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President Gunn

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Posts posted by President Gunn

  1. [quote name='Britishdude' timestamp='1314456453' post='2789311']
    Perhaps you should be grateful that I didn't build up a 1b warchest and then decide to do this?


    Would of made it more fun for me ;)

    Good luck with your RL though

  2. [center][img]http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss9/Invicta_Alliance/invicta1small.png[/img] [img]http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh39/Space_cuba/Europa-1.png[/img][/center]

    [center][size="6"][b]The Treaty of Hating Deebo[/b][/size][/center]

    [quote]Article I – Sovereignty

    Both Europa and Regnum Invictorum (henceforth Invicta) shall retain their sovereignty and shall not take any action, directly or indirectly, that would threaten the sovereignty or security of the other.

    Article II – Non-aggression

    Both signatories pledge to refrain from any attacks, military or otherwise, upon the other. Both signatories shall not condone any acts of aggression toward the other nor use sanctions upon the other. Both signatories also pledge that diplomacy shall be the first action taken in any incident.

    Article III - Mutual Defense

    An act of war upon one signatory is to be considered an act of war upon the other and will be responded to with all available force. Each signatory agrees to provide any and all information pertinent to the defense of the other. Neither signatory is obligated to defend the other through actions as a result of other treaties.

    Article IV – Optional Aggression

    Either signatory may choose to aid or engage alongside their fellow signatory in an aggressive war, following their standard protocols for war declaration. Such action is not required to be provided, and the declination of such shall not effect the standing of this treaty; however support is encouraged, and no other alliance should be surprised by either signatory providing assistance.

    Article V – Termination

    If either signatory wishes to withdraw from this treaty for any reason, they must inform the other 72 hours in advance where all articles of the treaty shall still remain active until the closure of the aforementioned period.

    [i]Signed for Europa,[/i]
    [b]Ernesto Che Guevara[/b] -- Big Banana
    [b]Kongo "Dweebo" Jack[/b] -- Mintberry Crunch Ayatollah
    [b]Lewis Cowper[/b] -- Vanilla Ayatollah
    [b]JonathanB[/b] -- Strawberry Ayatollah

    [i]Signed for Regnum Invictorum,[/i]
    [b]Nascar8FanGA[/b], President of Invicta, Vice President of The Blame Deebo Society, and the liker of KiWi's
    [b]Dan2680[/b], President of Invicta; Emperor of the Ice Cream Cabinet, Master of Right Hand Turns and Long Straight Aways
    [b]ShotgunWilly[/b], Vice-President and Chancellor of the Exchequer
    [b]Jorost[/b] of the Triune Republic, Jackhammer of Truth
    [b]Thrash[/b], Minister of Foreign Affairs and Non-Hater of GOONS
    ~[b]KingTopherXXIII[/b], Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Resident Melon Inspector
    [b] Learz[/b], Holder of Jorost's Grapes, Minister of Internal Affairs, Office of Complaints
    [b]Buddyboyrollin[/b], Minister of War

    Invicta would also like to take this time to announce a few awards.

    To all members of the North American Confederacy (NAC) we are awarding the following Medal with the corresponding Ribbon for bravely following us into the NPO-DH War while not having to. Thanks for having our backs NAC ;)



    After the recent peace treaty that ended our involvement in the NPO-DH War, we immediately received tons of aid from the alliances Europa, SOS Brigade, FEAR, and Wolfpack, as well as aid from Nobody Expects of BAPS. To those people: we would like to thank you for all the aid that you have sent and any that you will be sending, especially to FEAR and Wolfpack who did not even have a treaty with us. Therefore, we are presenting Europa, SOS Brigade, the Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics, Wolfpack, and Nobody Expects of the Boards Alliance of Protectorate State with the following ribbon for helping us out in our time of need.



    Invicta + Europa = MDoAP
    Awards to NAC, Europa, SOS, FEAR, Wolfpack, and Nobody Expects of BAPS.

