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Everything posted by silentkiller

  1. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1281423403' post='2409279'] [img]http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/8021/nsowar.gif[/img] [/quote] My life is now complete. Thank you.
  2. You are !@#$. <3 Starcraft
  3. The VE and D34th posts are the best. Although I did lol pretty hard at the emperor in a golden dress as well.
  4. [quote name='Earogema' timestamp='1281417662' post='2409169'] I did read it. Damsky said "Oh look NSO is getting crushed." Somehow he then goes "Well yeah, but we aren't going to fall for this obvious trap!" Damsky is just saying "Ally hurt, you help. Fire good." It has nothing to do with just Pacifica. Any ally should do it. [/quote] Well seeing as NPO is an ally and he is a NPO member it makes complete sense for him to adress the point in the view of his alliance. [quote name='Midkn1ght' timestamp='1281417676' post='2409171'] Dem's some good allies you got there Sith. [/quote] [quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1281417465' post='2409160'] I realise reading each post fully is a pain in the $@! but it has to be done unfortunately or you look like a tool. [/quote] Congratulations. [quote]Yes, keep spinning. I've figured out your system. Do your spinning, follow it up with a personal insult/sarcasm, then go back and edit it for more insults or to put some nice bold print. I'll keep ignoring your spins as long as you keep me laughing.[/quote] You keep posting terrible. I've figured out your system. Do your terrible posting and follow it up with more terrible posting. I'll keep ignoring the terribleness of your posts as long as you keep me laughing. [quote]I guess the consequences are so terrible for you that NSO is worth sacrificing to keep you safe eh?[/quote] NPO sacrificing their allies since jan 2006 [quote]Don't look now, this topic is now about the NPO. How did that happen?[/quote] In the 7 posts on this page the only mention of NPO is in your two posts. I wonder how it happened as well. :mystery:
  5. [quote name='Earogema' timestamp='1281417357' post='2409157'] See, even when we don't talk about Pacifica, Pacifica just brings themselves up to the discussion and then goes "Oh look, you're all about us!" You've learned well. [/quote] Did you read the post he quoted? I realise reading each post fully is a pain in the $@! but it has to be done unfortunately or you look like a tool.
  6. [quote name='the masheen' timestamp='1281417055' post='2409144'] SilentKiller, NSO is getting rolled by five alliances. NPO isn't doing anything about it. Those are the facts. Spin them however you want, you seem to be good at it. [/quote] Deal with it. Why would we do something about it. We despise NSO, I am here lmfao while they get killed. [i][b]And yes I am totally serious. [/b][/i] You are extremely low on the brain matter. That is a fact. Why? Because you have ignored multiple explanations as to why we aren't involved. That you choose to say "lalalal not listening" is no ones problem but yours.
  7. [quote name='Earogema' timestamp='1281416591' post='2409126'] Nobody would refuse the help of an ally in this situation and you know it. "You defended me in the last war, so I hate you!" [/quote] I guess NSO is cleverer than to just look at the short term. Good on them.
  8. [quote name='the masheen' timestamp='1281416414' post='2409121'] Whatever helps you sleep at night. [/quote] Cool story bro. About as constructive as your post. [quote]EDIT: Enjoy your "fairyworld" and whatever sarcasm you spewed earlier.[/quote] No U Congratulations on putting such wit in your post. Edit: It doesnn't help NSO in anyway to have their allies get destroyed with them while very likely mainly engaging alliances that aren't even involved at this point.
  9. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1281416270' post='2409114'] Not when the ally is getting the complete !@#$ beaten out of them. [/quote] Good to know you are not to be trusted when an ally asks something of you. Nothing unexpected from an unstable fellow such as yourself though.
  10. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1281416075' post='2409104'] You'll get destroyed? Isn't that kind of the point of being an ally? Sticking by them through thick and thin? [/quote] Funny you say that. Another point of being an ally is respecting your ally's wishes.
  11. [quote name='the masheen' timestamp='1281415657' post='2409094'] [b]Keep telling me about this great place to live. You are being mutilated by 5 alliances, and no one is coming to help you.[/b] Your biggest allies are so arrogant that they won't help you because they think that IT'S ABOUT THEM. How long was this "member" even in your alliance? You know exactly what you did and why you did it. [/quote] Its almost like you dont know what will happen once there is a counter attack. But I am sure you are clever enough to know what will happen. Aren't you? Never mind I might be giving you too much credit. You are clueless. Have fun in the fairy world of yours.
  12. [quote name='the masheen' timestamp='1281411123' post='2408978'] Honestly, where are your friends? I know you told them not to enter the fray, but come on! You either need to get some help or surrender. As government officials of NSO, don't you have a duty to ensure the safety of your membership? This is an all out curbstomp, it's five on one. You can't expect your members to just get completely and utterly destroyed. You guys question ROK's CB. If it's so insignificant, then why don't you just apoloize to them and start talking about working this thing out. Get help or help yourselves, but don't let your general membership suffer. [/quote] I wonder how NSO missed something so obvious
  13. [quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1281398805' post='2408664'] I would defend my ally. I understand that this concept is lost on you. Seriously, you guys need an mhawk to show you how it's done properly. Self-serving cowards, the lot of you. [/quote] We get the idea that you are mad. Now how about you stop posting the same thing in every damn post? As always you are welcome to Dow us if you want war so bad.
