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Rush Sykes

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Posts posted by Rush Sykes

  1. Let's be real here. Bob is overdue for a big war and literally no one has given any other alliance a valid enough reason to assemble the numbers and have one.

    A group are now slowly rolling out to start one and naturally have a thought out plan. No war is a safe or sure thing so it will take a few weeks before all is revealed and until then, we play a giant game of political chess. Some will believe it's wrong, some won't, and that isn't necessarily determined by what side they are on. Personally I have been attacked by DBDC and I couldn't disagree more with the label "barberic", TB is fun to fight and fun to talk with while doing so.

    Let's all enjoy the ride and seeing peoples true colours over the coming months.


    True colors you say? *sigh*

  2. Due to PECS, TOP's hands are tied regardless. They can't help polar when fighting the forces of PECS, so in a way they do win with heart. Although will Polar also leave Invicta out to dry when they realize they don't have the support they need?

    It is ALMOST as if they... you know... foresaw this... many many months ago. I wish our old TLR forums still existed, cuz I would love, at this point, to copy and pastea post I made to Dajobo in the Polar embassy, its almost as if I am a seer. 

  3. Surely we won't see any stupid Lobster Party references in this thread. Oh, what's that? $%&@ off? Ok then.

    Congrats on a game-changing treaty between two alliances who have either given up on game-changing or don't know how to do it.


    The days of game changing are over. It is no more the fault of either of the 2 alliances than it is of the over 200+ alliances. What this is, is practical, and more clearly spells out what the future holds (at least in regards to the next war, if the trend continues, it will all change again before the subsequent one, we may never see a sphere win 2 in a row while at the pinnacle again.)

  4. I'm only here to point out that Rush is so senile that he doesn't know what "incredulous" means. That probably makes me the winner, right?

     You h ave no room to point out my age old man. Also, it was bad syntax, not lack of knowledge. Do not post before the nurse brings me my pills and my caffeine... that is what I need to remember.

  5. My favorite part of this  thread , and every thread like it, are the people who are "better than" everyone else posting here about the topics and the arising tangents, that they come here to point out that they are so much better than everyone posting and how incredulous they are that this thread has gone on as long as it has. 


    It's a terrible shame that Kaskus lacks the ability to boot people off their AA they don't endorse being there.  Terrible.  Because that would actually be how to "deal" with it.  But hey, if you are saying that Mi6's allies should be policing the Kaskus AA to remove ghosts, then by all means we'd like to have that in writing--preferably in some sort of agreement that also puts someone in charge as a viceroy with full authority to manage the alliance, because clearly they need leadership in these troubled times.  


    What he is saying is that Mi6's leader set the standard with his grandiose statement that they, indeed, WOULD police the Kaskus AA. Some people took that opportunity to reinforce to Mi6,. how woefully incapable they are of backing up their own bravado. Everyone else gets much amusement out of this.

  7. How do you find the time to come up with these wicked deflections without cutting into the amount of time you spend creeping out women government officials in CN? It must be something you learned from Londo.


    And this, ladies and  gentlemen , is what you end up with when you feed acorns to the peanut gallery.

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