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Blog Entries posted by IYIyTh

  1. IYIyTh
    early -mid twenties male seeking alliance
    very creative
    if bored tends to be destructive
    capable of being a really great guy all around
    has managed a sizeable amount of socially awkward and possibly mentally challenged individuals reasonably well
    is an okay person when not hungry
    not above bribes
    please send enquiries or regards here
    For references please contact
    mia of iron
    brehon of new pacific order
    schattenmann of coj
    mcrabt of valhalla
    queen hailee of anarchy inc
    anu drake of nato
    lusitan of umbrella
    cable77 of farkistan
  2. IYIyTh
    My opinion is greater than anyone elses. You should be honored to read my opinion of your alliance. Despite claiming that this game has become terrible, it appears some of you have the gaul to have fun with it. Only some of you are worthy of my time, so if you aren't included here I actually only have time to mention your non-mention.
    Below, I will speak fondly of my friends and badly of my enemies. I will profess hypocrisy and praise those whom have fought on my side of given cyclical political conflict and denigrate those who have found themselves on the otherside. I will say disparaging things that more aptly apply to myself and my own alliance rather than those I speak about. Do not take this lightly, all of this brilliant knowledge comes from my elementary knowledge gained through my interaction with 2-3 people at 3-4 am on Skype after a rousing game of WoW for the previous 8 hours...after I wash my cheeto dusted hands off with mountain dew.
    I'm going to give sound advice on how I perceive alliances based on chance interactions with one or two members from five-six years ago. But wo-there, I will combine this expert advice with my lemming like theories based upon other people's politically motivated charges against your own alliance from yesteryear.
    For those alliances who I'm clearly half-assing my expert advice, you will see vague wishy-washy statements like "seem," and "appear." In fact, you will find that nearly 80% of the alliances I speak about contain some sort of language that would seem to indicate I'm talking from my posterior.
    I will then write around 5-6 thousand words about Cybernations alliances, and then have the audacity to state I don't have time to describe any more alliances with my infinite wisdom.
  3. IYIyTh
    It is with my greatest pleasure that I announce to the world the birthday of one Chimaera, lord high protector of our hearts and minds, the benevolent fish, the unmistakable disciple and prophet of Teapotism, he who shall not be allowed to do any diplomacy because holy !@#$ is he bad at it, dear leader, M, and last but not least the operative of my heart.
    We can only hope he provide the world with even more riveting substance this year, granted, considering how low he set the bar this past year it shouldn't be too difficult. In keeping up with the season it is important to note that Chimaera's accomplishments over the past year include managing to not get eaten by any species, especially by notoriously vicious members of the opposite sex. Unfortunately, Chimaera was unable to mate this year and frankly if you can believe from what we've heard from the girls it's mostly because of the size of his tail.
    But here's hoping one year closer to death changes all of that.
    Happy Birthday, teapot.
  4. IYIyTh
    Hi, folks, welcome to another daily, infrequently updated edition of the Frozen Terrain Bottom 11500, the list that showcases the biggest heaps of worthless material known apparently as anyone who plays Cybernations who hasn't been playing for nearly half a decade uninterrupted. Or possibly anyone that hasn't been sitting on collected money earned while avoiding costly wars, defined by those who are in the most glorious and honorable top one thousand as "fighting really hard for a couple rounds and then ... well, everything's out of range so I just kind of don't do anything."
    Said another non top 11500er, "I really dislike it when I get zi'd and can buy back to an infra level a good 85, 90% of everyone else will never reach with billions to spare. I just have to keep clicking and it gets soooooo tedious." "My favorite part is when the amount of tech I have can't be destroyed nearly as quickly as it should be for the insane, overpowered and probably game breaking advantages it provides so I can easily destroy someone else who hasn't simply been around as long as I have in an instant and then gloat about it," said another, snorting.

    THE GRAVEYARD OF WORTHLESS PEOPLE: It's worth noting that the bottom 11500 is filling up FAST with the corpses of those that really don't mean anything at all since they are in the grand scheme of things pretty much not big and will never matter so who gives a crap. The most productive person on record is one of today's active nations, but the list is rapidly getting clogged with bodies of other equally worthless nations and whom if they happened to find themselves at war should probably just give up because who cares. To get this bottom 11500 I had to scroll past ~1000 nations.
