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Bionic redhead

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Everything posted by Bionic redhead

  1. [14:20] <Energizer> That wont be necassary, TPF wont be getting peace. bwahahaha
  2. Awesome, we've removed a whole month of nation building from blackwater. If this keeps up, fark will (unfortunately) head the same way. Considering Blackwater threatened to organise a coalition against us, I'm wondering who's the next alliance they're going to throw at us.
  3. This will not stand, good sir.
  4. Official title correction: when good raids get better
  5. "Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack." Rule of Acquisition Number 109. Might not want to declare victory until your opponents are no longer able to fight.
  6. Because it's far more fun to poke holes in people's metaphors.
  7. So your plan is to get killed an awfull lot then? Couldn't you have picked a better battle?
  8. That's a lie; I give in all the time. Usually to my urge to headbutt stupid people. Anyway, get well soon.
  9. Hate you both. I wanted to say that.
  10. Yes, you can defend yourselves. Unless their's even the slightest bit of dissent in the ranks. In which case you have to depose your leader, form a comittee and then surrender. And FYI; the 'of course we can fight, we're a sanctioned alliance' defence is a terrible idea.
  11. My apologies. You were the closest to a figurehead I could think of. Is anyone from trouble going to hand back Eddy's testicles?
  12. So, when is Desperado handing your testicles back?
  13. We don't mind. And honestly, tibs, you should know better than this. Threads like this never get the result you want.
  14. Watch out, trouble's trying to troll us
  15. No, I commented about how you decided to attack KD ingame and how gaby could do it himself (if he so chose), you said gaby was probably too busy to attack him, so I pointed out that he doesn't necessarily have to attack him straight away. What's so nonsensical about that?
  16. Because I'm sure that not attacking the very second a topic is made is going to absolutely ruin gaby.
  17. Is Gaby suddenly unable to defend himself?
  18. Blaming someone because you don't like them counts as a good reason? That's the equivalent of me saying something rude about your parentage and upbringing, then you not being allowed to respond to it. Now I know you wouldn't like that, so perhaps it's inadvisable to say that other people should be allowed to do it.
  19. I expected as much. But if you're going to hit up a guy just for land and tech, be honest about it.
  20. Right, I've done some investigating and here's what I've found: On the evening of the 12th September, Gabyral and Dogbite found that the TPF forums were about to have the server wiped clean and that the payment renewal was set to expire. Both were due to happen at midnight on the 12th. Gabyral and Dogbite were able to prevent both these events in the nick of time (think Goldfinger-esque prevention in the last second). Gabyral assumed KD was responsible for this as very few people have access to these settings and KD was leaving. Discussion of the facts with the involved parties (KD, dogbite, gaby) has led me to the following facts: 1 - There is no evidence to suggest KD has commited any wrongdoings 2 - There is significant evidence that KD did not have any internet access between the 11th and 13th of September 3 - KD had been trying to peacefully retire from TE in the days before he quit. 4 - The server wipe and payment renewal failure are probably linked 5 - The payment renewal failure could be caused by the company Dogbite is paying. Finally, this leads me to the conclusion that KD is innocent. However, this does lead me to three suggestions: 1 - Gabyral owes KD an appology for accusing him of trying to destroy the TPF forums 2 - KD owes Gabyral an appology for making this all public 3 - Tiberius and thewolf owe KD an appology for attacking him over this 4 - It's time this incident was put to rest.
  21. Or he has a, y'know, dynamic IP address.
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