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Rush Sykes

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Posts posted by Rush Sykes


    Aiding a rogue or nation at war counts as an act of war, and such an aiding operation happens before the retaliatory strike. So logically speaking the aiding action is the first act of war and equivalent to a rogue action, which the offending government should attempt to resolve with Polaris.


    You are a fool. The last umpteen global wars, thousands and thousands of tech deals on both sides were started and completed... not one was noted.. not one was targeted for action, not one even garnered a single OWF post,. much less an alliance-wide threat. This is Polar wanting some warm and fuzzies, and the Polar meatshields rushing here to give the warm and fuzzies.

  2. Why do people keep saying this is "taking a stand"....


    FFS are you all that gullible. Its a stand with zero risk. Polar will be (or is , depending on perspective) getting rolled soon. This "policy" will be defunct as part of any peace agreement down the road. Its a fish for warm fuzzies and hails. Its not a "stand"... Jesus educate yourselves about how Planet Bob works.

  3. Looking the DBDC aid screen.. seeing some Mushroom Kingdom AA nations... reminds me of this....



    The Mushroom Kingdom alliance affiliation will be protected by The Last Remnants and The Order of the Paradox for as long as they see fit. The Alchemy AA will also be protected for thirty (30) days.


    I am unaware that TOP ever ceased its protection, we damn sure have not. I double dog dare you touch one.

  4. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Polar tries to soak up some honor by taking a "stand" against DBDC tech sellers! A stance that will not matter cuz they will be in full blown war soon enough, and this policy will without doubt be required to be dropped to obtain the eventual peace, so basically they just wanted all their allies to come out and hug and hail their bravery in public, when at the end of the day, this policy means NOTHING and they have not the political clout to enforce. Pathetic attempt tbh.

  5. I'll try to help...
    *Dajobo opens Geppetto's school for class

    The Grudge War formerly known as the TOP\IRON-NpO War was a conflict that initially started when TOP and IRON declared war on New Polar Order.
    Note: The coalition leaders were first in and public about their position in the matter.

    Bipolar War began on January 20, 2010 when the New Polar Order declared war on \m/
    Note: The coalition leaders were first in and public about their position in the matter.(1)

    The Disorder War, was a global war that started on Halloween 2013 when New Polar Order, The Order of the Paradox and Farkistan declared war on New Sith Order.
    Note: The coalition leaders were first in and public about their position in the matter.(2)

    The Equilibrium War, was a war that started when Anarchy Inc and their allies; IRON, NPO, TIO, NATO declared war on Umbrella.
    Note: The coalition leaders were first in and public about their position in the matter.

    This time around while funny to use it as propaganda we all know DS are not the coalition founders or leaders. This time we have a ghost declaration and then the puppet show to start things.

    I hope this helps you understand.


    1) Are you on crack? Polar was NOT the god damned coalition leader in Bi-Polar. If ANYONE can claim that mantle, it was FOK or MK. The only thing Polar led was the moronic and idiotic hit on \m/ , if you consider that a separate coalition, then MAYBE you can say that with a straight face. But that \m/ hit was NOT Bi-Polar. it did not even get dubbed Bi-Polar till you backstabbed TOP. At which point Poalr took her marching orders from those who were not too busy being morons, and behaved like good little puppets as C&G yucked it up in private channels about how pathetic your alliance was. Do NOT pain Bi-Polar as Polar LEADERSHIP. Jesus H Christ.


    2) with what you ask for ... a direct DOW on NpO (who you perceive, and rightly so, as the TRUE target)... why did none of you up front coalition leaders just straight up hit NPO in that war (they were the real target)... do not ask for that which you are unable and have failed to give.


    Long story short: you guys keep focusing on justifying your grudges and feelings. I'm talking about that "material reality" that NPO claims it's all about. What are you going to say when you're dominated by Doomsphere after this? "Well, it's just that MI6 was so smug, I'm glad we went after them instead"? You're lucky I'm not Schatt or I would write an essay about friendship vs. military treaties.


    If you can't justify this war based on actual threat assessment, or a coherent vision of how things play out afterwards ("build a new order from the ashes" doesn't count), then I think you've conceded the point.


    For me, personally, that is EXACTLY what I would say. I look at folks who make up DBDC and Doom Squad... and you know what? I see MK, MK, MK, MK, MK. I am content with playing a role within that, I did it for years. This is not about building a new order, not for me. This is about watching people who thought they were excedingly important on the world stage, with all these grand visions, fall flat on their face and fail in their designs after casting my alliance and its allies aside for "greener" pastures. No hatchet burying, no reconciliation, not from me. Pure unadulterated joy at watching certain people fail so miserably because of things that THEY themselves said, that they suddenly think everyone should conveniently forget. When relationships fail, words matter, your "friends" chose their breakup words very poorly.

  7. I'm going to leave aside the other issues, but I'm not really sure it's reasonable to say GOONS and NpO are in the same sphere.


    Just for clarification, I was not insinuating GOONS are uncivilized. Only in the context of the historical interpretations of those I was responding to. And prior to Umbrella doing this 180, you were pretty squarely in their sphere, and to say otherwise is to kid yourself.


