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Emperor Nicholas II

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Everything posted by Emperor Nicholas II

  1. The Empire Never sleeps, though the Emperor Does *yawn* Join *yawn* Today *yawn* Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  2. Mittleruopa was shutdown so really i don't have a Protectorate anymore =/ i thinks i should really get another of those very soon...
  3. We are very aware of our enemies and we have protocols in place to deter any would be Bolshevik.
  4. one of them is wearing glasses, but actually i couldn't' find any Russian Autocrats with them nor Generals.
  5. Alliance (full name, acronym): The Russian Empire, TRE Alliance Color: white Alliance IRC Channel: #russianempire URL to forums: The Russian Empire
  6. Can you not see the Picture? what needs to be explained? They have their appointments as ministers with their duties they must fulfill But also they can be in top level talks with their counterparts across different alliances to set up treaties etc etc
  7. By special consensus within The Russian Empire, though we are to small to hold elections to elect people to any real position of power, it was either A, i picked people to jobs and see how that fans out, or B, People put their hand up and stepped up to the plate within the Empire, and that is exactly what happened, My Government though some may be new to the job they all Represent the Empire with the upmost dignity and their execution of the job if flawless, I bring these guys to your attention as they are who you will deal with when you deal with the Empire, feel free to contact anyone of use or hit us up on our IRC channel #russianempire at coldfront.net Long live The Empire of Russia!! and Long Live The Imperial Government!! HIM Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov
  8. hmm players like this should be punished, if GLOP does not wish to get its hands dirty The Russian Empire is more than happy to make Frankman1 a new testing ground for the new shipments of weapons that has arrived into the nation these pass 3 weeks, the newest Battalion of Cossack Soldiers is ready to test their skills and with the Empire in no current wars we could take that burden off your hands think, about it and PM maybe
  9. 100 members wow, i still waiting to get to 20 members
  10. Come on Mr Minister you can do better than that =D but then so could i
  11. Its a start for TRE in the way of treaties but surely won't be the last we make, Long live the Imperial Nations of Europe!
  12. no 2 bumps here shall ever be the same so why not join?
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