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Posts posted by CubaQuerida

  1. These show the other side of the coin and the proof all y'all were requesting about how DBDC can and will turn against its allies.

    This is literally the opposite of what our stance has always been.  We never have and presumably never will turn against our allies.  The only betrayal is coming from you, CT, and it's so sad to see you him self-destruct like this.


    I would very much like to know:  Is this about me or is this about a greater cause?  Because we have a TON of evidence to suggest it's attempting to be both.  CT sent PM's to literally my ENTIRE alliance asking to not intervene on my behalf.  Now he (plus you and you alone H2NKs) has taken to the OWF to proclaim a holy mission to right the wrongs caused by DBDC, many of which he participated in.  




    Have a gander through that war history of Noble Christian Trojans, beacon of honour and righteousness.  We see hits on:


    Pax Corvus

    Avalanche (Raid of a guy who BEGGED us not to be raided anymore, yet CT raids him anyway and tells me to F*&^ off about it - He's since deleted)

    KoRT - Skaha has been hit unnumerable times by DBDC, and not ONCE by me.

    IRON - two nations.  if anyone is planning to hit IRON, it's your boy CT

    Followed by a TON more raids on FoB, UPN, AO and hey look, Skaha again!


    The hypocrisy absolutely has to stop.  You are seeing the leading proponent of everything that is recognized to be bad about DBDC and CN in general just by looking at CT's war history, OWF posting and ultimately multiple betrayals of trust and confidence.  


    I don't expect CT to understand how audacious he sounds by attempting to slander the name of DBDC and my own personal name under the guise of a crusade of righteousness.  I have tried to convey to him that it's not exactly "butthurt" about being at war with him that has me irritated.  No, the real issue at hand is the massive betrayal and continued smear campaign that for some reason is still being broadcast to the entire CN community.  


    The NS I'm losing right now is what's known as a "Stupid Tax".  It's for my own admitted stupidity for allowing this scheming traitor into our ranks and I've accepted that I will pay it. 


    CT offered peace to me after launching attacks on me, and I rejected that peace in favor of finally doing what should have been done ages ago.  Like I said, I'm very much over the physical NS aspect of what is transpiring, but the breach of confidence will have me shaking my head for many months.

  2. For the record, he's referring to a fabricated Facebook conversation with an impersonating entity named "TB" making a comment about how DBDC should go to war with SPATR.  Even used an image from Skype to make it look legit.   This image was then passed along to BONES to manipulate him into questioning loyalties.


    Smurf is not to be trusted.  Ever.

  3. I'm not throwing anything at you, just that your statement is incorrect. 
    You can out-damage people you aren't nuking so it's not like you can't count something simply because it was not in your favor.

    oh good lord, stop derailing. The thread isn't about DAs damage ratios, or about how yeru is terrible at FA. It's about how Yeru is terrible at FA.
  4. The entire purpose of posting that suggestion was to gather feedback on how to fine tune it beyond what I thought was a VERY well out together premise. But alas, here we are having smacked three neutral AAs (GOP, Pax, TDO) and working towards a fourth. It was meant to be a reasonable shield and segregation tool, not a way for smurf to skirt war cycles. I'm confident it would have been worth the effort.

  5. Feel like it's a bit hypocritical for DBDC to be labeling someone a rogue for doing exactly what they do, except against them.


    Don't you think?

    I feel like it's a bit cliche for you to troll literally every thread we post in.  Literally 100%.


    Calm down man.  We were betrayed by a member who has stated time and again this isn't about him or WTF, this is a personal vendetta against me and he's now dragged in SPATR who was absolutely trying to negotiate a peaceful exit for him up until he nuked.  This is not a 'typical' situation to be hypocritical about, this is one person going off the rails and trying to burn down every bridge on his way out.


    Roguing SPATR, I'd assumed.


    e: of course, now that WTF have welcomed a nuclear rogue into their alliance, I'd presume that SPATR and co have a nice CB to utilise if they wished to do.

    As Caliph succintly put it:


    If you hate your alliance, changing it is easy to do, no need to betray them.  He's considered to be acting on his own accord, unless WTF would care to formally acknowledge a state of war with SPATR right here in this thread.  In that case, I'm all ears.


    OP is stating by joining WTF you will get the info that is not allowed to be posted here I believe. 


    Which means there is no conspiracy against Umb (or IRON etc).


