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Mistress Demona

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Everything posted by Mistress Demona

  1. “War is like love... it always finds a way.” delivered on behalf of Richard VII, Minister of Defence, who is regrettably unable to attend the posting on this occasion "As of 11:00 this evening, game-time, I am afraid The Flying Kiwis must recognize a state of war between itself, and the alliance of Ordo Paradoxia. In the now three rounds of our existence, though we seldom make much of a splash on the OWF, there has never been a Perth war where our alliance was not involved; neither in my own time as Defence Minister, nor, to my knowledge, in the time of my predecessor. And today, as in good times past, we have that privilege once again. But for everyone who doesn't know us, we'll just say; Much luck, everybody. Salutes to OP, WAPA, and LE. Fight clean, respect your opponents, and make some real soldiers proud. ------------------ on a lighter note, /me slaps Drai around a bit with a white glove" Signed, Richard VII - acting Minister of Defence for the Flying Kiwis Lady Dark Knight - assistant Minister of Defence, Flying Kiwis Bluebird Division Lord Klusman - assistant Minister of Defence, Kiwi Regulars
  2. Yeah for peace! TY for BN and big TY to White Chocolate for volunteering to go out on the court while I sit on the bench
  3. June 08 It's ok, uranium and iron are great resources. So what if one is used for "nukes"? No big deal.
  4. This one was worth reading, as far as apologies go anyway. The entire practice (at least on OWF) is silly, but at least in this case it's obvious.
  5. First poll: If a leader or member(s) of an alliance perpetrates an aggressive act of war against another alliance, is it right that the whole alliance be attacked if no peaceful resolution can be reached? Second poll: If an individual commits an act of aggression against your alliance, which is more appropriate? I read two different questions - not the same poll. One focuses more on leader and adds "if no peaceful resolution can be reached?" and the other puts more focus on the individual and doesn't say much about a diplomatic solution. You should have agreed on what the question actually is first.
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