  14. [quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1281326522' post='2406349'] Last I checked I was a minority opinion in GOD that we should force disbandment. But if Pacifica [i]really[/i] wants us to maybe that'll grant me some leverage, eh? [/quote] So GOD hasn't demanded disbandment. Thanks for wasting everyones time by posting a longer than needed reply I guess.
  15. [quote]Not that RoK and friends seem to need a CB to justify their actions, but this one is so thin I swear I could read through it. Hoo is worse than any former leader of NPO ever dreamed of being. So, in response to this !@#$%^&* CB, and in particular GODs demand that NSO disband, I now demand that RoK, GOD, TENE and any others involved in that side of the conflict disband. I expect it to be equally as effective as the demand made by GOD. Lol.[/quote] Seems I somehow missed this. So how about that GOD?
  16. [quote name='Olaf Styke' timestamp='1281324219' post='2406260'] But kissing up to the government, running for a position in it, and getting as much intel as he can before running off to NPO and trying to spill it to their gov is most certainly one. If he left without deceiving us and trying to play us for fools I wouldn't have minded one bit, but he has certainly proven that he's the stuff NPO is made of. [/quote] I was wondering where recently all this "Drop money on the enemy" and "how to be a poodle" in our guides was coming from. Thank you for identyfing the source of bad information for us. As always it is appreciated.
  17. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1281324102' post='2406254'] I found it because i put it there! But, all the same, I'm glad you read my post and agreed with my point~ The NSO requested you don't fight so you wont end up getting curbstomped. This is predicitable, and shows that it's stupid to think that RoK were 'setting up' the NPO via a DoW on the NSO. HoT's arguement is, therefore, flawed. [/quote] Ah ok. Misunderstood what you meant by that. As for the conspiracy theories ugh.
  18. [quote name='Yankees Empire' timestamp='1281323340' post='2406210'] Very valid. End of conversation, amirite? [/quote] Between you and me I guess. But I give this thread another 20-30 pages :v [quote]Goad the NPO into war? As if they would fight just because of a few of my posts. We're simply telling them how a MDP works. However, as Mr Silentkiller points out, they will not be entering into this war because the [b]NSO requested that they don't[/b]. It is quite clear that the NPO are not going to enter into this war. It makes your little rant about this being a plot to set up the NPO all the more ridiculous, because there is clear that nothing short of a [b]direct attack on the NPO will cause a war[/b].[/quote] Answer is there in your post. I pray you are able to find it for the sake of everyone.
  19. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1281323195' post='2406200'] I'm not claiming [i]we[/i] want war, I simply said that is was clear [i]you[/i] were not seeking it. [/quote] A year of reps and war will unfortunately do that. Now we are steering too much offtopic. How about we discuss the validity of Rok's CB?
  20. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1281322473' post='2406152'] Oh, but then you wouldn't have the choice! Attack SF for DoWing your MDoAP partner, then i'll happily take my words back. [/quote] I'd rather respect the wishes of my ally tbf. But hey you know where we are come get us if you want a war so bad. [quote]NPO might fight but we know you won't silentkiller. Sup hippy?[/quote] Correct I am in hippy right now. All this war messes with my head.
  21. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1281321924' post='2406111'] It's almost like you actually believe C&G and SF leaders sit in some 'lair' plotting how they will roll the NPO. The Red Safari, while boarish on behalf of the raiders, was initiated by the NPO/ Here, the NSO was given ample oppurtunity to srt this our diplomatically, but instead decided to play the matyr card. C&G and SF don't really give a flaming $%&@ about the NPO. This is the NSO's mistake and, predictably, the NPO is staying out of this conflict. Anyone could see this wasn't going to lead to another GW or a NPO curbstomp. [b]The NPO doesn't want to fight again[/b]. [/quote] Declare on us and we'll tell you how much we want to fight.
  22. [quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1281320237' post='2406005'] Not mad at all. I prefer this to you fighting, actually. It means NPO hits yet another low. I'm happy you proved to the world yet again what a terrible alliance and ally you are. [/quote] Perfect, it means we are doing something right if someone like you thinks its wrong. Now that you have made your point how about we go back to the topic at hand. hmm?
  23. [quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1281319221' post='2405924'] Hint: That's a terrible excuse. That's NSO being a good ally, trying to help you. Everyone who's ever run away from a war has used that excuse. Go run away, you cowards. [/quote] u mad? You are always welcome to Dow us if you are so desperate for some war though. Not to mention that NPO isn't the topic of this discussion so how about we keep this on topic?
  24. [quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1281317825' post='2405808'] Taking pretty much the last PR hit you can, eh, NPO? Now you'll also be known as an alliance who threw a friend to the wolves because the wolves were just too strong. This is excellent. [/quote] Making a fool out of yourself yet again Penkala? Hint: NSO requested we stay out. Although I wouldn't expect a person of your intelligence to understand the difference.
  25. [quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1281312879' post='2405387'] I doubt very much that the NSO's treaties include a "request for help" clause. Thus I'm going to conclude that any treaty partner not defending the Legion of Brown is led by lying cowards. [/quote] Cool story bro. Goodluck in your war NSO no matter how stupid it is.
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