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Emperor Nicholas II

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Everything posted by Emperor Nicholas II

  1. Come on this new topic is way better than the last so why not join up all what do YOU really look for in an alliance?
  2. The Russian Empire [TRE] What is given by god, cannot be taken by man! The Russian Empire, founded due to the unruliness of lands of Russia the people there need stability and our Government System established with a lengthly Constitution ensuring all Citizens of the Empires have rights, there is a proper government structure with a Duma that the citizens vote their perfered party in, and the Council of the Empire which is the upper house. I as Emperor work in conjunction with the government and the Prime Minister him being my main advisor. We need more members 20 is not enough! can't even have elections yet due to there being so few people. The Empire seeks citizens for its expanding borders and needs YOU! to be that person to fill the ranks, there are many positions within the Empire so there won't be a dull moment here. The Empire cannot really be considered an Alliance per say as of yet being one clueless idiot who wanted to gun it out and lead a bunch of people to victory lol Why should you really join me? Good question we are a white team color alliance so it is least likely you have to convert in terms of colors and can keep the trade you currently have. We can offer you petty bribes like a lot of the bigger alliances do but we don't give out handouts for your membership, you only get the money for service to the Empire, be an active member dedicated to the alliance and help shape the alliances future and maybe then your services be rewarded and not your greed. I can offer you a place in a small but emerging alliance that will be a positive example of an alliance for all, there be no hating here, the Government of Russia will ensure everyone has a fair say in the Empires Governance and that no one and i mean NO One will ever be left out everyone has a voice here. Places open within the government, several portfolios currently in my hands are up for grabs new Ministries being created for a ever growing allaince and also we need more recruiters to bring in more members our number keeps moving and want to reach 50 by years end so help out become a member and get rewarded for your services. 3 Million will provided as start up Aid for your nation paid by the Imperial Coffers so newbies get a helping hand. Other Alliances seeking relations are more than free to sign up to the forum and be masked as a diplomat, we are always in the looks for PIAT's with other great Alliances, feel free to contact me on the forum, my Prime Minster Destertfox or our Minister of Foreign Affairs 'The Russian' for possible treaties, pacts or agreements, so look forward to working with you in the future. A simple click and your away to Joining up! ---> We even have a Twitter! Follow us for TRE updates! ---> We have our own YouTube channel as well subscribe to us! ---> Feel free to Contact me here, always look for a good chat! ----> We have an IRC #tre at coldfront.net The Government of The Russian Empire Nicholas II Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias, King of Poland, Grand Duke of Finland, Governor of Alaska Desertfox07 1st Prime Minister and Emperors Right Hand Man Raymond Jaeger Duo Minister - 1st Minister of Defense and 1st Minister of Education The Russian 1st Minister of Foreign Affairs sfmcrfuller 1st Minister of Finance NuclearWizard 2nd Minister of Immigration Craig Mellor Judge Magister of the Empire and De facto Minister of Law Election Commissioner 1st Election Commissioner Current Open Positions in TRE Nicholas II, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias
  3. The Empire continues to grow, New NAP announced http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=63875
  4. TRE will honor any and all Pacts, Treaties or Agreements made with another alliance or individual, we are not gonna turn our back on anyone. Hail that both Tsarist's and Communists are able to make this pact
  5. you can join The Russian Empire if you want? white sphere alliance, not sure what you want and not sure what i can tell you in which to join us if interested sign up http://russianempire.forummotion.com/portal.htm also if you do join background check will be done to make sure what happened with your old alliance wasn't directly your fault and by bringing you into mine you don't bring trouble with you, standard practice any alliance that gives you a spot without even checking of your standings with others is simply foolish, pretty much me covering all the bases don't want rouges, plenty of chances to get into our Govt i still require to Ministers so i'll personally interview you if you show interest to see your past govt experience
  6. i should be asleep... not really but it would be nice, i should get another treaty up and sorted soon.,,
  7. haha we had our treaty with them first, but Mada was to lazy to go announce it, funny how the treaties are exactly the same pretty much word for word the one i had with you guys i hope was not simply copy and paste =P
  8. added though i not sure what Immigration has to do with this Treaty
  9. bump for Canada and all its members shall grace in our PIAT http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=63581
  10. working with Canada is great http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=63581
  11. TCoC really gets around with these PIATs, We at The Russian Empire gladly announce it (cause John can't do it on his cellphone) and we wish for great relations with the future along with other alliances TRE deals with. More than a week late in announcing this but what can we do its far to cold in Canada and Russia to move
  12. Alliance (full name, acronym):The Russian Empire (TRE) Alliance Color: White Alliance IRC Channel: #russianempire URL to forums: http://russianempire.forummotion.com/portal.htm
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