    TOP are a civilized alliance, and it remains to be seen whether they stand with us this time. Doomsphere are truly barbarians. Or aliens, as they seem to prefer. That's actually pretty accurate. An alien invasion should unite us all in repelling it. We can hash out our political grudges later.


    Regardless of what we should or shouldn't have done before, it's kind of silly to stand here and defend this war by saying it's the same mistake as last war.


    Dajobo even offered us up to duel Pacifica, so you know this isn't about infra-hugging. If we have to get rolled, so be it. What I'm talking about is keeping all of us who aren't at 30k+ tech still in "the game."


    Lets be honest.. the offer of 1v1 duels to settle grudges is older than the hills. It makes for good theater and decent narrative, but it is never ever practical, and will never ever happen as a mainstay. You also now sound like Tywin, civilized alliance and whatnot. You are better than that. This was brought on by FA failures by NpO and TOP both. You both exited the last war with the entire world at your feet, only to find that nobody would touch you going forward. You had no paths open to you. Why? Surely you get the why.


    TOPs gov calling C&G expendable... closed off C&G. Sure there was some openness, but it really was DoA, in regards to a relationship.


    Your coalition not standing up to allies who wanted to extract that extra pound of flesh from NPO for the horrific crime of leaving 29/74 +90K nations in PM the entire war (something literally EVERYONE does, just on a smaller scale since most AAs dont have 74 in that range) kinda made moving forward on that front impossible.


    Continuing to snuggle Mi6 as they tried to walk across the world with the combined smugness of Umbrella, GOONS and MK rolled into one, despite having done NOTHING to earn that smug, literally rubbing EVERYONE the wrong way so that NOBODY wanted to be near enough to TOP-Polar for fear of the stench.


    Lots of main bullet points, you can talk around and find a dozen more examples like what it is above , forming and shaping the various opinions of the entire planet outside of Platysphere. The only real difference is, for all his faults, Roquentin recognized it. Umb recognized it. And while I find it a tad classless , the speed in which they flopped, I can certainly see why, and if my personal chats with folks in Umb were honest, I can honestly see where they are coming from.


    This is not about "civilized and uncivilized", you still have GOONS in your sphere. You are the alliance who invented the in-war backstab, in fact. This is about the political game that happens between great wars. You accepted a following of people who made moving forward impossible. The rest of the world didnt come together, they were forced together to avoid being part of the great sphere (sarcasm) that Polar and  TOP were erecting. 


    I consider you reasonably intelligent Letum but I am not sure you even comprehend the argument at hand.  You have every right to do whatever it is you want to do, fight whoever you want and support whoever you want but please don't tell me this war is our fault because we didn't mend bridges. 


    Polaris and Pacifica have had meaningful discussions that started mid the last war, the only issue ever raised by you was our allies.   In order to ''mend the bridge'' you required something that we were not prepared to do.  We are not friends with doomsphere, we will never be friends with doomsphere and unlike you we are not prepared to even pretend to like doomsphere.  Its goals and manner are not consistent with the best interests of Bob at any level .  We certainly will not drop our friends to appease you and we will certainly not do anything at all to comply with the objectives or will of doomsphere.  You can be friends with whoever you like, doomsphere can conduct itself however it likes and the nett result will be exactly the same as the last 5 wars regardless of who wins ''officially.''  The gap ever widens.  So then, far from not heeding your sage advice, we completely reject the concept out of hand.  Come and destroy whoever you want to destroy, I am sure the resistance will be token at best, but please don't masquerade as a wise man whose advice was ignored. 


    When this one is over you can sit back and realize that there is no bridge to mend, the bridge is non-existent even as a concept, and no one left to roll except the next likely target.  It is funny how the world revolves around the same targets over and over.  Good luck with that stone cold FA.


    The irony of this post, specifically the bolded parts,is that it worked great for you and your alliance when NPO was the target. Such is the mask you wear when on the winning side. It literally reads to me, "you did not break the cycle, we did not break the cycle, you did not break the cycle, we did not break the cycle, but this time, you should totally break the cycle." Start with the man in the mirror.


    All good questions that can become completely self-defeating if you don't clarify what kind of time frame you're operating on. You've got a solid 5 month plan, I'll grant you that.


    That is ABOUT as solid as the plan Polaris had when they signed with TOP. You reaped your rewards, you lost the subsequent political game. It is the new cycle of the cyberverse. Can NPO actually win the battle 2 times in a row, and introduce a new paradigm? We shall see.


    I am not driving Polar's agenda nor will I comment on it, however Polaris has never ever wanted to have the world at its beck and call.  People just like to make it about us and that has always been fine with me.  I love the attention.


    You dont have to DESIRE to have it. The fact is, you HAD it. Whether by design, by luck , or by divinity. That you did not seek it is irrelevant. It is not the 1st time you had it, it probably will not be the last, but you have , as an alliance, failed to be proactive on EACH occasion. It does a disservice to your alliance to allow it to happen repeatedly.

  12. Let everything burn to the ground, leave nothing at all alive, but good luck bring order to the world when you are coupled with those who promote chaos Pacifica. 


    I am not saying this is an incorrect assessment... but it reeks of pot/kettle after Polar's last 18 months. Does it not? Polar once again had the whole world at her beckon call, and Polar, in typical Polar fashion, chose to passively let events unfold around her. Some day, someone in leadership there will get it, but not this day.

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