    What this means is that we may be reaching the peak of creative commentary in this war. We're also now recording a full 7 days of trivial, meaningless destruction in each of these pathetic plebe wars, and even for fighters of this lackluster caliber, countless worthless and equally inane activities such as fighting so called "opposition," on this scale will take it out of the people who really matter who have to pretend to care. Our number one war for today (which I'll come to further down the page if I feel like it,) may be the high worthless mark (or should that be high who gives a crap mark?) of the conflict. On future days where I'm not reporting constant updates infrequently, I'll try and report on the all time number one most worthless waste of effort as well as the day's biggest loser.

    Anyways, here's a list of anyone on the bottom 11500 who should probably just quit while they're behind. I would pin point it exactly but honestly who cares about any of these people in the grand scheme of things:
    One bottom 11500 even offered us this cute, naive, hilarious offering upon finding out he was among the bottom 11500:
    "I'm just glad my nation has a chance, y'kno? Maybe one day, if everyone else who created their nation before me disappears and their billions upon billions of money do too, I may also have the benefit of strategically playing my nation into a position of hibernation while others beat the crap out of each other." ... the cute little irrelevant nation, terribly unaware of their worthlessness and toilet-paper like stature in CN said.
    "Maybe I'll get to be like one of the cool people and talk about how my extraordinarily large and ridiculously stacked nation's cruise missiles caused as much damage as another person's nuke!" "Maybe I'll get to have a full wonder set at 5k ns with a 14 billion dollar warchest!" they said as their eyes grew. "Can you imagine how much fun that would be for all of us currently worthless, hopelessly suffering peons?"
    This is satire, deal with it.
  5. IYIyTh
    Live with the mother. She's going to Putin bay this weekend. Throwing a party Saturday.
    Just graduated college, attending graduate school in a few weeks, having a !@#$ ton of people over.
    Relatively tame/up-end neighborhood.
    What precautions should I take?
    I'm thinking of offering phone number to neighbors if they think it gets too loud or something.
    Good idea?
    Also any other precautions/preperations you think should be made?
  6. IYIyTh
    Hey there!
    Your average CN user here.
    Just trying to surmise whether everyone's going to stick around after the war. I see a good deal of people deleting after this war is over, and while I'm satisfied that there will indeed be enough politics to keep the world spinnin' for a couple years tops, I think we're starting to see the point of no return. (And, for the love of god, don't give me any of your "IT WAS DYING SINCE -INSERT GREAT WAR- AND I WAS THERE," there's a discernably different feel about this war. Just a feel sort of thing, y'know? I'm of the opinion that the next major (see top 20,) alliance to receive a curbstomp will mass delete/suicide, and I think it may be a trend that might continue for the forseeable future, coalitions en masse etc. I don't pretend to be Einstein but if I were to gander the OOC/IC line in this game is just, trashed. It's not so much that "people are becoming friends," so much as that there isn't a good deal of "new people," to make up for the old farts any more. Mergeritis already happened and I think as the game collapses in on itself you may slowly see bigger and bigger cartoonishly "big," (relative to numbers now,) mergers until ...well, the end.
    That...and those who would be considered "new people," tend to just be lackeys. There simply is just is a bunch of really really large amount of dumb in this game and few people have "balls." No, this doesn't mean that you should stir up !@#$ for the sake of it and claim that lack of war means inaction, but very few people here have any "balls," to put forth the kind of effort to make swift campaigns anymore or stand up for much of anything, less they (gasp,) run into resistance. Instead of months of encirclement and alienation of parties/spheres you instead see the same effort being done in nearly four-five times the usual amount of time. Hell, a lot of the !@#$ stirrers who remain in this game and who aren't padlocked by a good deal of treaties are re-rolls or their moves are so blatant they'll likely never get off the ground. Even if they did, they're effectively neutered. I've always had respect for that, and I'm seeing fewer and fewer examples each passing season. No one wants to upset their best friend who shares the same really unfunny meme's (Seriously, they're all un-funny. All of them suck,) no one wants to hurt their good friend they skype with all night and they have to be friends with them because the other person can't seperate OOC from IC. Just, nothing. A whole lot of it.
    Maybe I'm just biased because finals and the holidays, but it's hard not to think how many Christmas' are left.
    Also, as a member of CN I'm entitled to at least one of these rants so fk' off I don't wanna hear the "this does nothing good for the game," spiel.
    I guess my point is: If you're not having fun, do something that you'll have fun doing that affects more than your three best friends or does more than "shake up," your alliance.