    Fake Edit: Also a special thanks to Thom98 at NAC for everything he did while NAC was at war with us!

  3. 1 - Dislike
    5 - neutral / don't know well enough
    10 - Love

    [u][b]Alliances Included in First List:[/b][/u]
    Mostly Harmless Alliance - 5
    Green Protection Agency - 5
    Fark - 5
    Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 6
    Sparta - 4
    World Task Force -5
    Orange Defense Network - 3
    The Order Of The Paradox - 1
    Umbrella - 1
    New Pacific Order - 8
    Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 6
    Viridian Entente - 1
    The Democratic Order - 5
    New Polar Order - 6
    FOK - 1
    R&R - 6
    Mushroom Kingdom - 1
    Nordreich - 3
    LoSS - 4
    Nusantara Elite Warriors - 5
    The Legion - 9
    Valhalla - 6
    Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 5
    Nueva Vida - 5
    The Foreign Division - 5
    Federation Of Armed Nations - 4
    NATO - 6
    Global Order of Darkness - 2
    The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - 7
    Legacy - 5
    The Templar Knights - 5
    The Order Of Light - 6
    Asgaard - 6
    iFOK - 1
    Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 1
    Athens - 2
    World Federation - 5
    Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 4
    Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 6
    Global Democratic Alliance - 6
    Argent - 5
    Guru Order - 5
    Christian Coalition Of Countries - 5
    Ragnarok - 6
    The Phoenix Federation - 8
    Random Insanity Alliance - 7

    [u][b]Alliances Added to List:[/b][/u]
    Siberian Tiger Alliance - 6
    The Prolific Empire - 6
    Olympus - 5
    Poison Clan - 4
    Colossus - 5
    Greenland Republic - 4
    United Purple Nations - 8
    Hydra - 2
    Carpe Diem - 5
    Créole - 5
    =LOST= - 2
    Europa - 8
    Dark Templar - 5
    Imperial Assault Alliance - 6
    The Order of Righteous Nations - 5
    Phoenix Rising - 5
    Seaworthy Liberian Carboard Boxes - 1
    Invicta - 9 (Everyone has room for improvements. Even though I do love the "we are stuck up NPO's ass" comments. Come do a QnA on our boards and find out what we are really like)
    New Sith Order - I can't put negative numbers can I? Fine 1
    North Atlantic Defense Coalition - 7
    The Imperial Order - 7
    United Blue Directorate - 5
    Gotham - 5
    SOS Brigade - 8
    Nebula-X - 4
    The Sweet Oblivion - 5
    Union of Integrated National Entities - 5
    Exodus - 6
    Molon Labe - 7
    \m/ - 4
    Atlantic Sphere Union - 6
    OMFG - 5

    Complaints and Grievances Union - 3
    Superfriends - 6
    Synergy - 7
    Doomhouse Accords - 1
    Pandora's Box - 2
    AZTEC - 6
    Blood For Friends - 8
    Chestnut Accords - 4
    Terra Cotta Pact - 4
    Checkmate - 6
    Kel-Morian Combine - Don't know
    Poseidon - 5
    Victory Not Vengeance - Don't know

  4. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1301602850' post='2681590']
    Oh, I'm glad you brought that up. What part of mutual defense with Invicta involves Europa sitting on its over-extended ass "not partak[ing] in this war in anyway" while GOONS pounds Invicta and demands $300,000,000 in tribute from them? I know everything I need to know about Europa based on its sloppy foreign policy; I know everything I need to know about you based on your inability to see what the problem here is. So if you think that sending some token aid to Invicta post-war is the same as helping them in battle, you need to just ~keep your mouth shut~ You've got half a dozen treaties on one side of the web and you're ignoring them all based on one treaty on the other, that's all anyone needs to know about Europa and I'll be flabbergasted if there aren't a half dozen cancellations on Europa post-war (hell, tomorrow, even). What else is there to know? Please, enlighten me, I really can't wait to hear this one:

    Let us handle our foreign affairs and our relationship with Europa, mmkay?

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