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Everything posted by Shinfat

  1. Our nations are run by older rulers, at least compared to other alliances, which means we have families and jobs and therefore less time to dedicate to being on IRC and staying up relatively late for war and diplomatic chats. We send out neutrality vibes while maintaining treaties all over the place. This is to make sure that if we're attacked, there will be a cavalry to come to the rescue. To quote one ex-member of Fark gov almost verbatim from a little while ago: "As long as we can stay big enough to prevent what happened with GOONs (referring to how GOONs tried to run us out of the game) from happening again, we'll be happy." [center][img]http://unrealitymag.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/old_people_wii_1.jpg[/img] [size=6pt][i]We'd also be happy with a Wii.[/i][/size][/center] This is a mindset that some see the need to prevent. Those same people think that you can tell from our attitude towards GOONs and Sparta's attitude towards being taken advantage of that we are not happy with the other side. That being said, some feel the need to convince us that taking a leadership role in the politics of Planet Bob is far superior than just logging in and collecting every day, even if the political discourse can be immensely frustrating due to the immaturity of the other side. [center][img]http://www.funnypictures.net.au/images/funny-old-people-busker1.jpg[/img] [size=4pt][i]One Farker going out and taking a stand for what he believes in.[/i][/size][/center] With that all in mind, here are the old people running things this month: [center]Our great subby, 905 [img]http://images.zap2it.com/images/tv-EP00002829/matlock-andy-griffith-1.jpg[/img][/center] [center]The sexiest squirrel around, ManWithPlanX [img]http://mislabeled.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/murder-she-wrote.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Our council: Tumultuous Papaya Quadriplegic Fireguy Kahiel Deadguy [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_QlTEkX7iyFY/TKijKg92iyI/AAAAAAAAAwg/mlumr0Idlkc/s1600/senior_citizen_web_1.jpg[/img] [size=4pt][i]Not Pictured: Our organ donor. What do you do when your back-up dies?[/i][/size][/center] We look forward to receiving the various diplomatic corps that wish to convince us to take a more active leadership role in the Politics of Bob. Please make sure you arrive no later than 4:30pm. We have dinner at 5pm and are in bed by 6pm. [center][img]http://www.mrs007.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/metimucil-214x300.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.raisingafamily.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/156755b.jpg[/img] [size=4pt][i]Mmmmm. Dinner.[/i][/size][/center]
  2. [quote name='hobbies0310' timestamp='1296619257' post='2615569'] Enter the war [/quote] We totally did. Then it ended.
  3. [quote name='PrinceArutha' timestamp='1297129562' post='2624892'] No U! It was fun blowing up stuff and most of the people I warred were pretty cool.... Good to see peace I guess.... Now back to boredom. I am disappointed that my requirement of a member from FARK had to drink and then write a beer review on my favorite beer "Piraat" http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/48/156 I was willing to try a beer of choice from a member of an opposing alliance and write a review for them as well..... and I am still willing to as I love to try new beer. So, if anyone has any suggestions and would be willing to swap reviews then let me know. [/quote] Our alliances didn't directly engage each other, but I'll be happy to try that beer (if I can find it) and review it. Here is one of my favorites you can review -- http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/72/763 EDIT: Found the Piraat. Will give it a try tonight.
  4. [quote name='Kenneth_Cole' timestamp='1296961596' post='2621243'] Welcome to the fray, Fark. Can one of you give me your opinion on Mississippi Mud Black & Tan vs. Yuengling Black and Tan? I'm debating what to pick up tonight. [/quote] I'm going to go with none of the above. As tempting as it is to buy a ready made Black & Tan, I urge you to resist that path. Buy your own Guinness and Harp and make your own Black & Tan. Stick with the original and you cannot go wrong.
  5. [b]As we do every year, Farkistan held an annual 'Design a Candy Heart' contest to test the imagination and romance within the hearts of Farkistan. This year it was exceptionally hard to choose a winner, but that's our job, so choose we did. The First Place winner was so chosen because of the overall simplicity and the important message it sends out.[/b] [img]http://www.farkistan.org/gallery/2305_29_01_11_4_56_35.jpeg[/img] TF905 gave us this gem. MODS stands for [b]Marry Or Date Someone[/b], and is truly the perfect sentiment for this season of romance. What better way to share your love than marriage, or at least exclusive dating? And of course, this message comes from all of Fark, with love. <3 Fark. [size=4pt][i]tl;dr TF905 - Submitter Randomly Jim - Squirrel Emperor Norton I - SotC Kahiel - Council Recockulous - Council Fireguy - Council CountryMouse - Council [/i][/size]
  6. [quote name='rollo' timestamp='1291224059' post='2527328'] I literally dont understand this announcement. But hali to the new TF Council anyway. [/quote] QFT /off to find a bunny with a pancake on its head.
  7. Congratulations to the new faces who were erected this term. As for you veteran members of Gov...insert predictions of doom here.
  8. Every month I think that there is no way it could get worse. Every month I am proved wrong. /doomed.
  9. Listen, and understand. That Raving Mainy_Yak is out there. He can't be bargained with. He can't be reasoned with. He doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until we are dead. /our level of internal doom now goes to 11.
