to always be on the defensive. Anyway, I rather like dancing around. @Skippy: crikey, another one. What is it with you guys and missing jokes and immediately getting all angsty. I like STA, but I guess we'll have to wait for the inevitable Citadel vs Frostbite war everyone's talking about to impress each other.
  21. I would be happy to take over. You are anything but off the radar currently.. And about as far from under-rated as possible.
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