    DBDC would never risk discuss hitting Umb, especially not with those that are potential security risks (as Cuba mentioned he has considered CT a potential security risk since he joined DBDC). 

    Oh it's never been a 'potential risk' good sir.  The risk was quite identified prior to his admission into DBDC, where he lined up against us on GOP's sideline for a brief moment.  The chance that anything of value would be contained in public logs is pretty marginal.  Aw damn.  I thought we were rolling UMB and then IRON.  Guess I'll have to edit my bio.

  8. Given that Umbrella's views on MI6 changed quickly as soon as we realized what they were plotting, surely if there were real evidence, someone would have been smart enough to send it our way by now.

    But Josh, there IS real evidence.  You just have to join WTF and declare on me and you'll have it!


    (no, literally you'll have it at that point, because that's not cool man)

  9. All you would be showing is old chatter.  Any plans obviously evolve on a daily basis and can change on a dime.  What we speak about behind closed doors today has very little impact on what we will do tomorrow.  Just because you have a statement from any one member saying "this AA is a target" means nothing really.  It's nice that you are taking the role of prophet, but it's coming off more like court jester.


    I don't see the reason for sassing Polar here. However....


    You can be safe relatively anywhere if you're smart. You don't even have to be particularly liked. You're better off if you stay under everyone's radar. If you're politically inactive, hats off to you. You're most likely safe unless you're in an extremely offensive alliance. Then you're just neglectful of your surroundings.


    And now now Mr. Cuba, no need to be a meaniepie and threaten raiding.

    You're right I should take the high road.


    I myself left an alliance because I feared my own future safety.  I was originally in The Dark Templar but I voiced concerns about my future protection from (you guessed it) raids.  So I joined Umbrella and was able to grow as aggressively as I could, and enjoy a great community and stellar nation builders.  Not to mention the SBSC!


    Eventually the NS got to the point where I was able to branch out and do my own thing, but at no point was it just 'easy' or handed to me.  Safety, like everything else has to be actively earned and protected.  Even the neutrals are showing us that mere safety in numbers only lasts for so long.  If you choose to actively isolate/alienate yourself politically, its only a matter of time before someone kicks your door down.

  11. Now now, that is not going to happen. We have an NAP, and the RIA doesn't violate treaties. Even back in the age where NAPs were changing from being a thing to being nearly non-existent, we never disregarded NAPs, we never declared war on an NAP partner due to superseding treaties. I don't think any alliance in CN will argue against the reliability of our word.

    And I still support my assertion that RIA is the most honorable alliance in CN (100% serious).  It is quite a shame that DBDC and RIA have come to such violent acts against each other, but that's a tragedy for another thread and perhaps you are right about wanting to mend fences.  I don't doubt RIA's word, I was just speaking hypothetically and historically.

  12. Safety is a relative term and it's very much dependent on your Nation Strength and the NS of those around you.  If you're 210k NS and sitting on an alliance of 40k guys, you're in a very bad position, safety-wise.  I'll probably raid you out of principle alone.


    If you're a 40k guy on the DBDC AA, you're life is going to be hell.  Our esteemed friends at RIA will make sure you pay for the sins of your betters.


    There are a lot of factors at play though


    • how likeable/respected/connected are you, and your alliance?
    • what is your personal tech/infra ratio?
    • who wants you protected?
    • what is your goal in CN?  Are you trying to just build as much infra as possible or be the next Dulra?

    if your goal is to just have fun with a good community, then stats will be secondary to you, and you can go anywhere except Polar and have a reasonably good time.  If your goal is to be inundated with dogma and cult-like preaching, then perhaps NpO is a decent home for you.  


    Bottom line there's a seat for every tuchas and safety is extremely fleeting.  Best to enjoy the time you have and align yourself with those people who share your values.

  13. Oh is this about how ridiculous you can look? What are you willing to offer? 1 Billion for them or perhaps half a penny?
    This is only to educate/warn those that their days are counted but apparently IRON thinks they're safe by a Treaty LOL!! You see Iron, you can always cancel treaties and switch to the other side :)

    So that's your (CT) angle?  You want to cancel the DBDC/IRON NAP+Treaty?  Perhaps the greatest masterwork of diplomacy between two arch rivals and the pinnacle of diplomacy and friendship winning out, over some questionable chatlogs from unofficial parties.  CT has no credibility or ground to stand on.  He's a rodent of the highest order, and we are all happy to play the role of exterminator.  You are merely acting as his mouthpiece, Grima.  

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