    Love me, or love to hate me, quite a few more than the normal have at least had an opinion.
    What have you done?
    (I do realize the irony that my target audience may not find this and likely will not respond as much as those who "have done something," so let me pre-empt your smartassness by saying you are overrated and more full of hot air than recent relevancy, except for (insert exception.))
    Also: Humor :
  7. IYIyTh
    10 JUNE 2011Posted by Bob Ilyani

    There's a oft-repeated quote that says "power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely". Since I'm personally convinced that CN is a blown-up exaggeration of everything that goes on in real life politics and diplomacy (think of CN as NBA Jam and real-life as the regular NBA), I've come to the conclusion that this is an even more relevant fact in the realm of CN politics than it is in the world outside of these halls.
    It's pretty clear to say that at least the majority of the groups that have been in a position of power in this game before have abused it for their personal benefit. Some have done it worse than others, but everyone has done it. NPO disbanded alliances, forced people out of the game and installed viceroys. MK and friends pre-emptively strike their enemies and attempt to humiliate them on the world stage with displays of extravagance and excess. Now, I know those are nowhere near on the same level, but they are undenyable misuses of power. However, neither NPO nor MK are the topic of discussion that I want to relay that quote towards.
    I want to look at R&R. Specifically, R&R and the whole UINE affair. Now, I have no issue with R&R's CB, and I even expressed support for the war in the initial thread. It made sense given the actions of UINE gov leading up to the war. That having been said, it was pretty clear that R&R was the newest drinker of the power punch, so to speak. XX is a truly massive bloc, yet many of their members have a reputation of being timid and afraid to take leadership into their own hands. The rationale from R&R in this scenario was obviously one to deter that image; they wanted to say to the world "we mean business".
    So what does that mean? It means that the terms R&R imposed on UINE were probably intentionally unfair; the fact that they were even in a position to impose such terms was enough proof of their new level of power. And that, at the end of the day, is purely acceptable; it's not like it hasn't been done before, or that it won't be done again. With the actions imposed by the spreading of their new found power, R&R has sent a message to those around them; they aren't willing to give up their newfound power.
    They, like those before them, have been corrupted by their own power. And I'm sure they wouldn't like it any other way.
  8. IYIyTh
    Started a topic last night and had 16 participants within a few hours.
    If it goes well, will be opening it up to the public/foreigners.
    To follow our shenanigans:
    Prize this go about is all or nothing. 200 tech / 12 (18 w fac) mill + a 15 dollar cn donation.
  9. IYIyTh
    So I've been blessed with my grandfather's hair, which basically means I've got a receeding hairline that has developed pretty steadily since 18-19. Soon to be 23, hair is still fine short, but I've seen my fellow comrades in arms struggle with keeping a respectable appearance and I'll look better with a shaved head anyway. I'm thinking of going with the lowest setting on clippers.
    However, I need to find a good set to invest in. Any tips?
  10. IYIyTh
    Cult of Personality, Dear Leader Chimaera took a crushing blow to his ego earlier this week --- First he stated he was really good at chess, then revealed that wasn't the case in some practice games...Then dropped the ball in his opening match.
    Carter Chim and BEazy let the government down with their terrible chess and really we all feel bad because they suck.
    Follow here
  11. IYIyTh
    "This is still just the culture shock. You wait till I've settled down into the situation and found my bearings. Then I'll start panicking."
    Everyone at one time or another finds themselves in a peculiar place. Peculiar not necessarily meaning strange, scary or frightening, but certainly not void of fear. One only have to ask if they're willing to brave a new adventure to see what's on the other side of the universe to gauge their character.
    Would one be interested in such an adventure they may order a complimentary babel fish for use at their discretion in contacting the appropriate agency for more information.
  12. IYIyTh
    The world is big enough to look after itself.
    What we have to be concerned about is whether or not the world we live in will be capable of sustaining us in it.
    There is a wind of change coming... I think that's how these humans put it. Something new, something exciting. Something totally never done before in our time at least.
    At least in my time of being alive, which while long to most human standards is still infinitesimal when you think about it. But enough thinking for today, it's giving me quite the headache.
  13. IYIyTh
    Will be starting up a new alliance after the war.
    Will be a serious endeavor full of challenges and plenty of opportunities . Old friends, new friends, et al all welcome.
    Reach me here or on irc for details.
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