  10. Any alliance party that includes mag-lite sodomy is A-OK in my book. Congrats new gov!
  11. [b][center]The Hardboiled Treaty[/center][/b] [center][img]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3446/3876540210_5fbf6271d0_o.jpg[/img][/center] I woke up. Daylight poured thorough the slotted blinds on my office's one window. The almost empty – I swigged the last swallow for breakfast – empty bottle of whisky was still in my right hand from the night before. I think I even had the impression of a pen in my cheek. Office desks don’t make comfortable pillows. Damn if this drink won’t ruin me someday. I gazed out over the room. Over the newspaper clippings of all the cases I’ve worked. All the crooks I nabbed. All the dames I um *cough*…never mind. I thought back over all of them and reflected. Yup – not one of those cases was ever like this one. I looked down at the ratty notebook on my desk filled with my scribblings of ideas and clues. They stared back at me like this was some kind of ink based staring contest. I lost. It doesn’t matter, I already knew the words on that page: “New Polar Order/Farkistan PIAT”. I’d gotten the clue the night before at a bar downtown. Some old guy had let it slip during a card game – Fark and Polar had signed a treaty. Word on the street was that two would now share intelligence and send trade toward one another. Not only that but…I turned. Someone was walking up the hall to my office door. I lunged for the gun on my desk, grabbed it, and started to turn to face the intruder but I was too late. I heard the click as the gun was cocked inches behind my head. “Put your hands in the air Detective.” I did and slowly finished turning. A dame was pointing a revolver right at me. Damn. “What’s this about?” I asked. “The treaty.”, she said, “I know you know all about how the signatories will never engage in espionage against one another” I didn’t but pretended I did and then she added “Then you also know that neither alliance will endorse military action against the other signatory? And if you know that then you also have to know that if a nation is found in violation of this provision, they will be required to offer reparations up to 150% of the damages.” The Dame told me to sit down. As I did I went for my gun again but the crack of her revolver stopped me. A new bullet hole now decorated my ceiling. “Try that again detective and the next hole will be through your chest.” I was in a bind now. There was only one way left for me to get out of this. It was a long shot, but I had to try it. I shouted ”Should either party take any action, aggressive or defensive, against any alliance or nation not signatory to this treaty, the other party is under no obligation to support or participate, unless so required under other agreements.” She was stunned. She hadn’t known that part of the treaty. I had her off guard. “I know everything about this treaty, Toots", I said. She lowered the gun. I moved in and grabbed it from her hand. She looked at me. I looked at her. We closed, ready to kiss. That’s when the grenade came through the window. As we dove for cover I remember thinking "Looks like this might be an interesting day after all." [b]Signed for the New Polar Order[/b]: Emperor Penguin of the New Polar Order, Bird of Flight, Imperial Fish Taste-Tester Emeritus, Tailor of Seal Coats, Waddler of the Arctic Skies, Theoretical Ichthyologist, Also responds to Punguin. Dajobo, Imperial Regent Zbaldwin, Imperial Liaison RandomInterrupt, Imperial Liaison Jphillips, Minister of Truth Grumpdogg, Minister of Peace Cookavich, Minister of Plenty Carfre Impor, Deputy Minister of Truth Lestat, Deputy Minister of Plenty Polonius, Deputy Minister of Peace Zorn1, Deputy Minister of Love Marty McFly, Foreign Affairs Officer William Blake, Foreign Affairs Officer Goalintos, Imperial Advisor [b]Signed for Farkistan[/b]: Randomly Jim, Submitter Tumultuous Papaya, Squirrel RavingMainyYak, Speaker of TotalFark Council fireguy15207, TotalFark Council Kahiel, TotalFark Council ManwithplanX, TotalFark Council Shinfat, TotalFark Council
  12. Didn't care for the "forum front" of the war, but the NSO nations who I traded pixels with on the battlefield were solid and classy people. Also want to give a shout out to Methrage - a diplo to Fark. We didn't always (ever?) see eye to eye, but I appreciated your efforts and the manner in which you conducted yourself on our boards.
  13. Video game reviews in lieu of Beer or Bacon? I would have thought breast reviews were the logical "option C" - but I appreciate the effort that was put into this one. BTW - you had me at "...bunny girl who throws knives and can control time..."
  14. From the OP I must applaud the choice of Boddington’s Pub Ale. Didn't discover that one myself until earlier this year. Here is a link to my favorite beer.... http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/72/763
  15. I look forward to the leadership of the new gov almost as much as I am looking forward to those beer reviews.
  16. Indonesians in my Farkistan? It's more likely than you think.
  17. Way ahead of you. We made sure he signed the treaty in front of his legal guardian. So...we're good.
  18. Any of you GURU folks find yourself in Farkistan without a place to crash, my couch is ridiculously comfy.
  19. Congrats to our new Subby and Council. As for Fireguy, we appreciate your concerns, but the three weeks that he stayed at Trembling Hills has paid off. No more alcohol or sedatives in his life.
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