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Everything posted by Tocsii

  1. Question answered and thread locked.
  2. As thedestro said, this is the link you want. Locked.
  3. Thanks Phillihp. I'll move it to the Black Market.
  4. As Ursarkar E Creed said, the activity counter refers to the nation's last tax collection. Many nations put off their tax collections even while active for economic purposes, so it is not safe to assume that a ruler hasn't logged in based on their activity counter alone. Answered and locked.
  5. I don't know what this is but it isn't one of the following: So it doesn't belong in the Gameplay Discussions section. Locked.
  6. From the channel topic: "Talk about CN Politics, news, strategies, and just about anything in here, OOC and IC | Please don't spam, troll, or flame, and no offensive language" I'd take these as general guidelines until a more official set is released and avoid any language you wouldn't be allowed to use on the CN forums.
  7. As Aimee Mann said, you can purchase 5 extra nukes up to a maximum of 25. You won't notice the effect (other than the extra maximum stockpile) until you have 5 or fewer nukes remaining at which point they are all protected from spy attacks. Answered and locked.
  8. As has been said, Anarchy is not a "choice" and the happiness bonus does not apply. For reference see admin's explanation here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=32338 Thread answered and locked.
  9. You always need a Uranium source to purchase nuclear weapons. That is true whether you have a Manhattan Project or are in the top 5%. Question answered and thread locked.
  10. Often public computers are on the same network and connect to the internet from the same IP address. I assume that was the case here. You're recommended to only login from a private computer with a unique IP address to prevent this from happening in the future. See FAQ #2: Question answered and thread locked.
  11. As Snow Dan says, click on the word "Options" at the top right corner of the forums and select "Switch to: Standard" from the drop down list to return the forums to their default settings. Answered and locked.
  12. Are you asking about having one account that is accessed from two networks (but one person) or two accounts that are accessed from one network? The former is fine but the latter is definitely not.
  13. Yes. Please check the forum rules tab at the top left: Your signature image is too tall.
  14. That's where you want to go. Locking.
  15. Try this thread: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=47
  16. It doesn't sound like you would be doing anything against the game rules here. Locking.
  17. As long as no one else on your network makes a nation you should be fine. Locking.
  18. This topic comes up a lot (this happens to be a milestone 50th time). As the above posters have said, you will most likely be fine as long as you log onto a computer with a unique IP. You'd have to ask your college IT department how they handle internet connections to be 100% certain. Question answered and thread locked.
  19. Both of the above posters are correct. The question has been answered and the thread locked.
  20. I believe we have sufficiently answered the OP's question about tech deals and then some. Nice work everyone! I'm locking this now, but feel free to ask any other unrelated gameplay questions you might think of in a new topic, StaticRoar.
  21. If you wanted to return the tech to the same nation that sent the cash then yes, you would have to do something like that.
  22. It takes one slot to receive the cash (3 million maximum per slot) and two slots to send 100 tech (50 tech maximum per slot) or three total for the deal Locke mentioned. You cannot have more than one foreign aid offer between the same two nations during a single 10 day period, so you will have to work out an alternative or extended payment plan.
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